4 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

xD just blocked the spammer and all his comments disappeared. Imagine working so hard to spam and it takes 2s to for someone to hide your posts.

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Weighted blanket

Fuck around and find out

What's up with the ux design of nix? I get it's made for advanced users but still. I'm reading through this guide and man it's convoluted.

The different ways of installing packages. Either through editing the configuration.nix or running a command. The weird inconsistency of nix commands. nix-env -iA to install and nix-env --uninstall to uninstall. Then updating uses nix-channel --update but upgrade uses nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade. All this to use the package manager. Also haven't even mentioned flakes or home manager.

It's a cool OS, but the UX really needs work imo.

[Edit] I do wanna add something else too because I feel like my point isn't getting across.

It's okay to have a complicated ui. Especially if your target audience are tech-savvy. But even tech-savvy people have to start as new users. A tech-savvy new user isn't going to know what the best practices are. Being able to anticipate the steps for installing a package is important for ux. If the commands for installing packages isn't cohesive/intuitive, then the user has to spend more time looking for guides and learning how to use the software.

People also mentioned a new command in the works. This is great! However, these current commands are being recommended through blogs and nix. New users won't know about this new command.

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This isn't really guide. More a tool for finding what makes your system look like a VM. pafish is a good tool for detecting vms. It also tells you what gave it away. You can use pafish to find out what is giving you away and fix it.

My thoughts on this? I think people should care less about what software other people use.

Man, display servers look hard to develop and I'm glad we have two amazing/successful projects to choose between! I think the devs who work on X are doing an amazing job and it's amazing to see how passionate the devs/users are for Wayland.

If bobby tables likes to use x because they know how it works and are comfortable with it, let them work with x! If you think it's okay to judge/pester/shame people because some software they choose to use, shame on you! In the end, does it really matter what you use.

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Log in as root to avoid trying to make sure no files in /home/ are being read/written to.

Step 1: copy data to new drive. Mount new drive to /mnt/. cp -ra /home/* /mnt/. -a means that all permissions remain the same which will mean that your user can still read them. Check the man page for more details. This command will take a while. Use -v to see progress. You should see a folder with your username appear.

Step 2. Prepare /home for new drive. Move the files to a new folder. This is done to make sure you can still easily go back. mv /home/ /home-bak/ keep your old home dir safe in case a mistake was made. mkdir /home/.

Step 3. Mount your new drive. Mount your drive to /home/ and check if you can login. If everything went correctly, you should be able to just login. Finally you need to update your /etc/fstab to include this new drive. This will make sure your home drive mounts when you start your os. If everything is working, you can delete your home-bak as well.

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Why wrap a CLI tool in a docker container? Wouldn't it be simpler to directly compile nyancat to multiple architectures if the goal is to make it run on all platforms?

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Check your storage connection! If storage disconnects, your OS will freeze and stop responding to the keyboard. Also, the os won't be able to write any logs because the storage isn't attached. Even power off won't work because the os can't read any files. This feels very similar to your problem.

For me, my motherboard had a faulty drive controller which would randomly stop working and drives would no longer appear connected.

I'm not sure whether you have the same issue as me but it has the same characteristics as mine. Hope this helps!

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Can someone explain to me why github apparently has bad UX/UI? I always thought the UI has gotten really good over the years.

[Edit] Like there this huge argument in these comments about the release button being all wrong. ??? No clue what people have against it. I thought it was fine? You can use it or not. People link to it if they want it more prominent. Someone explain?

[Edit 2] Also what's up with the people who are vehemently against uploading bins to GitHub releases. This is literally what github is doing on their own repos. Not trying to say that anyone should feel obligated to release bins (CI/CD is a literal job title). People are releasing software for free because they want to. Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Idk I'm gonna stop reading this thread. its driving me crazy.

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Oh metaprogramming! I'm doing a dissertation on this.

