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Joined 1 years ago

That's the equivalent to incel.

Legbeard is the neckbeard equivalent.

I honestly believe people are way overvaluing the responses ChatGPT gives.

For a lot of boilerplating scenarios or trying to resolve some pretty standard stuff, it's good.

I had an issue a while back with QueryDSL running towards an MSSQL instance, which I tried resolving by asking ChatGPT some pretty straightforward questions regarding the tool. Without going too much into detail, I basically got stuck in a loop where ChatGPT kept suggesting solutions that were not viable at all in QueryDSL. I pointed it out, trying to point out why what it did was wrong and it tried correcting itself suggesting the same broken solutions.

The AI is great until whatever it has been taught previously doesn't cover your situation. My solution was a bit of digging in google away, which helpfully made me resolve the issue. But had I been stuck with only ChatGPT I'd still be going around in loops.

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It's hard to say with the limited context.

But the word is obviously, in certain contexts, derogatory towards women. However, I feel like, especially on the internet, you have to consider that the user using the term might not be a native speaker and could possibly be using it unintentionally.

I'd argue that a warning and explanatory comment would be the first step, unless it's a repeat offender. Otherwise you are more likely to create enemies who won't learn.

I think most people who have switched sides, who were originally for/split, would today argue that it's unlikely that Russia would stage another war in the coming years. Looking at how poorly they are performing in Ukraine.

So getting into NATO with the possibility that Erdogan's demands will have an actual effect on the Swedish laws has not been deemed worth it right now.

I also doubt anybody reasonable would consider some of his demands to be achievable, Turkey in EU today?

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I agree completely.

I don't have examples at hand now, but I feel like I see so much like minorly-sexist talk. Or at least the stuff I only imagined horny men write, in so many threads.

Reddit was the same like ~10 years ago and I don't miss that part of it.

I agree, run Firefox as your main and then a privacy focused fork of Chromium as your second if you need it for specific website.

Personally I barely ever encounter issues with websites running FF.

I am not entirely sure what you're getting at.

In computer security the term "hack" and "hacking" is very wide. Trying to access accounts or data that you are meant to be unathorized to use is a hack. Which they clearly are here.

I think it's important to distinct what part of the left.

Most of the left on Lemmy? Probably not.

A lot of liberals who align themselves with the US democrats? There was a lot of support until the famous pedo incident.

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I think he, accurately, determined that it was a sinking ship. He got as many employees to leave as possible and is now trying to get as much money as possible from the service before it dies.

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Let's not ignore that they are one of the conglomerates that are making living in Korea so shitty for a lot of people.

I think unlike with Reddit, what you see if what you subscribe to.

This was also the case with Reddit, unless you intentionally went to /r/all? Or am I misunderstanding you? To clarify I always used RIF or went to old.reddit and was never force-fed any content from outside my subscriptions, when I stuck to the home-page.

If you don’t like what you’re seeing, change your subscriptions. Not having Reddit force stuff into the feed is nice but it also means everyone is fully responsible for what they’re seeing.

You make a good point, but I think here's where the current downside of Lemmy comes in, discoverability between instances are pretty bothersome and not easily handled unless you again, go to your instance /all and check what other communities other people on the instance are subscribed to.


We can hope that the mod-tools that are confirmed to be in the works will be open enough that the community can develop something. But I doubt Larian will get the go-ahead to implement actual GM-tools (like in DOS2) for this game.

Worth noting I am partly speaking from my own assessment as well. I want us to join NATO but I don't find it to be an affair that is as urgent anymore and I'd preferably have it done without any greater effects on our justice system or other parts that Erdogan was unhappy about.

However, it's worth noting that there are still a reasonable amount of swedes who are completely against NATO.

I feel like them and a lot of other people are also underestimating the amount of sex trafficed victims that are forced into it here in the west.

I wonder if Embracer even had a lot of stakes in this? They sold of Aspyrs parent company (Saber) a few days before release.

Edit: My bad, apparently they kept Aspyr.

Download an APK of an older version and disable auto-updates.

The API still works well so the old client doesn't have any issues.

I know I can.

But my point is that a lot of users will not stay here if they need to jump through different identical-communities across several instances or other websites to build their content-flow.

I mean it had repeatedly lost money for years, I honestly don't think anything could have said it. I am not at all defending Musk, I just think the platform was doomed with our without him.

Decenteralized systems in all it's glory, but I think at some point we will need to address or come up with a solution on how we market niche communities.

In reddit it was so simple to find your communities. Let's say you grew interest in Balisongs, then you just type r/balisong and there you are. This helps discovery immensly.

Doing this on a lemmy instance will only get you to that instance community. Which means you might have like 10 of these already niche communities spread out around different instances.

Personally I'd think a system where an instance can promote or assign another instance community as the "main" one, with some type of backup feature, would help Lemmy grow.

But I also think that opinion is controversial considering the nature of a decentralized system.

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I agree! It has been a great help in those cases.

I just don't believe that it can fullfill the actual need for sites like StackOverflow. It probably never will be able to either, unless we manage to make it learn new stuff without reliable sources like SO, while also allowing it to snap up these obscure answers to problems without burying it in tons of broken solutions.

It wouldn't surprise me if the implementation has bias towards Chromium based browsers as both street view and Chromium are from Google.

Issue comes up when people start praising Valve as some godlike entity in comparison.