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Joined 1 years ago

She established the award with them, while she was still alive.

[Edit: they've since changed the criteria for the award.]

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Is that beard to make him look younger? Because it looks like that beard you sometimes see on young guys figuring out that they can't really grow a decent beard...

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I was really hoping to see him almost fall over, but that was really a nothing. I hate him too, but stooping to exaggerations like this is kind of pathetic.

One of the lost books of the bible featured Satan picking some especially sinful dude and telling him to build an ark too.

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Flaws I didn't pay for piss me off a lot less.

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Oh they thought of that, there's a whole bunch of cushions glued to that side of it.

Because these arbitrary generation groups popularized by media are bullshit.

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People can be pretty immature at 40 also.

And not every relationship has to be the last one. You learn from every relationship.

It's like an internet poop knife.

So then if you get caught and these are taken away from you, I assume you can declare it as a loss and get an equivalent deduction the next year? I wonder if anyone's ever used this to their advantage to game their tax rates?

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Visiting Iceland I was just introduced to licorice and chocolate (mostly in the form of chocolate covered licorice candy bars). In some parts of the world, like the US, I think this is an unfamiliar combination, but it's pretty good.

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I love how everyone evidently knows what dinosaurs sound like.

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Is there a hidden tool for that?

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And further thanks for taking this much care wrt backwards compatibility and helping clients avoid breaking.

Then "your welcome" implies you might not be welcome. Seems like either both work or both are problematic, he can't have it both ways.

Found the Amazon employee?

A duckduckgo search is a Bing search

If he didn't want people to pronounce it two different ways he should have spelled it differently.

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Does any of that explain the 404? An even 400ml is very close to 14 imperial ounces. 14.078. 404 makes it further off and a weird number in any units I've tried coverting it to.

The thing is, some of the really bad cases still get modeling jobs, which says that someone thinks the bad cases actually look good.

Even some of the subtler cases look off to me, giving a certain distinctive artificial look. I don't doubt that if you see it enough it starts to look natural, but to me that just makes it worse.

I'll avoid the word normal, but definitely not something most people would ever do. (It's the sort of thing I might do though.)

Obviously I don't know the details of your back pain, but I would caution you that doing stuff like that (focusing intently on something in front of you, possibly bending over slightly, for an extended period of time) is probably not good for your back.

Coffee cookies & cream

Funny, I just finally gave up on it just a few months ago and moved on Quod Libet.

Old school tech? Do people get offended by Commodore 64s? Danger of triggering punch card PTSD?

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I can't help but wonder, did they really use the word 'exogenous' in a poll of average Americans?

RCN aka Astound doesn't just not list fees, they don't list what their Internet service base cost is except for new sign ups. After the new signup period runs out, the price is several times that.

Not just control. Manipulation, subtle and not-so-subtle.

How has no one mentioned saskatoons / juneberries / serviceberries yet? Looks like a blueberry except it grows on a tree.

Asking why like this has the implicit flawed premise that human behaviors like this are products of conscious thought. They are not. (I don't mean this as a criticism of you particularly, it is inherent in our culture to look at everything humans do as if it were rational and conscious, despite the reality that so much is it is not.)

I'd answer this by saying it is human nature. Most people don't think about it and are not aware they are doing it. Many might even deny it. This is not to say individuals can't stop and reflect and be conscious and rational about. Some do but most don't.

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This is an interesting analogy. I do get the sense that many waitresses and waiters hate their job, and do it because of lack of other options. However I do feel that by using their services and paying them, I'm helping them. They've made this choice, under a certain amount of coercion from the circumstances and system (which most of us suffer from to some degree, working because we have to), but my helping them get paid is helping them. I do find it important to be nice to them and treat them as real people, even moreso than people with whom my interaction is on a more equal footing.

However there is nuance here in matters of degree. I think I can tell when a place treats their staff well or shittily--it tends to slow in their attitude. I prefer not to patronize a place when I get that shitty vibe.

It's interesting to think about how this translates to sex work. If I used such services, I would want to feel like the person I paid somewhat enjoyed her job.

Better yet he should do what OP did and go to a place that will support him being a good boss.

I second this. The only reason click bait trash thumbnails work is people accepting it.

Western culture is (as is every other culture) indeed infused with religion. There are lots of good things that come from it. Are we to throw them away because they are "tainted" by some religious element in their origin or development?

We've ended up in a very culturally poor place because in moving away from religion we throw so much out. Babies with bath water, as it were.

We've moved to a rationalist mentality without a good understanding of how man is an inherently cultural animal. And culture until recently was very hard to separate from religious aspects.

Note that I am an atheist myself, not brought up religious, and I don't have answers to how to resolve this awkward place we have gotten to. But I'm quite sure that avoiding cultural elements simply because there is a religious taint is not helpful. Are we to throw away all of Bach's music?

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So if we bring Spanish and Italian cars together, do they make more cars?

You own a lot of stock in eyemasks?

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It's taking semantics from one frame of reference and trying to apply them in the frame of reference of an entirely different scale, realizing that it doesn't work the same way, and then claiming that it is therefore "wrong".

Aren't their embedded systems that run the Linux kernel without the core-utils (maybe with busybox instead) and would therefore be non-gnu linux variants?

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Some of us were bad at it as kids too.

The big advantage IMHO, is the out of the box BTRFS set up that lets you simply roll back to a non-broken state, right from the grub menu, should an update break your system. I haven't had to use it yet, but it is a huge source of comfort knowing it is there.

Also, many people coming to opensuse remark how much snappier it is than other distros.

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