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Joined 1 years ago

People really need to realize, Trump is insane. He has never heard anyone tell him he was wrong, or not good enough, or not smart enough, or it was his fault. Now as a "grown man" he believes he can do no wrong. He was buddies with North Korea and Russia because he wants to know how they maintain their power and grip over this countries.

I'm scared to death that not enough peole are taking seriously that he could win again. I hope at least 1 felony will be set as guilty for him, and disqualify him, but then you've got the rest of the herd of nut-jobs that follow him right behind him.

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I have to agree with this. It’s your mom. If she isn’t hurting you, or asking you to watch them, and you have the space and bandwidth, just do it.

I personally think you should move the fourth bullet (express your gratitude to the maintainers) to the first position in your list. But a great, simple list none-the-less.

We all started as a frog in a pot of tepid water.

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I’d like to highly recommend QOwnNotes with. File system sync like Nextcloud. Superb.


Home Assistant is the brain of the operation. Your smart phone is just an arm or hand in the operation. It’s the same for any of the services you perceive to be just using your smart phone. They actually call out to servers owned by the various companies, and then return requested operations to your devices at home. So with Home Assistant you have the opportunity to use devices and a server that all remain in your own network. Your data and information aren’t being sent to a third party. This, of course, depends on the devices you buy.

But that’s the power behind Home Assistant.

I always heard it was an honorary doctorate.

Hate to see this, but there are definitely people who are takers and have the nerve to be entitled at the same time.

  1. You, as an open source maintainer owe nothing to anyone. Never feel compelled to do anything in your project that doesn’t make you happy.
  2. you should 100% be able to charge for your work. I applaud you for that.
  3. There are more of us out here who want to support open source int he right way. Know that.
  4. thank you for the project you made and shared. Truly.

I run OpenSprinkler Pi on my raspberry Pi 3 and HomeAssistant on my Pi 4. Works incredibly well for both.

I'm kind of loving Zabbix, but not sure if it's the right solution for your needs. I'd say it would definitely work, but does take a bit of setup initially. This article is interesting, and seems to have a lot of what you want. Not sure if you want to do all of this.

Rocketchat is simple enough to setup. Does everything you want, and is FOSS.

This. 100%

iOS / iPad game called "Flight Pilot". Dumb, not even a simulator, just get off the ground and hit hot air baloons for points kind of game. It's just a mindless time for me to relax a bit. You can run "missions" if you want, but you don't have to, and if you're patient, you can level up without making any purchases using real money. It's really great.

If you want to self host check out Wireguard options like Netmaker, Headscale, Netbird, etc. these all allow you the ability to setup a machine as an exit node into a LAN, and allow LAN to LAN communication. If you are just looking for a VPN and don’t have to self host, then Tailscale might be a good starting point. Figure out the setup you like, then move to a self hosted headscale setup later using that as a model.