14 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Remember kids, don't let the news tell you how to feel. Watch out for words in the title like "outrage" and "furious". Anger increases engagement and they know it.

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I'm doing my part. I had two posts on Reddit. One was superniche and got 30ish points. Whatever, I was happy. It had useful info for the other people on the sub. Then I posted something to the broader community and got two downvotes in like 1 second, killing it. How did they even look at it? I think someone was sitting there gleefully downvoting every fucking thing. I never posted again.

I've been here since mid June and have made 264 posts, like WTF. I'm having more fun here than I ever did on Reddit and I don't get that sick feeling I used to get from seeing all the outrage posts and mean comments (to everyone, not just me).

Loving Lemmy.

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I am not every ADHD person, but this could have been written by me. I had NO IDEA that you could have something be so ingrained that you don't think about it. Even if I develop a "routine" of doing something, it is NEVER automatic. I have to put mental effort, even if small, into every task or it won't get done.

After reading this my definition of habit would be better termed routine. I develop a routine and I try to stick to it. Also I could have a great routine and it lasts for a month or so and then it's just, I don't know what else to call it but 'gone'. It's gone. That routine is gone.

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Yup, here's a video of her for a model interview. NSFW.

Oh my god

Yes. Here's an NSFW video of her from before she became Scumbag Stacy.

Edit: use this link istead for fewer ads.

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Start posting. Really. I've been posting to keep communities I like going and others have started posting too. It's slow growth, but the more content a community has, the more people will sub to it and eventually post to. Anyway, that's my opinion.

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Not every state. This is Texas. I'm in California and my kid went to school with shoulder length hair that was half blue. My relatives in Texas kept asking what the school was doing about it. There's nothing on the books about hair and the principal said it looked cool. Hair has always been a control issue in bible thumping communities, which I thankfully am no longer around.

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image of abraham lincoln being misquoted with be excellent to each other and party on dudes from bill and ted's excellent adventure

Amber Stratton

Yeeeeees! That's it!! Not all are tenso, but the ones that are, are. I would never have thought of the word tenso to look for.


My apologies. I have so many ad blockers that I don't see them and forget when I make recommendations.

My mom. Super skinny her whole life. People thought she took care of herself, but I knew that she forgot to eat for days.

I used to think that would be nice. I have the other end of it where I am constantly nibbling for dopamine hits.

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Of course. Agreed.

What a wackadoodle. Wish everyone would stop talking about him so he could evaporate.

I never manage to do it more than about 3 weeks before my brain just completely shuts off that pathway and it’s like I forget that process exists altogether.

This is me. How can you just "forget" something you've developed into a routine and done daily for a month? I do though. Shit.

All the ADHDers in here. :(

Same. Same.

My philosophy on downvotes:

If I don't agree with someone here, I upvote anyway. Not because I'm a Pollyanna, but because I'm happy they're here and supporting Lemmy by posting and commenting. I really want Lemmy to stay up and stable for a long time and provide what Reddit used to provide for the wider community. Reddit still does, but hopefully we can too. I'm talking about political and health issues.

If it's a mean comment, I do nothing and move on.

If something is just messed up, that's a message for the mods. I've messaged once so far. Someone posted information about a person (image and real-life contact info) and said they were performing cosmetic surgery on puppies. The image was of the person flipping the bird, so it was clearly made as a hit piece. Mods got rid of it within a day.

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There is already high quality content on the community. Go check it out.

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I have dearrow and I like it. I also installed Unhook, which "hides YouTube related videos, comments, shorts tab, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending, and other distractions".


What good will come of it? What bad will come of it?

I can't think of a good, but for a bad he could have his heart broken.

He's her dad. He raised her. Anything else is unimportant after this.

If he finds out and asks her, that is the answer.

"You are my dad."

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But why would my parents take me to a doctor when my mom does all the same stuff?

"It's normal." ...uh, no. Mom had undisagnosed ADHD.

I'll explain the logic as I understand it, but that's it. I was posting for the rule and this was in my memes folder. I've had many religion debates and find that no one is ever satisfied on either side and everyone ends up with hard feelings. I'm not here to piss people off. That's not my nature.

The logic used by the author of the meme is that god doesn't exist and that it is a made up concept to get people to behave.

