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Joined 1 months ago

It's not like they don't know how to make a good game. They don't have to reinvent the wheel. Take Skyrim, make a new land with new characters and new quests, make it 4 times as pretty, fix the biggest bugs. Maybe make the quests a smidge more complex. Boom.

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If a person cannot accept the reality of hygeine and cannot take criticism, they are unfit to lead.

I already have it is body

Chaps and dames

more importantly, I don't know why he would want such a thing

Are you sure you're human?

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Codify Roe

Enact nationwide RCV at all levels of elections (anyone who is going to argue they can't, if Trump can destroy things you thought couldn't be destroyed, we can do the opposite)

SCOTUS term limits and packing (expand it from 1 court to multiple courts, have each case only seen by 1 court, split the incumbent fascists across the multiple courts so their extremist views only ever amount to a minority dissent)

Pardon all non-violent drug offenders at every level of incarceration (play hardball with state officials who don't cooperate)

Mandate all government buildings get their power 100% from renewables

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Another indicator that Trump is bad, which we really didn't need

I once ran out of questions I could answer on OKCupid.

He said "I will," not "I would" or "I will if you want." He is saying he will act regardless of consent. That's not an offer, it's a threat. Calling it an offer is disinformation.

She would be looked down upon. That's not the same thing as harassment.

Sooo I guess they can't order anything from a counter, tell employees what size they need etc.

So the men do all the shopping then, do they?

"Especially the young ones that look like my daughter."

Mixed with John Travolta

Then aged in a dungeon 50 years

It's just support that's going away, not the OS.

women are my favorite guy

I think that's just Firefox's default, not based on my searches.

"Wannabe musician"

Aaaand that's a block!

I see a utensil there, and that soup looks like it needs it

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A super user, specifically, hence superuser do.

Cartman has good points more often than Dumpy

I thought the ivermectin crowd all died out?

Darksiders II. Got to the part where the puzzles start being timed. Don't solve it fast enough? Fall in a vat of lava.

I can probably handle the puzzles but I don't need the anxiety right now.

Maybe I'll pick it back up someday.


Ok, so don't paint it on any concave surfaces. Most buildings have flat or convex surfaces.

They're still here, talking about how Harris hasn't solved the Israel situation yet, despite having been President of the Earth for 20 years now.

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At some point you'll think "oh hey that was a good tip" if you have the capacity for reflection

Chilling in Windows 7

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