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Joined 12 months ago

The bystander video is shown here:

Video shows three cops chasing a suspect. The first cop tackles the kid and proceeds to punch him. The second cop run up with gun drawn and shots the kid in less than a second while the first cop is still busy wrestling.

IMHO, the 2nd cop's shooting was incredibly unsafe since he was shooting a suspect wrestling another cop from less than 1 foot away. As far as I can tell, the cop basically ran up to the kid, put his gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. You can not tell from THIS video if there was a gun in the kids hand, but I can't believe the first cop would not have tackled him if there was! There is no way this is a good shooting.

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There also should be body-cam video that should portray a reasonable unbiased view of the situation.

Thank you. It should be fixed now.

Yeah, guilty as charged and I don't even mind.

I buy the games on sale if I play them then good for me, if I don't then I supported developers. I see no problem here.

Add liberals, scientists, teachers to the end of the list.

This comment is the equivalent of trying to have a real conversation with someone and they start singing a commercial jingle.

"the 1% get all the money" "And then what" "They get to hoard it"

I'll take a 5 sec delay over ads any fucking day of the week.

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This should 100% be televised. This affects us all. This was the attempted overthrow of our democracy and justice should not be hidden.

There is way more benefit then problem with this IMHO.

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The idea that if you're still living at home that your parents are still taking care of you. That they still make your food, do you laundry, pay your bills, etc. there is also a stereotype that you're emotionally stunted since you haven't moved out and had to take care of yourself. This is often summarized in the neck beard living in his parents basement meme.

I'm not saying this is true, but that's the idea.

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I liked the random.exe that unmuted your computer, turned the volume to max, and said "hey everybody, I'm downloading pornography!". My friend got a big kick out of that when he ran it at work. .......ah, those were the days....

"When you're used to feeling on top, equality feels like oppression."

Do you guys not remember how the SS "accidentally" deleted all the texts from SS agents on the day of Jan 6th? "Whoops! Our bad!" Heads should have rolled big time!

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You are not alone. I'm a well paid engineering manager in silicon valley and I'm target demo for Teslas. I'm 90% sure I'll buy an electric car for our family's next car, however I absolutely won't buy a Tesla as long as he's running the company. And I like Teslas. I just dislike Musk more.

His personality probably changed when he started taking all the drugs.

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OK... so this is weird. The Supreme court just upheld that the funding structure of the CFPB was constitutional overruling the 5th circuit ruling that the CFPB funding structure was unconstitutional... But THIS federal judge just used the 5th court unconstitutionality ruling as the basis for why this CFPB credit card rule was unconstitutional (the CFPB is unconstitutional so any decision they make is invalid). It seems like he's leaning on a just overturned ruling to make this decision. Is this just a case of a timing error where everything in the credit card fee case was filed before he Supreme Court overruled the 5th circuit's ruling or is there another argument there?

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As an American I don't get this either. You want to cut on my child's penis the day after he's born?! The fuck? Who says yes to that?

Let's imagine an alternate scenario for a second. Let's say there was a Black Lives Matter protest and they broadcast the same stuff that these guys did. "Come to the capital protest!" "It will be wild!" Etc. Then let's say AOC got up there and said "lets march to the capital!"... Imagine this happened while Trump is in office.... and you know for a FACT there would have been tanks in the street and attack helicopters in the air and solders with guns drawn before then even got close to the capital.

The lack of response is how you know this was a Trump planned event. Only a fucking moron would not see the obvious.

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Yeah, isn't it like practicing? You're not very good at something so you practice over and over and over and hopefully when you're done you do it better... You know different than when you started.

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So... they occupy the building. Trump moves in with the military to "protect the capital" and says "we're postponing the results of the election until we can resolve the election irregularities". He then weeds out the generals in the military that show resistance to going along with things. Then he basically just extends the deadline for when he'll hand power back indefinitely. Then he finds a way to blame the democrats for the Jan 6th stuff and locks them up, and voilĂ , coup complete.

The republicans would have gone along with this is a heart beat.

The dropping interest rate is one of the main reasons that housing prices have skyrocketed in the past 20 years. People judge housing prices by what they can afford monthly and interest rates directly impact that figure. It's only a matter of time for housing prices to fall drastically if interest rates remain at 7%.

And yes, I have a 500k loan at 2.5% on a 30yr fixed mortgage. Maybe we'll sell our house in 15 years, but otherwise, forget it! I have zero interest in paying it off early.

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Yeah, I call bullshit on this. Not washing under your foreskin is how you get an infection, not washing there too much.

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I left as soon as RIF went offline for my account. Mid-tier user with reasonable posts volume. Been on reddit since the big Digg migration. Now I'm here.

I miss a few things about it... the constantly refreshing front page, the indepth sub-reddits on smaller topics, and my post history. But I haven't gone back. Nor am I likely to unless management changes or they change their tone, neither of which is likely. Oh well, out with the old, in with the new.

