4 Post – 669 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Sounds like you spend time with bad academics

The way to deal with people like this is keep asking them what they propose we do then watch them flail helplessly because they only know how to show up and complain right before the general then promptly disappear for 3.5 years until the next one.

People like them don’t put in the work. They sit on the sidelines then get mad when everybody can’t divine the perfect solution for them. They get mad when you point out to them that it is defeatist and encourages people not to participate. There’s no way to get through to them, so I just press for answers so that onlookers can see what is happening and hopefully not give in to that petty, defeatist outlook.

I asked for a solution or an alternative to the 4 that exist. You have 4 options in November, none of which you will endorse despite the fact that 1 of them has to be done. So I’ll just assume you’re saying “don’t vote” unless you say otherwise I guess?

I find that the only way to deal with people who lecture us with no alternative is to press for solutions. It’s easy to complain and tear down, it’s hard to build, and people like you are never willing to do the work. Some of us actually do things year round and don’t disappear for 3.5 years then show up just in time to complain about the general despite doing absolutely nothing to try and improve things in this country or otherwise bring about a different result.

Keep bashing away at the keyboard getting angry with people who probably mostly align with your views. it’ll make the world better any day now.

It’s interesting how you only respond to people when you can reasonably respond rhetorically/flippantly. You ignore anyone who wants a direct answer.

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If you’re going to shit talk and naysay you need to actually propose a solution.

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There are more elections than just the one for president every four years. If that is the only time you become politically engaged then there is a much larger discussion to be had tbh

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Oh please you’re sitting here whining from the sidelines like everyone else.

We have 4 options: vote Trump, vote Biden, vote third-party/independent, don’t vote. What do you want us to do come November?

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I was with you until this one. You can’t expect better quality quality if you don’t participate in the primaries to try and get somebody high quality nominated.

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that assumes I like any of the choices

No it assumes you actually take the time to vet them or potentially volunteer/work for a campaign to get them on the ballot. Be the change you want to see and all that. Jeering from the sidelines won’t get you anywhere.

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Fact checking is woke

Ehhhhh you’re kind of ignoring in power/out of power dynamics here and the overwhelmingly conservative slant they’ve adopted the last few years.

I agree it does not solve our problem but it would make more than just a marginal difference. It would heavily disincentivize going too far politically one way to win your primary.

OP is wasting time tilting at windmills to attack people who agree with them while the GQP does real damage.

“Wow in all my decades on this planet I’ve never heard that before and you saying it just now has completely solved the problem! It’s just a lack of perspective! Wow that was so easy! So I guess you forgot about your wedding anniversary last week because it wasn’t important?”

Seriously though - because people just expect me to forget things I get absolutely dog piled if I forget even the smallest thing, but when other people forget things they also remind me that I forget things all the time and give me the “it’s important so remember” nonsense. It drives me crazy.


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He shit the bed but this is blatant bait. There hasn’t even been time to poll this, and those would be limited in value regardless.

Again, terrible performance. But this headline is nonsense.

The first sentence/paragraph from OP

Seeing as how some people here on Lemmy get upset at any mention of Ranked Choice Voting and respond that, in their opinion, it's not perfect, and that we should therefore keep the voting system we have while we debate which alternative is perfect for several decades, allow me to preemptively respond.

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Women in power supporting return to “the good ol’ days” ousted by white men in the south. I’m shocked.

Ah got it. Unfortunately makes me think of 88 so I probably won’t adopt it.

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This was disappointing but I’ll move on. Clearly this is not going to be productive.

Who are “they”? What other systems are they advocating for? All I ever see on Lemmy is people hating FPTP (rightfully so) and in favor of RCV (rightfully so) with the occasional person remarking on limitations or (more commonly in my experience) saying it’s not a magic bullet solution and is only part of comprehensive reform. An kmportant part of it, no doubt, but still a part and a lot of people seem to overestimate RCV‘s ability to save us.

Pointing this out does not make one against RCV.

3 of them are about themes (2 of the 3 are the same so it’s 2 things about themes), and they just added ripple delete?

