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Joined 1 years ago

I kinda see where you're coming from but junk fees are really something that affects everyone, especially those near the bottom of society. Stuff like cell phone fees inflating phone prices, online commerce fees making transactions more expensive, credit card/banking fees, overdraft fees a literal tax on being poor, convenience fees because they can, maintenance fees. It all adds up to tens of billions of dollars annually.

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That entirely depends on who your subscribed to. Personally all my stuff channels like Numberphile/computerphile, or SmarterEveryDay, and plenty of Blender3d tutorial channels, animators, and a whole bunch of other informative channels.

You can still write in his name on the ballot. Nobody is going to arrest you for that. Ridicule you, sure, but not arrest you.

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Right but how much of our daily existence is tied to the internet? Like all of our banking systems, our commerce, communications, infrastructure.

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Thats part of the point, It makes the upfront pricing more visible. Clear, easy to understand information means better purchasing decisions are made by consumers.

It's a lot harder to sell a $1500 phone than it is to sell a $1000 phone with $500 in extra fees tacked on at the time of purchase.

If you're purchasing a phone ABC phone company and XYZ phone company might both offer the latest iDroid model for $1000+tax and fees, but you have no idea what the specifics of those taxes and fees are until you actually get to the point of sale.

As how Marx outlined Communism as the evolution of Capitalism once it reaches a scale of production that everyone can have their needs met, resulting in a classless, stateless, moneyless society, then yes authoritarian communist is an oxymoron.

Once you get a hang of how the fediverse works in general, it's pretty good so far. Using mostly mobile atm, nice and clean, functional pretty similar experience to reddit. Aside from a few features missing like search, I'd imagine there is plenty of room for moderator tools too, and the occasional error codes, I'm loving it so far. No ads, just content, and while it's not the firehose that reddit is/was, if this keeps getting popular, I could forsee just as many communities popping up across instances as there are subreddits.

I'm sure with the influx of users from reddit, especially the more technically savvy mods we're going to see a lot of good tools made for the app and with it being open source, I imagine the devtimes are going to be even quicker than dealing with an ok API.

So First Past the Post and the electoral college aren't mutually exclusive.

The electoral college is voting logistics, a relic of a time when sending paper ballots in a sealed box from Vermont or Georgia to Washington was a months long horseback ride through dangerous territories. It was a clever solution to solve the logistics of running a democracy on the technology they had at the time.

First Past the Post is a simple voting system where each persong gets one vote with one name on it. Whichever candidate gets the most votes wins. The problem with it is it tends toward 2 parties through the spoiler effect. If there are 2 parties that run similar enough platforms, that splits the voting base, because either party will satisfy those issue needs, but the opposition to those issues would be one big voting bloc. Thus the 2 losing parties will siphon off voters from the other losing party until eventually one party remains.

It's why the Dems in this country range from vaguely progressive corporate neoliberals (think Biden or Pelosi) or to highly progressive further left wing* people (think Bernie or AOC. And Republicans range from conservative corporate neolibs (think Romney or McCain) to reactionaries and outright fascists (think Boebert and Marjorie Green).

*compared to the rest of our representatives in America

Eh, it's just shifting of how written work is relfective our spoken word. It's pretty rare for me to use a stronger "ah" sound when saying "would have" most of the time defaulting to a softer schwa sound, which sounds almost exactly how how "of" sounds. English has been changing and evolving for centuries. There's even major epochs like the great vowel shift. Hell if Shakespeare were around today and making the drastic changes to the english language like he did back then he'd be crucified by internet prescriptivists for using English improperly.

If you'd like something a bit more modern, Mark Twain broke english rules all the time in his writings and he's considered one of, if not, the greatest American writers.

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On Reddit, I always had fresh content, which I'm not really seeing here

Eh That comes with time, I'm sure there were people back during the Digg exodus that complained Reddit didn't have as much content. It's all user generated stuff, so more users, more content, best we can do is step up ourselves and get the content going.

Or Ctrl+Shift+P for Firefox

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That us just incorrect, his plays marked major shifts in the style of writing for the english language, many writers after him adopted his style and the new mechanics he was making in his plays.

Yeah it does break the pattern but there isn't much of an option that keeps everything super clean like tjat, unless it's something like ctrl alt N for a private window.

If thar were the case, what sorts of duties would such a position entail?

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Tears of Grace has some videos that just showcase the... brokenness, seems a bit forgiving as a term, of the game.

A collection of tools to navigate the fediverse in general would be nice too A way to discover other instances, see which instances are communicating with each other, that sort of thing. But yeah being able to filter out specific instances would be great there's a lemmynsfw instance that I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't want to see that kind of content.