Humans want crows to behave a certain way so they made scarecrows.

Humans want other people to behave a certain way so they made god. The meme suggests that the god concept is a behavior modifier. There are no crops.

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Our hero :)

My hobby is also collecting hobbies. Here is how I effectively kill any new hobby. I invest money in it. I was really into pickleball last summer, played it every day, then bought a racket (I was borrowing), balls, and a bag...and scene.

Thanks so much. I forget that not everyone has adblockers.

Sure. Favorite stuff that sounds relatable, and don't stress. Many ADHD traits are relatable to everyone. Once you have a good amount of things that seem relatable, though, bring it up at your next doctors visit or read some posts about how to seek diagnosis or treatment. If it's only a few things here or there and everything in your life is going just fine, don't worry about it. :)

Also, I'm so happy for the internet. ADHD isn't becoming more common, but awareness of it is.

No, not poor habits. I have ADHD and--like the author of the tweets-- it takes mental energy to do many things that I think most people don't think twice about. Saying someone has poor habits, saying someone is disorganized, saying someone needs to stop being lazy...I'm just over it. I'm not mad at you, and I wouldn't expect you to care if I was, but I don't think you realize what an executive function disorder does to a person and being blamed for things that are harder for us is the reason anxiety and depression are so prevalent in people with ADHD.

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scene from Brooklyn 99 where Peralta says, "Sometimes I don't realize an event was traumatic and I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird".

Or alternately when you tell your parents about a memory you have from growing up and they get pissy and say, "You survived".

Sucks. I'm sorry you experienced that.

Many ADHD traits are shared with neurotypicals. It's when these things become an issue that most people seek help. Frequency, duration, intensity.

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Agreed. 100%.

Sometimes though, when we're frustrated and dumping that out, it sounds like we are saying that. It's very easy to 'us vs. them' the situation.

Example: "Oh my god! Other people remember that they are boiling water for eggs? I have ADHD and I forget and leave the kitchen to do something else all the time. This suuuucks! It's not fair for us." I'm sure that there are some ADHD people who don't have to work with a technique just to cook eggs (I do. I set timers.), but there you have it.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Just in case, no. Not a joke.

This is a different voice. This is why I like the internet. No sarcasm.

Auto pilot. They talk about tasks being done on autopilot, but it's mostly a car thing (piloting a vehicle, duh). For pretty much everything I have to put effort in, but I will say that with driving something different is happening to the point where if I am driving my husband somewhere and he knows it's part of my normal route, he will remind me SEVERAL TIMES not to take my usual turn.

What's up with that?

pic of snl skit called what's up with that

That is...better. Hmm. We may have a winner, but I'm wondering how I might find a community that was never on Reddit.

Anyway, thank you so much. It's not perfect, but it is substantially better.

Your doctor diagnosed you. No further testing needed IMHO, because you aren't being different for "cool points". Let the treatment begin.

Then um let’s see I’ve been taking the same medication at the same time for over 15 years now and I still need an alarm on my phone and I have still forgotten to take it if I don’t take it that very second.

Like looking in a goddamn mirror. Yeah, if I don't do it THAT VERY SECOND, the alarm was worthless. I bought these because I can't remember even an hour later if I took my pill or not. I also have to do it that very second or it's worthless.

Edit to add: the old person pill case is a better product than the switch thing I posted. I've used both and I'm going back to the pill case.

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How 'bout this. Next time you are at the doctor's office for whatever reason, you bring it up. Don't stress it for now.

Many things that autistic or ADHD people do are relatable to most people. It's the old "frequency and duration of symptoms" that indicate neurodivergence.

Maybe favorite posts that seem very relatable to you and you can make a list of these things before going in. Seriously, MAKE A LIST or have the favorites on your phone or you'll forget. If you are having significant troubles (like hygeine maintenance), go in sooner.

I make this reply with the assumption that you see your doctor at least once a year.

Imposter syndrome is kind of an Autistic and ADHD thing. You can have a ton of symptoms and still convince yourself that you're just doing it to fit in with the cool kids, haha.

I had an older relative who thought that because my bubble was in green that she was being charged to see it.

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You too, random citizen!

image of Metro Man pointing into crowd from the movie Megamind

You are shit.

~Just~ ~kidding.~ ~I~ ~love~ ~you.~