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Joined 1 years ago

not reading all that...tldr?


I'm all for using AI to ease the burden of cover letters, but a real candidate is going to check the result before sending

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Ironically, these are the sorts of questions you should be asking a therapist. More general advice is to only allow yourself to stress about things in your control. There's a lot of shittiness in the world, and stressing over it is poison to your mental well-being. Focus on what you can change and let go of anything beyond that. It helps me to try giving people the benefit of the doubt, e.g. imagine a scenario where your therapist ghosting you is justifiable - maybe a close family member of theirs was in an accident - and choose to believe that. While it may not always be correct, this is a much better way to live for your part.

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This reeks of sponsorship. The expansions isn't even out yet

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The industry at large has gone to shit, but there are positives. Game dev tools are more accessible now than they've ever been. The indie market is thriving and has recently produced games that are some of the most creative and interesting I've ever seen

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hey, one of the greatest shows ever made

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"That's my purse!!!"

Dredge, Lethal Company, and Against the Storm from last year. Less recently I'd say Vampire Survivors, Sifu, Yuppie Psycho, and Hollow Knight. There are many more I'm blanking on I'm sure

Not sure whether or not it was the same team, but Half-Life: Alyx was incredible

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If that's as deep as your understanding of a game goes, then nothing anyone here says will make you see otherwise. I say this sincerely: I hope you find a game this year that re-sparks your optimism for the industry, because it has more to offer in spite of the cynical publishers that have stomped into it over the last decade or two

Dismissing advice that doesn't work for you personally isn't helpful - different strokes and all. I've dealt with anxiety and have found that rationalizing emotional responses to events outside my control normally works well for me. Ultimately, there's no one-size solution, so people need to try different approaches to find what works for them. A variety of perspectives is always best

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Interesting idea, but it sounds computationally expensive which could pose problems. Smaller, hardware-restricted servers would be less viable

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

What a throwback. That game is great

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DDG is abysmal for technical subjects such as programming. When searching for anything mildly specific in that arena, I nearly always need to re-search on a different engine to find anything useful

'All precautions' is plural, so you have to use 'are'. Using 'is' is in no way correct there; the 'deterrents' bit has nothing to do with it

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Other than the perspective and some of the more general RPG features like leveling and loot, they have very little in common. BG3 is the perfect, but unfortunately rare, example of a mainstream game that deliberately doesn't follow the more toxic trends of the industry

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Without knowing what you were banned for, I have no idea if the same will happen on or not. I will say that lemmy, by design, has space for everyone. If an instance doesn't align with the kind of content you like to post, leave and find one that does

Are you asking why it's more secure to surface a few commands without password rather than all of them..?

Don't have the time to get into a grammar debate. Just letting you know why you're being downvoted since no one else told you why your statement is incorrect

No one is saying simply "don't stress". Recognizing when stress is centered around something outside your influence can be a step toward dealing with it. That may not work for some, but it does for others - as I said, different strokes. Making a broad generalization about what is and isn't good advice is reductive and only shuts down advice that may help OP

You seem to be looking at the issue in black and white. Any reduction in root access is beneficial. Using sudo with password cache lasting an hour is still preferable to signing in as root. As many people have said, it's about minimizing attack surface

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None of us can tell you the right approach for your specific system and use-case. People are simply pointing out that what you stated you're doing is insecure and not recommended

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If you're interested in learning, I'd recommend installing Arch and going with a more minimal WM such as i3 (my personal favorite). This'll require a fair bit of time and research filling in functionality that your current setup handles for you, but you'll learn a ton and end up with a fully customized system you know the ins and outs of. Such is the beauty of GNU/Linux :]

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Gorgeous. Is that polybar up there?

Being a bit pedantic, but if it leads to the desired UX I wouldn't call it over-engineering

How much overlap is there with Dredge gameplay-wise? I've been playing a fair bit and am worried I may be too burned out on ocean exploration to enjoy Dave

I recently switched from Joplin to Obsidian for different reasons. I'd prefer something FOSS, but so far I've been happy with the transition. Since it works with plain markdown files, it would fit your use case

Don't you need a subscription to do any other than the daily?

Brand recs? The ones I have aren't great

Agreed. Having one playable on mobile AND in portrait orientation, which is a weirdly big deal to me for mobile gaming, was awesome. There aren't many like it

Mind if I check it out as well? I'm considering switching to NixOS

Certainly fair - Mint is a great distro. Enjoy the journey

Running fewer commands as root is more significant risk reduction than having an extra user. I won't be replying further since I'm simply repeating what others have already said. If you sincerely don't understand, I suggest doing additional research on your own.