1 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago



Not true in the US. They could ban anyone born in the entire month of April, or anyone who "looks like a pot smoker" if they wanted to.

Applicants, employees and former employees are ONLY protected from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical history).

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The IDF spokesman in the clip confirmed they were aware of refugee women and children in the location before deciding to go ahead with the bombing.

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Why are you pasting this exact same comment on any threads where the Israeli narrative is questioned? I'm trying to figure out if you're part of a Mossad information op, or just a naive Fox News viewer.

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You seriously think the Palestinians have rockets that can single-handedly destroy hospitals, killing hundreds of people? Can you link me to a single other instance of a rocket doing similar amounts of damage?

No, you can't. Because this is much more consistent with the damage caused by modern munitions manufactured by the US and provided to Israel.

You are biased as fuck.

If you read it closely, they say they "reserve the right to" delete the accounts/data after 2 years of inactivity. They don't actually say they will.

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I've had Google Play Music (and YouTube Premium as a freebie) since it launched at $7.99 per month. Folks like me who were grandfathered in at that price just got an increase to $13.99, which forced me to cancel. I can't afford restaurants or takeout anymore with inflation as bad as it is, and I guess I can't afford YouTube either.



The biggest favor you've ever done for anyone in your entire life is.... Buying a pack of cigarettes?!


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I'm in the middle of taking a year off of work to answer this exact question. My answer turned out to be:

-Spend a month driving my Jeep around the northwest US, camping my way through National Forests and BLM land

-Buying a sailboat on the Puget Sound and spending a few months fitting it out with modern electronics and Starlink internet

-Sailing from abandoned island to abandoned island, stopping to explore the historic downtown waterfront district of some random town every week or so

(Posted from 30 yards off the shore of Hope Island Marine State Park near Olympia, WA)

Good for MS, bad for humanity. I believe one of the worst possible timelines for the average human is one where for-profit capitalist entities control access to AGI and horde all the benefits accrued from it. OpenAI was founded specifically to avoid this - with a complicated governance structure designed to ensure true AGI would end up owned by humanity with the benefits shared by all.

The OpenAI board and top researchers made a desperate bid to prioritize safety over profits, and even with that elaborate governance structure behind them capitalism still seems to have found a way to fuck us.

Today we saw Satya Nadella and Sam Altman steer humanity further from a possible utopia and closer to.... Cyberpunk 2077.

Good luck everyone!

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Did you read the article? X is alleging that media matters had to manipulate their platform in order for it to generate these ads next to the hateful accounts. According to their records, those ads only appeared one time, for the user account associated with Media Matters. This supports their theory that manipulation was required.

I guess we'll have to wait for the court case to find out who's right. But immediately assuming the X lawsuit has no merits just because you don't like Elon Musk is a bit disingenuous.

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I assume everyone is afraid they'll lose their jobs and have their social media accounts banned if they post a comment, thereby revealing they engaged with "anti-semitic" media. Guess I'll go first then.

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+1 for SponsorBlock. I absolutely hate when videos spoil themselves within the first 3 seconds thanks to those fucking intros.

Thereby proving everything the board feared about him. Good riddance.

I think the answer to your question might be subtly embedded in the second paragraph of the article.

"U.S. forces came under attack three times on Sunday evening, including near the Al Omar Oil field... the official told Reuters."


Remember the end of every Mythbusters episode where they went wild trying to see what it would take for the myth to actually be true? Let's apply that here. What would be the best way to vaporize an entire 30-50g of live resin and get an entire room of people high using household materials?

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What is it? Any context about why I should care that you might be willing to include?

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I'm playing X4 Foundations right now. It's like someone mixed the best parts of Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, and Stellaris into one single-player game. And it runs on the Steam Deck to boot!

You've just described the "Genetic Fallacy", one of the most common and easy to avoid of the logical fallacies. Remember to always evaluate arguments based on their merits and the facts at hand, rather than the source!

Mark Zuckerberg was on the Lex Friedman podcast less than a week ago talking about this, and he said meta would continue to open source their models until they reach the point of "super intelligence".

So what changed in the last week?

