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Joined 1 months ago

Older systems have been known to use the radiators as the expansion tank. this would not meet modern code but plenty of old systems exist.

the others have described things well so read them first!

the irs looks at large charitable donations with suspicion because it is easy for a charity to pretend to do good but really just things the donars would do anyway but now they can deduct it. Thus large donars often have to do a match of smalaer donars as the large donation with no small donars suggests only the rich care and so maybe it isn't really charitable.

remember the above is a factor in some cases but shoud be considered only after you exhaust the other reasons to do this and find they are not enough.

There needs to be space someplace in the system since water expands when it warms. Sometimes that space is in the radiators andso bleeding needs to not let all the air out, for this reason you should get maintenance toefix the problem if one exists so they can balance the system.

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It is what the Russians turned them into. I'd prefer Ukraine was known for food, cement, iron rod, and other industrial equipment -all things that would improve my life. Instead they were attacked thus forcing them to become things that are not nearly as useful to me (or so I hope...)

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Likely far more energy and pollution needed to manufacture this though so overall a loss for the earth.

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I get on the first airplane to Europe and apply for political asylum when I get off.

Unless you already have strong connections and relationships with everyone else in the Kremlin you won't last very long.

It isn't hard to exercise without fancy gym equipment. Every result you want from equipment can be done with body weight and minimal equipment you can make yourself.

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You still need a lot of energy to recycle steel. Less than mining by far but still a lot.

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People mostly didn't ride horses, they had the horse pull wagons but they rode behind. You rode a horse where speed was needed, but that meant you have a series of places to trade out your now-tired horse.

Even horse above is wrong - you probably had oxen to pull the wagons not a horse. Oxen ate a lot less and where a lot easier to work with in general so they would have been preferred. Mules, donkeys, or even goats may have been used as well. There are pros and cons to all choices, but in general the horse was the most expensive and used only where it matters.

The horse was used in the American west above the others though. The prairie soil needed a plow that was pulled faster than the others, and so a horse was needed to break the ground. Cowboys road a horse because in the case of a stampede a horse was tall enough not get you killed (assuming you stayed on it), and fast enough to divert the herd. The above is specific to the situation in the American west and doesn't apply elsewhere. (note the that cowboy stampede situation is similar enough to knights in battle that both would use a horse despite the disadvantages)

The reason we mostly think of the horse is once the plow caught on in the America west it was enough better that much of the rest of the world started adopting it. This needed the industrial revolution to be under way though, and of course the tractor and automobile were not far behind. Before the industrial revolution were thousands of years where the horse was a rich person's toy, most didn't have them and if they had animal labor in reach they would want something else over the horse.

You should take advantage of the free continuing education you likely get. While nurse practicioner isn't quite as high paying you can get there without [more] debt and get raises on the way as you get more deducation.

Pensions are for life so even if you like to 120 you get something. However they are generally limitited to poor rates of return so if you like a more reasonable life time you had much less money to live on.

Google is funding firefox. Who knows how much control they have, but it isn't zero

Everything you do to become a monopoly is legal (or at least should be - there are lots of illegal things you can do along the way but for discussion lets assume/pretend they don't do those things). However it is not legal to be a monopoly.

Likely better for the company officers if you switch so they make it better for you too

Power lifting requires practice of technique to win. However with just body weight and the right technique to make it better you can get as strong. Few people try this though as the good body weight exercise is hard.

Though power lifting can substitute rocks which are easy to "make" at home. (you cannot maintain perfect form with rocks though so you won't win competition, but if strength is the goal rocks work)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against a good set of weights, if you want to buy equipment I'd put good weights at the top of the list of equipment to buy. However you don't need them if you get creative with body weight and are not trying to win competitions (unless the competition is really poor, you need to practice with the right equipment to win).

It wasn't clear that windows 95 would beat OS/2, and OS/2 was clearly the better so I installed that over windows 3.1. Then in college I got introduced to BSD. I still prefer BSD, but sometimes linux has things that BSD doesn't so I use linux in places.

The solution is to keep using craigslist - it still exists and gets some activity. Ensure that it gets more.

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AT what cost? 80,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere wouldn't surprise me...

Plastic in a landfill is a lot less harmful than co2 in the atmosphere.

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Sure but do you have any proof they are doing that? some places are really good and others really bad. Overall my guess is iron is still worse than plastic but there are exceptions.

Nice to see someone being kind to competition

Need to be examined on e case by case basis but plastic often comes out aheadi

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For undeware I don't care. However I expect to reseal my cheese a few times.

Do you really need all that? Is there a local copy shop (often public libraries, drug stores...) that have some of those services? Sometimes they have better quality printers (photo printers for example). While you pay more per page, do you really do whatever it is enough to make it worth the cost of the printer vs just going elsewhere? There are many middle grounds (black and white printer. Use your phone camera as a scanner) that are clearly worse than what you want, but still good enough for most purposes and you can use the better option when you need it.

The answer to the above of course depends on your specific situation so there isn't one right answer. It is always work thinking about though.

If you turn off history you get nothing these days. Or at least that is what I get with firefox and the default ublock. Or maybe google slows loading down and I just don't wait long enough for them to pobulate the homepage.

It doesn't matter as I access youtube by subscriptions only. I don't have time to watch all the videos of interest there, much less scroll for something random.

This question seems to be about things packaged in bags you buy not bags you buy to package your own things.

I noticed the bags my underware came in were bad quality over a decade ago. I didn't care then as I don't know why I want my underware in a stay fresh bag. Those cheap bags are coming to places I care though.

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It means someone else is cheaping out on you. I'm not aware of anywhere that I is your choice, in the US it is my boss

Sure, but if you cannot get past the outside gate the inspection wasn't worth much. (The Army would have no problem opening the gates, but that would probably be worse than whatever evil they are doing inside)

Unfortunately your only option is supporting Genocide. Hamas has made it clear that their goal is genocide of Israel. Israel pretends to not support genocide anyway. There are people who don't support genocide in the area, but they are not the ones who have power.

Often they have to do this. Most places that you would inspect have bio-security, safety, or other policies that need to be followed for good reasons. The first step of any inspection needs to be find out what those policies are and follow them. Generally the policies are reasonable and based off of sound science, but they are just different enough from place to place that you need to check. Often the place you are inspecting will arrange someone who knows the policies to go with you - but they need to ensure that person isn't on vacation (or otherwise doing something that must be done). Of course checking in like that tips people off that you are going to inspect.

If you enter a barn your clothing needs to be disinfected, you need to shower, and you can't enter any other barn for a day (most farms with this policy have more than one barn so the inspection will be several days or you needs lots of inspectors). A forklift will not see you, so you need to understand where the safe places are so the forklift doesn't run you over.

I am for surprise inspections. However there is very good reason you cannot have them despite the value.

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Most companies have a strict policy to delete everything off of exchange after a few months unless there is a reason to keep it longer. You can't bring up in court anything that wan daleted before you looked.

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One more reason I'll be voting for a third party. I hope enough people join me that it sends a message. Ideally enough that a "safe" state turns out a loss for who it is safe for - thus forcing those who are listening to loud voices hear the quiet ones.

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