1 Post – 11 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Vegan, triathlete, P.E. student, Unix user and lover. Interests: human and sport phisiology, biochemistry, pedagogy, literature, street art, music and programming.

Same here OP

Bram will be missed. ✊🏾 :wq

Looks incredibly good!

I'm trying to give a shot até OpenBSD in some architetures.

Your wi-fi worked out of the box?

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Wow, amazing. Definetely a light theme that i would use. Really aestethic and cohesive. Maybe Will try to reach something like It someday.

Btw, i have a N150P too i run Void with i3wm+i3blocks+rofi. Love the small machines, i use It to college works and study in general. It still has a battery that holds about 2 hours of reading or text editing.

Why do you have that opinion?

Btw, I'm about to test OpenBSD both in a laptop and Banana Pi-M5, reading the docs, mailing lists and other sources. I'm liking how OpenBSD is build and its objectives.

Another doubt of mine is about power consumption, any thoughts on it too?

Which one you use?

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Nice! I'm thinking about getting a 3040.

I use It for webserver in a SBC and two notebooks.

I'm using Void in two laptops one x86_64 and other i686, both work very good, i'm in my way to put It on my maing machine too. Void + i3 very sane and produtive to me.

Btw I'm working to put up a server with OpenBSD in a BPI-M5.

I suggest you to try Void.

What about hosting a web server, would it not be quite a change too?