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I understand the frustration get how annoying it is but I also can see it from leah perspective. Honestly I think this is a misunderstanding and I don't think anyone is trying to be toxic (at least not initially. The your work was shit comment is rude af)

This may not be what you want to hear but I think you should consider whether all this argument and feeling bad is worth the potential upside. What happened was shitty but you shouldn't let this ruin your day.

Thumbs are fingers and anyone who says otherwise is huffing blue paint

Never realised this was a controversial topic! xD

Isn't that a usa flag hanging into frame. Why would a store in Turkey have the usa flag.

Might even say they ran like A55

Jesus backwards

What is the original size of the program before docker?

edit: Also the docker sandbox is not perfect for running unsafe programs. You could still have programs slow down your entire system by taking as many resources as possible. eg. forkbombs.

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Heya! This isnt true. You are correct that about the broad strokes but there are plenty of examples where this isn't the case. Expert Systems are a very popular form of ai which can be made of only if else statements.

represented mainly as if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code.

Expert systems were among the first truly successful forms of artificial intelligence (AI) software.

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the mv home is just renaming the folder so you can mount home in the same space. Rsync is probably better than cp but I didn't want to suggest tools that op doesn't have installed.

Too many toppings. The pizza base will still be uncooked and squishy. 4/10 recipe

That never stopped me

aren't any devs working on X.

Didn't know about that! Good for them. I would still argue it's a very popular and successful software despite it's unholy codebase.

It really is a "rock and a hard place" ...

Yeah. I hope it's just a vocal minority but it's depressing when you see people act like this in the wild.

Really? What's something more complicated?

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What does the addon do?

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Oh that's good that they are addressing those issues with a new command. Hopefully it gets into stable soon.

Might be that nix-env -iA is bad practice! I'm strictly talking about ux design here and nix-env -iA is being recommend by blogs and nix themselves. (Nixpkgs tells you how to install using nix-env -iA)

A new user isn't going to know what bad practice is.

Nw! Today is your lucky 1 in 10,000 moment.

Oh god so many notifications. My inbox is flooded. I only expected like 20 replies Lol

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This is a rough guide written on mobile. its probably best if someone double check some of this stuff before op tries it.


Cool package manager but constantly breaking compatibility with none nix package managers really annoyed me. (Ghcup, mason, etc...)

Also how difficult they made compiling software from source. I could live with nix packages if I could also compile the programs I need from source.

Great server os. I don't understand how people use it as a daily driver

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Okay wow. I looked into your repo and its a really interesting implementation of a DSL. I think I get what the code is trying to do? You run shimky through bash and it turns into python code? meta programming stuff! I think its a regular language? its hard to tell.

So I've actually been studying DSLs for a few months and I can recommend some ways for you to improve this code if you want.

Why are they in a jungle or not in the same pic

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I'm surprised by how many people are rocking opensuse in this thread. What made you go with opensuse?

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I've been changing my useragent to chrome when I get the adblock popup. I haven't seen any popups while using a chrome user agent. Not sure if it works 100% of the time but I hope it helps!

Maybe an extension you have is blocking something

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Does artix only boot without systemd or is it completely systemd-less? If it is systemd-less, how do services like docker work with that?

Feel like this should be included here. I'm pretty sure I found the original pr. I couldn't find an associate issue so I'm not sure where the miscommunication about waiting happened.

“I’ve used AI to make this game…”

Before artificial intelligence became a marketable buzz word, most games already included artificial intelligence (like NPCs) I guess when you have a GPT shaped hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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I think both nix-env and flakes are designed with making package management easier. Nix-env tries to make it intuitive and familiar for new users. Flakes improve package management by simplifying the configuration.

Personally I would love to see syntax highlighting, language server, code completion. Maybe all in a dedicated application which is configured to give the easiest experience for new users. If nix is intended to be managed through config files, then the experience of writing a config should be as easy as possible.

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I actually can't believe boychesser won. boy chesser