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Joined 11 months ago

I got pissed off at Google Photos, which led me down a self-hosting rabbit hole. Ended up installing Linux everywhere, even my "gaming" one eventually (I do development, and WSL was a resource hog).

The hardest thing to degoogle has been email - I've used the same address for years. But I use Thunderbird so at least I don't have to see ads in my fucking inbox

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I just got one so reading this makes me hopeful. Fallen out of love with gaming a bit in recent years

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These posts are getting really old and tired. I'm here to learn more about Linux, not hear the same recycled view on hOW BAd windows is

Yes... They don't seem to show up in the primary tab, but they're there nonetheless. Nowhere is safe, and nothing is sacred.

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I use FreeTube but hadn't heard of Newpipe before. Thanks for the recommendation!

I'm aware :) really, anyone that backs up anything at all shouldn't be using ONE THING for backups.

Personally, I use it to "sync" photos from my phone to my computer. I run nightly backups via a cron script.

Still, can't say I've had any issues so far

Maybe unpopular opinion, but... if you're not interested in learning DSA with any form of rigidity, you don't have to learn those right out the gate. Just get your feet through the door. Build a small project, automate something - you will learn about your chosen language's data structures by default. If there comes a point in time where you're expected to know about DSA, you'll probably have found the reasons/motivation by then

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Kill that interview king 👑

Feels like maybe you're not the target audience for this article

Or should, for that matter

Same here fam

I hardly ever see people talking about Pocketbase in threads like these, but as a dev I love it

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I DO have an ad blocker. I still ended up seeing an ad, that one time. It might've been on mobile. Or I might have had my ad block turned off. Either way, I've gone out of my way to make sure I never see an ad in my email again. Used mobile devtools to uninstall the Gmail client, Firefox with uBlock add-on, etc...

Master copy on my desktop

At midnight, my cron job kicks in and mirrors it to

  • hard drive
  • makes a backup to another machine via restic
  • makes another restic backup to backblaze

Omg same, but it's been a rough year so this is my Christmas gift to myself I guess. Also glad to hear it's helping you :)

I'll have to check it out! Same here, mostly services on my end - but I've accumulated enough of them to make it tiresome. Still, I'll have to do it at some point

I wanna get back into MHW, but those unskippable cutscenes at the beginning are a PITA

Same here! I was worried I wouldn't use it (I haven't been gaming on PC much) but I actually game on it much more than on PC

Will do sir


If we need to start supporting diagonals, I'm quitting webdev for good

I was playing Laika for a bit. The difficulty is pretty brutal - one of the harder games I've played in awhile. Like, you can randomly die from basic movement mechanics if you're not paying attention. I wasn't having fun anymore, so I had to drop it.

Moved on to Going Under, and that's a lot more my speed

If I were a spider I'd wanna be this one

Maybe I'm being a little paranoid, but I DID accidentally delete a few directories with dotenvs in them, which is what led me to find trash in the first place. That experience really traumatized me... so to break the rm habit and make sure I don't do that on ANY computer I set up abbr rm '# Don\'t use this! Use trash-cli instead' # and abbr t trash.

Using trash is good... aliasing it to rm, maybe not so good

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