Limited to mobile add-ons.

If the thing you took away from the Trump presidency was that the American democratic system was robust, then you really weren't paying attention.

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Ben Carson... I thought he died.

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I don't want Texas to secede, they would be a shitty ass neighbor.

There was a clause in the contract that said if he backed out he would have to pay $1 billion. Who knew that would actually have saved him way more to exercise that clause.

This 100% sounds like him. I don't see any reason to doubt it given that if someone was going to make something up it wouldn't sound like this.

It stokes his ego. People have to listen to him and he can promote his own voice far beyond what it's worth.

Why do you think he regrets buying Twitter? He thinks he's saving the world from leftist propaganda. He will never be poor. It would hurt to lose 40B, but not that much. Only his ego would feel it.

But the reality is managers want to pick who gets laid off. It's not that they want to just cut heads and reduce costs... upper management. may want that... but the actual managers want to keep their best and brightest. They know who the people are who get shit done, and they want to keep those people. Rto tends to have the opposite effect.

The reality is it is often the best employees, the most experienced employees, and some very high level employees who have the most confidence and are most willing to say " screw you, I know I can find a job somewhere else" And give the middle finger to the employer who's trying to do an RTO plan.

Don't be fooled by the headlines. Real businesses want to control who they let go. They want to have all the power in the relationship. They want to cut their lower performers and keep their superstars. RTO is about the worst head cutting program you could dream up.

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The US only has a positive birth rate because of immigration. It probably won't be that long before we in the US follow Japan's example and offer incentives for people to be parents. After all, if the R's are feeling more that the "immigration is poisoning the blood of our nation and D's are in favor of helping young people have kids, everything is in alignment for that to work.

  1. Going to collage and experiencing the wide gamut of experiences there.
  2. Meeting my wife and her saying yes to going on a date with me my last year of college.
  3. Living in a foreign country (Japan) for 3 years for work with my wife and having 2 kids while I was there.
  4. Having kids (3 in total)
  5. Designing and building our own house.

This comment requires more detail. As far as I can tell the search bar is only useful for typing "cmd" and getting a command prompt window. I'm pretty sure that's all I ever use it for....

Windows search sucks balls so hard it boggles the mind how it can suck so bad. It's like they created the search bar for Windows XP and haven't updated it since. How can a company with so many smart people create something that shitty and never fix it?

So anyway, if I'm missing the toggle for "make windows search not suck", please fill me in.

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Look that's nice and all, but it's not going away and it's only going to get worse. The age of fake AI porn is only beginning. Full-on porn videos where you can take a couple of photos of someone and the AI will build a model of the person and insert them into the porn video is coming. Whether this is done for laughs, from embarrassment, or because it's sexy doesn't matter.

This genie is not going back in the bottle. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We are moving towards an age where you will be able to have virtual sex with anyone you want as long as you have a picture or video of them. VR sex and a porn game that can map someone into a character isn't that far away. It really doesn't harm anyone if we quit being such prudes.

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Spoken like someone who doesn't understand tax brackets or math.

The simple reason is that it depends on what in the floor can't actually handle the 2000 lbs. If it's a floor 1'x1' floor tile that will break, then Elon is right. If the loade limit is a beam that spans a larger distance, then he's totally wrong.

In places like a server room, you typically have a raised floor that supports tiles in the neighborhood of 1.5'-3 feet square. (The raised floor allows for all the cabling and air con to be run around the systems.) If you say that the floor can't support more than 2000lbs that typically means they can't guarantee enough of a safety margin and you run the risk of the object breaking through the floor. Musk's wheel argument is crap unless he can be sure each wheel is not on the same floor support area. (Which obviously he can't.)

However floors the spec will typically have some safety margin and that probably kept him from going through the floor. His logic, while not 100% wrong in the basic statement, lacked a deeper understanding of what was going on and certainly doesn't help the idea that he's a Tony Stark genius. It was a Dunning-Kruger level dumb statement to make.

If this statement was made in isolation I would give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he realized it was a stupid statement once he said it but he just didn't bother to correct himself. However he's made so many dumb and arrogant statements over the past few years, I assume it was just a dumb unsophisticated statement from someone who isn't that bright.

The only person who I've heard be in love with RFK Jr. was a former Trump voter.

But you don't understand. Billionaires earn their money. They're superior to us. They make that much because they're just much better people than the rest of us. If you stood next to Musk you would notice the heat radiating from his head as his massive Iron-Man like intellect dwarfs your puny brain. You should be in awe of his superiority and beg to have his children (even if you're a guy). Clearly they should be rewarded for all their helping society and their taxes should be LOWERED, not increased.

The REAL billionaire problem is that we don't have enough of them!

According to Elon musk, it's a feature, not a bug.