6 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Be the change you want to see, post new things, comment on stuff, upvote away.

A big mind shift from reddit is that the contribution doesn't have to be the most interesting, insightful, or novel. When you're in a giant community it can feel like you have to have the most incredible thing to feel like its worth posting. Here you can experiment so much more

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Joined Monday, started two communities, subbed to what I like, and making an effort to post way more than I did elsewhere. Joined LW because had issues Monday and I really didn't understand the difference. Using Jerboa on the phone, its all working way more smoothly than I thought it would

Yes, its even listed on the Wiki page for reddit under 2016 controversies

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If you build it they will come

Yes, if the 10-15% using 3PA or old.reddit leave I think they are prepared to take that it and carry on. If even a fraction of that base moves over here I'd much rather use this

Yeah, and active vs hot isn't too much different for me at the moment. Right now I sort by new and just try to grow the threads

City Skylines 2! The trailer looked good and they are including more in the base then CS1, plus it seems they have responded to some feedback on cars and including parking for the amount in the game

I know that was ~12 years ago, but to go from that to "we will continue to be profit-driven until we are profitable" is one hell of a character arc for a website

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Yep, its helpful to just let people know there are alternatives. While everyone was angry it just didn't feel like there was anywhere else to go and it felt kinda hopeless. Lemmy is not the same as reddit, but to me its a viable alternative and the people that will want to put in effort on it are the people I want to help and see posts and comments from

Yeah, the digg v4 move didn't have identical reasons as now, but it sure felt familar

I'm glad you were able to recognize the quality of life imprisonment that work from home brought you and the impact it has on you and your family. With more and more ppl back in the office, WFH has shifted from a safety necessity to another 'perk' that companies can offer, like 401k matching or a 4/10 work schedule.

You are doing the right thing by standing your ground, you are indicating to them that they are in danger of losing talent if they do not continue to offer this competitive advantage to their employees, which should be a no-brainer with the work environment you described.

This should not preclude you from raises imo, and you are smart to be preparing your resume and looking for better opportunities. It is always smart to keep your options open. Good luck!

Look up Digg v4. I was mainly a digg user until this point in Aug 2010. They redesigned the website and took away the downvote button. There were also increasing concerns from the frequent posters that the front page was getting more and more monolithic, you'd see like 20 stories from 2-3 websites at the top all the time.

Switching over to Reddit at first was hard. The site wasn't "pretty" like digg and the content was much more unfiltered. It was like moving out to the wild west - rough, a little scary, and had a ton to explore

Shut up and take my money any time I see something I'm real excited about for sure

Staying here. Rediscovered what I liked about Reddit in the earlier days - actually engaging. I don't think I've commented, posted, or even upvoted on reddit in like a year. It just seemed pointless and it was just a scroll and read machine. This is much more fun

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The customization, just being able to place icons anywhere on a screen without having to fill from top to bottom. Seems so simple and yet you just don't have the option on Apple. Just an example, but its that over and over again

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Further down the page under "Other Controversies"

As far as I'm aware, you have to fill from the top down. I've seen some work arounds with 'ghost' apps to fill the space, but yeah

I love Jerboa, very minimal which is great for me. If it had a search function it be perfect

Not sure why the downvote, its right there on the website

Yeah it seems like HA OS is the way to go, running the separate Docker containers has been a headache and breaks/take time more than it's worth

Further down the page under "Other Controversies"

Driving rental cars for a couple of years for work, this was super useful


I'll take 'passable fascimile' as a compliment! The real niche subs are hard to reproduce. I started a Nebula one, but that subreddit was only ~5k ppl with comment threads maybe 100 long, so probably will be hard to reproduce here

The barrier to entry is way lower in a community this size. You don't have to have the most witty thing to say or the hottest meme to share. Your comments and posts will probably be seen by more people than in the "viral or bust" of a bigger site. It's a totally different kind of usage and definitely makes me feel more engaged

Crazy to me that maybe 10% of people use old.reddit, but even if only a fraction of them move over that would still be a big growth to LW

I'm on it too, feels like an alpha RIF, but it's clean looking, relatively stable, and easy to use

The Titanic is at like 12,500 ft deep though

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I think the important thing is to keep Spotify from being the only way you can stream music. While I agree you can buy discs or digital downloads, these are fundamentally different methods of consumption from streaming.

Stopping Spotify purchasing the exclusive rights to stream prevents a monopoly where, if you want to stream, you are 'forced' to use Spotify and pay/listen to ads there. Keeping artists' options open allows the most customer-friendly streaming service to win out as consumers choose which streaming service gives them the best product to listen to who they want

10 years for me, just had enough

For anyone trying to google a solution, I got it to work with the below in Portainer

version: '3.7'


    image: 'gthole/drink-stash:latest'
    init: true
    restart: 'always'
      - SECRET_KEY=*enter-a-key-here*
      - ALLOWED_HOSTS=*enter-ip-here*
      - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=*can-be-whatever*
      - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=*make-it-up*
      - INITIAL_FIXTURES=recipes
      - 8081:8000
        - /volume1/docker/drink-stash/data:/data
        - /volume1/docker/drink-stash/public:/public

For me it's the vertical size, fits perfect in my hand and almost all newer phones are longer.

11 years on reddit and seeing its long slow decline its just sad. A return to the basics was very necessary. Removing subs from r/all, messing with the voting, "new" reddit, a clamp down on just kept getting worse and worse. As long as I could use RIF and old.reddit it was fine, but the writing is on the wall at this point.

While most of their users are used to the newer layout from other social media, my goal was always to see the most number of posts I could on a single page and have a clean ad-free experience. Lemmy seems to get this

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