2 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Russian trans politician... Damn, talk about going through life on hard mode.

I really hope this doesnt take off. I tried out Star Trek: Infinite and the tutorial uses an AI voice. It just sounded bizarre and jarring, completely took me out of the experience.

18 more...

Get this fucking chowderhead off my feed

I'm sure there will be crazier answers, but one memory comes to mind. I'm walking down a busy street late one night in Montreal. I see this preppy looking guy lliterally screaming in the face of a bouncer outside of a club, like about to burst a blood vessel. Anyway, this guy is asking dumb questions like "dont you know who my dad is?" And yelling about how he's going to get this dad on the phone to ruin the bouncers career for not letting him into the club.

Maybe I'm lucky, but I don't see cartoonishly entitled behavior like that often, so it stuck out to me. To the bouncer's credit he kept his cool and just gave the other guy a blank stare the whole pro.

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Assuming Israel is responsible, they have a lot of nerve calling anyone else a terrorist.

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Any violence knowingly committed against civilians by a nation state should be considered an act of terrorism.

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That you aren't supposed to rinse immediately after brushing your teeth. It's better to wait 15 minutes to let the fluoride strengthen your enamel.

Been brushing the wrong way for 30 years, apparently.

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I really hope that Ukraine doesn't lose their support. If America has to choose between supporting Ukraine in defending themselves from a Russian invasion, and supporting Israel's obvious goal of carrying out a genocide, it seems like a no brainer to me...

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I honestly can't stand comments like these. Why is every technology discussion on Lemmy dominated by people congratulating themselves for using something 'better'? Most of the time without even being asked.

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Are American Christians not able to tell the difference between their internal monlogue and divine guidance, or what?

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I personally feel like having a voiced main character usually has the opposite effect. Being able to project myself into an unvoiced protagonist is far more immersive.

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Not approving of Israel's completely disproportionate response, in particular the mass killing of palestinian civilians -- bordering on genocide -- is not the same as supporting Hamas.

Yes, that is exactly what was implied by the first four words of my comment. Maybe learn to read before jumping on the pro-Israel bandwagon.

Okay? Why?

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Except Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine is fighting in self-defense. So yeah, fuck Putin.

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American politics is no more sophisticated than trashy reality tv. Good luck with your country, folks. Genuinely.

I agree with not liking 'differently-abled' as a term. To me it reads along the same lines as 'disabled people are built different'. Pretty awkward.

Not that I have a horse in this race. Or a neuralink, as the case may be.

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I just want a proper Black and White sequel, not this crap. A man can dream.

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Voluntarily transfer up your own asshole, Ben-Gvir.

Lots of people have shitty jobs. Most of us wouldn't blow off a little steam by torturing a handcuffed person?

You're a fucking dope.

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Pandoras box was opened a long time ago. Block one site and another will inevitably replace it. Piracy isn't going anywhere.

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Not really into tv adaptations of video games. However, if they give this series the same high-quality anime treatment as Castlevania, sign me up.

Sounds like Ubisoft finally figured out how to include micro transactions

"Can you tell us what happened? We know its not your fault baby, promise not to get mad."

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Great news that it will work across the fediverse. I'd love to try pixelfed for example, but its got too much of a walled garden thing going on since nobody I know uses it.

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To those down voting this person, I really don't think its called for here. There's nothing to suggest they're some troll trying to spread misinformation. The details of this conflict have been kept intentionally vague; coming to a different conclusion doesn't necessarily imply bad intentions.

Try to remember the down vote isn't a 'fuck you' button. Let's not be like reddit.

What is X?

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Pretty short sighted thinking. You think the global economy will improve if Putin gets his way? He's not exactly a friend to America last I checked.

Ive defended these musk posts in the past, but sorry... This story has nothing at all to do with technology.

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It takes about 2 seconds of looking at your profile to find comments such as...

if whole muslim world wants to invade me maybe i am not the problem. they are

So if youre going to talk about others spreading misinformation, kindly shut the fuck up.

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Chad is actually a separate country northwest of Uganda. Don't think they're involved.

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"Finally", yeah right.

Maybe? I definitely interact with more users lately who seem unable to make a point without being a condescending ass hat at the same time. Couldn't say for sure if they're coming over from Reddit, though.

As depressing as it is, she's effectively asking Russians to volunteer themselves for prison. Don't get me wrong, I completely sympathize and agree with her... But it's got to be a tough sell for many Russians.

Not a hack necessarily, but worth repeating; if you can't afford to pay it off right away, don't put purchases on your credit card. Don't make the same mistakes I have in the past.

That said, if you can afford to pay it off, credit is probably a better choice than debit for most purchases. Build up your credit score and earn those reward points.

"When a failing social media platform and a billionaire narcissist love each other very much..."

So in other words, they announced the date for a different announcement. I'm on the edge of my fucking seat over here.

Attributing gender to someone's song preferences has to be the strangest example of mental gymnastics I've seen for a while.

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Damn, very much tempted to sell mine and buy this OLED version; the LCD screen is pretty much the only feature I dislike.

What would be a fair price to sell a used 256gb version with no damage?

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Look at Mr. Bigshot over here, able to afford a car. The rest of us have to cry while we walk.