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Joined 1 years ago

The fact that their founder wants to ban gay marriage is enough reason for me to avoid it like the plague.

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He made a thousand dollar donation in support of proposition 8, a constitutional amendment in California that strips gay people of the right to marry. He then proceeded to argue that such a donation does not make him a bigot or an enemy of LGBTQ+ people, because he's a delusional piece of filth.

This effectively prevented gay people from marrying in California from 2008 to 2013 until the fascists that supported it were finally done trying to argue how this doesn't violate the US constitution.

So yeah, may he, his browser, and any pathethic excuse that pretends to be human being who supported this abomination rot in the deepest depths forever.

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I hope he doesn't. He'll bury himself into a mountain of new trouble. But even he is not that stupid.

Or maybe he'll flee to Russia. Which is fine for me too, let him expose himself as a traitor and eliminate the possibility of holding office again.

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That's actually hilarious because the coalition of ruling parties of the Netherlands was so unstable that it fell apart today.

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Yeah well Israel was offended by the UN sending out an untargeted reminder that the Geneva conventions exist.

Let them seethe and cope.

Reddit also banned me for saying nazis deserve to be punched. A comment I made under a post similar to this. Appearantly making such posts is fine, but commenting the same shit is unforgivable.

War has fuck-all to do with rights. If you're going to attack a NATO country we will beat your ass back into the stone age without mercy, your nukes won't save you if you dare cross that line.

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You have to pay for your hotspot?

Imagine dying a slow and horrible death because Karen didn't trust the rabies vaccine.

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Musk couldn't care less about free speech. He has implemented a policy that bans you for using the word "cisgender" while he responds to nazi propaganda with personal admiration.

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As if they'll lower the price once they've recouped the R&D costs ten times over.

I mean I agree with Zuck on that one.

This paper is pretty unbelievable to me in the literal sense. From a quick glance:

First of all they couldn't even bother to check for simple spelling mistakes. Second, all they're doing is asking whether a number is prime or not and then extrapolating the results to be representative of solving math problems.

But most importantly I don't believe for a second that the same model with a few adjustments over a 3 month period would completely flip performance on any representative task. I suspect there's something seriously wrong with how they collect/evaluate the answers.

And finally, according to their own results, GPT3.5 did significantly better at the second evaluation. So this title is a blatant misrepresentation.

Also the study isn't peer-reviewed.

I have nuke fatigue. I can't be bothered to be afraid of them. Go ahead and throw them, whoever was brazen enough to do so will have their country wiped from the face of the earth faster than you can say "Enola Gay". There's no one self-destructive enough to seriously consider pushing that button.

And even if there was, it's not like I'm going to change their mind. Just sit back and enjoy the mushroom clouds.

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Centrism is when you pretend that the screams of oppressed trans people mean exactly the same to you as the chants of the nazis prosecuting them, but deep down you know you're actually a nazi too.

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Free speech absolutist.

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The Netherlands had a recent court ruling that established that if the employer is satisfied with your performance, then it doesn't matter how much time you spent doing your job. This was in a case recarding a man secretly working multiple jobs.

Hilarious mistake.

I suppose this would have been effective if even a fraction of the Republican voterbase was reasonable.

Spotify is very affordable and provides pretty much all music on earth. I'm not interested in jumping through hoops to download songs if I can just conveniently stream them all from one legit service.

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Why would a government subject itself to potential censorship of whatever admin is running their instance? It makes perfect sense for a government to host their own instance from where they can freely broadcast announcements.

And the free market has proven to be unreliable. You're subject to whatever billionaire is ego-tripping at the top of whatever platform you're using. The will of the people is nowhere to be seen.

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What? So just because I happen to agree with your stance, I also have to concede that there's such a thing as objective morality?

Morality is subjective by definition.

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I feel like he isn't a deranged narcissist who would nuke his own country if it somehow benefited him.

The bar is on the floor for the Republicans.

He's already caught in a lie. Even if his unbelievable story that he, the director of the charity, was unaware the charity never did anything charitable for as long as it has existed (this already makes him guilty of failing the donators by incompetence), he still lied about knowing where the money went for all those years to the donators and CONTINUED TO DO SO AFTER HE ADMITTED HE KNEW ABOUT IT.

Now he claims that he has been looking for worthy charities for over a year while he could easily just donate the money to the charities he has been talking about for years already.

I'd say that the standards for holding office should be higher than the standards for voting for who holds said office.

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Also conservatives: let's murder the gays!

Elon doesn't have to do anything. People need to leave Twitter.

Civilians? Never heard of 'em!

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He's almost certainly going to be the Republican candidate. There's a very real treath of him becoming president again.

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Are you sure you were ever friends? I wouldn't treat my worst enemy that way.

I'd just straight up tell him to leave you the fuck alone.

The planet will be fine. It's us that should be worried.

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Same, funny thing is that the post I said it on did the same thing. Reddit admins are incompetent and inconsistent.

It's because the research in question used a really small and unrepresentative dataset. I want to see these findings reproduced on a proper task collection.

Calm down, no one's getting exploited. Many people like trying out new features that aren't available yet for stable releases.

That would be the most stupid military decision since the most recent Ukraine invasion.

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Except he's actually on trial now for multiple felonies.

I'm fine with felons voting, even from prison. I'm not fine with felons holding the highest office in the government.

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Valve has been the market leader for years and still hasn't let the consumer down. Their business strategy comes down to offering us the best possible service. Meanwhile crappy stores like Epic Games try to lure you in with free games and timed exclusives and I still gave up on their featureless mess of a platform.

And Hamas is a peaceful group of protestors that totally didn't invade Israel with the sole purpose of slaughtering as many civilians as possible.

Both sides suck in this conflict, and the civilians suffer for it.

Market rates aren't reasonable compensation.