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I agree that the core claim of the MM report is not under dispute. But take a look at their article now that you know the context around how those ads were generated.

I don't know if it's defamatory, but you have to agree that it comes off as a bit disingenuous based on the new info from X. Of course that info from X could be BS, which is why I said we'll have to wait for the court case to know for sure.

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The only way you could think this bill targets end-to-end encryption is if you only read the terrible headline and didn't bother to read the actual bill. Before you freak out about paragraph 4, be sure to look at paragraphs 1-3.

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I believe one of the worst possible timelines for the average human is one where for-profit capitalist entities control access to AGI and horde all the benefits accrued from it. OpenAI was founded specifically to avoid this - with a complicated governance structure designed to ensure true AGI would end up owned by humanity with the benefits shared by all.

The OpenAI board and top researchers made a desperate bid to prioritize safety over profits, and even with that elaborate governance structure behind them capitalism still seems to have found a way to fuck us.

Today we saw Satya Nadella and Sam Altman steer humanity further from a possible utopia and closer to.... Cyberpunk 2077.

Good luck everyone!

Except there are specific exclusions in the bill to address this. Hell, the three paragraphs before the one mentioning "deliberately blinding" are all dedicated to explaining why it doesn't apply to end-to-end encryption.

I've got a Rock64 running OpenMediaVault with about 6-10 Docker containers. Works great and the power consumption is very minimal (~1A).

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Not only does this bill not have anything to do with searches or seizures by the government, it goes out of its way not to require cloud providers to perform any searches of their own. Where are you seeing a 4th amendment violation?

What does RCT3 stand for?

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Wasn't Constantine a Christian? LMAO

1lb Ground Turkey: $3.17
6oz Fritos: $2.92
2 cloves garlic: $0.10

Total Price: $6.09 / 4 burgers = $1.50 per 1/4lb patty.

Or you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle and use that money to get an account with a Usenet provider. You still end up downloading everything at full speed over HTTPS, but you don't have to bother with the extra step of waiting for your seedbox to download the torrent.

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Twitter didn't say they had government appointed staff. They said they were "state affiliated". Which you just confirmed as 100% true.

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Thanks to the N7 logo next to your name, I read this comment in Commander Shepard's voice. "Kleenex brand - now with LOTION! - is the only tissue on the Citadel that I'll trust my nose to!"


Can I use this app with the instance?

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Thanks! It's installed on my sailboat, so the primary concern was efficiency from a power perspective. I wanted something I could run off 12V DC with the lowest possible power consumption that would still do the job.

I've got it running the Jellyfin/Radarr/Sonarr/Sabnzbd stack for media server purposes and PiHole for DNS. Even with DDclient and Wireguard containers running, the CPU utilization at idle averages around 25%.

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I know Lex can be somewhat controversial but you have to admit he does get some amazing guests that you can't really hear anywhere else.

So creating a text-based AI that impersonates influencers or celebrities is a "cool feature" to "increase engagement" and is totally viable to release to the public, but doing the (checks notes) same thing using voice is incredibly "dangerous" and needs to be protected?

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Such an intellectual!

I'm still waiting for split-screen coop on the PC version of the Master Chief Collection. Something they managed to achieve easily enough when Halo CE launched on PC 22 years ago still eludes developers today...

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No doubt - the advertisers are 100% right to pull out. I was only answering the original commenter that asked how the MM report could be considered defamatory. I definitely didn't intend to come across as a Musk apologist.

What if we made a Star Trek movie, but with a smaller 50-100M budget so we can gear it towards existing Star Trek fans instead of hiring JJ Abrams to churn out another generic summer Blockbuster with a thin veneer of Star Trek branding.

In this movie, there will be no violence and the ship won't even fire its' weapons. The script will be thought-provoking with a heavy focus on space and science interweaved with humanist philosophy where the crew overcome some sort of moral or ethical dilemma.

In other words... a Star Trek movie, for fans of Star Trek movies, made in the style of the first Star Trek movies.

Thanks for this comment. I just set this up on my Chromecast HD and it works incredibly well. I may just cancel YouTube premium now!