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Joined 1 years ago

Nah, it’s a repost from late 2007.

Sorry, I mean a repeat of late 2007, the fourth or fifth “once in a lifetime economic crisis” for millennials that will somehow magically end with billionaires owning an even larger percentage of the GDP.

“How could this possibly happen, again, again, again, again,” will cry the economists billionaire simps.

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I wish I had a decent explanation. But instead, I have Windows 11’s shiny new Taskbar configuration menu that politely warns me that showing seconds on the clock takes more power. Right under the “Show Copilot” button.

These fucks are fucked.

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He’s been a week away from shutting down for… a dozen years?

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The death of this guy has to do with some of it, he worked on some pretty cool stuff and was an all-around pretty awesome dude working for the betterment of the world.

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Economists: “WONTFIX: Working as designed.”

That is (was) DMOZ: the Mozilla Directory of websites, now, after AOL shut it down in 2017.

They have a Patreon if you want to help them maintain it.

Close! It’s actually that bit on Boston Dynamics latest android that starts each morning with a nice slow drag on a cigarette.

I dunno, Folding Ideas broke down Fortnite's monetization policies, and they're pretty damn barbaric, particularly in how they target kids.

The hero we didn’t deserve.

That's not very reassuring, we're still only one computer bug away from that situation.

Presumably she wasn't identified as a violent criminal because the facial recognition system didn't associate her duplicate with that particular crime. The system would be capable of associating any set of crimes with a face. It's not like you get a whole new face for each different possible crime. So, we're still one computer bug away from seeing that outcome.

This is significant because this is the first time in the history of copyright bots that they've ever had to remove a work from the bot's registry. Given how rarely it happens, the code to do that probably won't even be worth the cost of writing for another decade or two: some guy at YouTube will just add a manual exception for that video. (And that's assuming the best of intention and action from the copy-vio-bot sellers which is unlikely, given their existing behavior.)

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If you’re trying to use them correctly. Otherwise, they’re just “less lethal” and easier to deploy.

Imagine hating an ordained minister for not hating enough. Ridiculous.

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You’re two years late.

Maybe not for the reputable ones, that’s 2026, but these sheisters have been digging out the bottom of the swimming pool for years.

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Did the old device agreement allow them to brick it until you agreed to the new agreement? If not, I say file that class action.

The original emojis were white before the yellow and darker tones were added in 2015. Look up Katrina Parrott for the backstory. In short, before yellow was the default, White was the only option, and that’s kinda racist, and was only 9 years ago.

Yellow was simply a neutral addition to emojis that matched well with the existing yellow smiley face (which that French asshole keeps charging people for).

Thanks for questioning your assumptions. Further reading if you’re interested:

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Life in hospital because he publicly vowed to keep doing it while his trial was going on. That’s not a smart thing, that’s definitely not a sane thing. You apologize and move on to get out, you double down if you really like the food, white walls, and basic healthcare, or, you know, if you can’t stop yourself from saying so.

gave up playing their bread and butter game

Search was never Google’s money maker, that was AdWords. Search was merely the tool they used to get users in the door and exposed to AdWords, where they made their money. AdWords raked in ~100M/day in the early 2010s iirc.

If she’s doing human research, she’d have to get sign off from an institutional review board who’d require that her experiment doesn’t cause lasting harm or discomfort to the participants. You know, the opposite of what she’s doing when she’s trying to get views by causing a confrontation.

Scientists are bound by these weird things called ethics, which is why there’s never been a laboratory experiment showing that smoking causes cancer in humans.

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Half way between. They want to beat Nintendo to the next hardware release, but they won’t. So probably two more years till the new stuff comes out, but 4 or 5 till it stops getting support and new releases.

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H100 isn’t $40, it’s $40,000. You’re making the Bloomberg Mistake: it costs $4,000,000,000 - four billion.

I can’t wait to see what clownshoes nonsense way he absolutely fucks this one up, but that’ll take a lot of liquidity he probably doesn’t have access to unless he gets the $45bn Tesla payout.

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I'm still mad he didn't use the size of the number to tell the system which block to read first. I feel like that would be a great use of division or maybe modulus?

They were so close on the acronym: "Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers" should be "Detecting Ominous Location Trackers" (DOLT). ("Obnoxious" also works but unfairly downplays the stalking/domestic-violence angle.)

I’ll consider taking them off the list after they start making food product they can legally be considered bread in Europe again.

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I think people mad at Reuters don’t realize that they’re intentionally invoking the Streisand Effect in this case. Otherwise, today, I wouldn’t have heard anything about:

confirmed scammer Rajat Khare covering up his scammy ways

I think an algorithm that sounds unprepared to deal with children is insufficient.

How in the fuck did you find that, and where is the rest of the text on the page?

What do you think health insurers are? Their business plan is literally "well, maybe you'll die before we agree to pay for the treatment. We can always change the agreement tomorrow anyway."

Wait, what did I miss?

Crackitalism is a serious drug Jimmy, it’s deadly serious.

Back in my day, we called that “hard-mode plagiarism.” They can’t punish you if they can’t find a specific plagiarized source!

Used to be, "the tragedy of the commons" didn't quite so literally mean an attack on the common resources.

Putonium, obvs.

There you go, assuming the problem is worth the corporation's time and money to bother solving. The correct answer is to not bother hiring a customer support department and telling people that they're SOL when stuff goes wrong. The goal is to take in more money than you spend on customer support, so you spend none.

God, fuck react in the eye with the pointy shit-covered hunting-sticks of our ancestors. Useless technology that directly breaks the web because there’s never any fallback, so all you get is a blank page. Not even a “please-enable js” message.

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Oh god, that explains so much! I didn’t realize that WoL was designed to be multiplayer, i just figured it was permanently set on impossible difficulty.

Probably not, it’s probably just part of some Mirai bot farm purchased for $50 to ddos a TF2 streamer or something. The dip was when the rental expired and it was waiting for new orders.

I mean, not like I’d be super surprised to hear that it was AV on everything, but that sounds like an investment in hardware expenses LG would never make.

It’s a $6000 upcharge. I think you have to make an appointment for it?

Symmetric is the default but not required by the standard, so directionality is permitted if irregular.