Long road ahead. Especially with Resolve doing more in a quarter than projects like this do in a few years. I get it’s not meant to compete with Hollywood/commercial grade NLE’s but frankly the gap between them seems to just get wider and wider every year. I feel like most NLE’s that aren’t part of the big 4 (Adobe/Avid/Black Magic/Final Cut limping along) just can’t get past a very simplistic “you can cut and rearrange” proposition. Blender integration is the major exception here, which is admittedly very useful! But idk. I seek more FLOSS/FOSS stuff where I can and NLE’s just always seem so underpowered I can’t justify even learning them.

I just can’t help but call out how the “game changer” is it looks more polished. It’s important to have a good UI/sleek look but “game changer”? I expected to read about a feature/tool.

Edit: I really want to be fair to the developers here, because what they are doing is no small task. But the major hurdle here is convincing people to learn their particular NLE when there are so many out there and a lot of them are a little more standardized but still very distinct with their own learning curves. So every minute you spend learning this one, you’re not learning another one that may be more useful/applicable for what you need. But hey, to those of you who use this software and get use out of it, that’s awesome. I don’t want to discourage folks or act like this thing is useless. i’m just not sure what the future is for projects like this.

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I get that but I am not particularly attached to number substitution as social messaging personally lol like no disrespect to yall who want to use it, I just live in the south and the dog whistles are endless. Misinterpretation can get weird here too.

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Yeah it’s one of those weird little social land mines we deal with every day. You say a particular string of words or some reference, suddenly somebody you just met is talking to you about pizzagate or the gay agenda or something. There are too many secret codes down here that make people suddenly think you are “one of them.”

Now the right will hate Assange lol

Incel/redpill nonsense right here.

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Mitch McConnell despite all his big talk and rat fuckery/snake-like dealings has the common sense to accept tons of federal funding for Kentucky as he rails against the federal government

No no this is for performing them, not for trophies. Common mistake

I thought I was having a stroke during the middle section

Tell me a single FLOSS NLE I can use professionally. I’m all ears. Truly.

You only use FLOSS right? What phone do you have? Computer? What apps/software do you use for work and entertainment? Let’s really drill down here. Because if you’re going to drop bombs and attack me you better have your house in order.

I identified the significant hurdles open source NLE’s face. It’s reality. It’s why they aren’t being used professionally at all. If they can’t even reach 10% feature parity they aren’t on the table dude. I have bills, I have obligations. You think a client is going to accept “no I can’t fix that simple problem because my free NLE won’t let me but this other free one that’s closed source does”? Imagine this conversation.

Hobbyists can hack away with these limited tools. It’s why drew that distinction. But i can’t unless I want to quit my career over not using Resolve/Premiere/Avid. You going to end your income over FLOSS?

1-2 people ordering out doesn’t make sense anymore sadly. It’s just too expensive. You need 4+ people typically dividing the cost to justify it now.

Yeah especially the rate of improvements right now. It’s wild how many features are added annually. Audio tools alone are going through a meteoric improvement cycle. It’s baffling what I can do now that wasn’t even theorized by the industry 5 years ago.

Resolve is great and the free version is very robust. Don’t try to learn it all. Learn how to import, cut, export. Then learn how to color. Then transform. Whatever you need as you need it.

Their tutorials are also very excellent

Edit: thinking more on this subject, I think if someone really wanted to take a crack at this they need to focus on automatic correction/repair tools.

I’m always an advocate for using the tool for the job. No point in buying a chainsaw when a purpose built knife can easily accomplish the task

The problem is that companies have unrealistic expectation of how you spend your day. Everybody knows that most “white collar” jobs don’t actually have you working 8hrs every day with the only time you stop working being bathroom breaks and lunch. People take all kinds of informal breaks and get distracted throughout the day. So there is this weird thing where everybody knows that, but companies have to pretend like they don’t, which leads to asinine decisions like keyboard and mouse trackers to determine if people are actually working. Which then leads to people looking for solutions that earn them their little informal breaks back, which everybody takes and are perfectly fine. But again, we sort of pretend water cooler time doesn’t occur.

It’s some sort of perverse arms race built around a shared lie we all pretend we don’t know about.

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::: spoiler spoiler asdfasfasfasfas :::

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::: spoiler spoiler sdfsaf :::

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::: spoiler spoiler asdfasfasfasfas :::

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