
1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We should all calm down, buy a Twix and look forward to christmas.

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[...] Mr Beasts popularity, generosity [...]

Mr. Beast feels so unlikable to me, I really can't understand his popularity. But that's beside the point, sorry. Fuck instagram!

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You know what to do: drink water, eat healthy, lift weights, go swimming, quit social media, quit your stressfull job and find the little things that make you happy, you don't need much.

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Sometimes it frightens me to see how things in the US are working. This crap will come to europe sooner or later, the US capitalism is just a few years ahead.

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Me, why shouldn't one do that? But my last resume is 10 years old, maybe I am out of touch with all the mumbo jumbo dancing you have to do, to build the "right" resume.

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If I don't have social media I am either arrogant or I am hiding something? Sounds very ignorant and arrogant to me.

The women I know are people I can talk to, discuss social media, discuss decisions regarding social media, no red flag bullshit. Maybe it's different in different countries.

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Here comes the least helpful answer: Give Linux a try.

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They do say that they have privacy in mind. And they are also collecting the same data of their users as Google. Don't be too jealous, they suck just as much as your next Android-Phone company. But with a higher price tag and a walled garden.

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I don't agree. Just tax the rich properly.

It is an interesting business model. Good for the people he spends money on, but no one should have that much money to begin with. And I am sure he takes his cut.

But without having watched many videos of him (about 2), his appearance just screams devious weasel to me.

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I can recommend ViMusic. I got it from the F-Droid Store. It basically get's every song from youtube, with a very nice gui. Not a song i didn't find yet.

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Love this, great job! The lower stress level since I take the train for longer journeys and the bike for shorter ones is increasing the quality of life so much.

And then I have to drive a car every three weeks... Insane what some people habe to deal with every day. I feel so sorry for them.

Hey, don't pull the racist card on me, some of my best friends are dolphins. I am 1/16 of a dolphin myself. I just heard a lot of them are Trump voters.

Definitly! A bit of context: He is a machinist with a lot of lathing, milling and welding videos. I really don't care about those subjects, but his videos are so well cut and composed, that I watch every video of him. Great humor!

How do you know? Because they promise?

Make me. I will value the shit out of your reply.

Hell no

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I guess the comment you are replying to was ment as a joke. But at the same time I was hoping Trump was joking, but here we are.

I asked the developer Tobias Zwick the exact same question. His reply (in german, can anyone summarize it in english?):

gemeint ist damit vor Allem jawg.io, das ist der komerzielle Anbieter/Clouddienst über den die Basiskarte ausgespielt wird. Diese Karte basiert zwar zu 100% auf OpenStreetMap-Daten, aber der Service selbst ist nicht frei. Die OpenStreetMap Foundation bietet selbst keinen Vektor-Kachel-Dienst an, auch nicht für OpenStreetMap Editoren etc.

Zusätzlich dazu würde die App zurzeit auch ohne jawg.io das NonFreeNet-Flag bekommen, aber das liegt vor Allem daran, dass F-Droid zurzeit die Benutzung jeglichen in der App hardkodierten Netzwerkdienst, ob Open Source oder nicht, als NonFreeNet flaggt. Also zum Beispiel auch für die Nutzung von api.openstreetmap.org 🤔

Die F-Droid Leute diskutieren aber (seit langem) darüber, für nicht in der App änderbare Netzwerkdienste ein neues Anti-Feature Flag einführen, soetwas wie SiloedNet oder so, um die Definition von NonFreeNet nicht derart zu verwässern.Denn, ja... zurzeit ist finde ich NonFreeNet ziemlich nichtssagend. Ein Wikipedia-Reader zum Beispiel bekommt den Flag auch.

I thought it was awesome he took the time to answer in such detail and startet support him on liberapay: Tobias Zwick

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I read it to the tune of Smash Mouths All Star, worked as well.

Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say your post was 'unfair'. You do you, date whatever you want. But you don't see how it could be problematic to call all people without social media accounts arrogant or liars? And then trying to establish that view as normal by citing your social media bubble-friends and 'discussions you have read' is just messed up.

Looks great! Will it find it's way into the F-Droid repos?

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

As @theshatterstone54@feddit.uk suggested: Turning off auto correction ('Autokorrektur') solves the problem with my AOSP keyboard temporarily.

Let's hope there will be a better fix in the future, because as a non native english speaker I rely heavily on auto correction. Changing keyboard would be annoying, my fingers just got used to this one. And changing to another client than Jerboa would be sad as well, it's the only client on f-droid.

Awesome, that you develop tools for lemmy! Thank you.

A question: Did you consider to publish your app on the F-Droid-Store? I only use apps from there and the only usable app for lemmy is jerboa. An alternative to that would be awesome, as it has quite a lot of problems.

Updating the version to 0.0.42 didn't help in my case.

I am using a Tolino Vision 6 and I am very happy with it. No cracking or modding neccessary. All my ebooks are synced with Calibre, it recognizes the device without a problem. I wouldn't want to support amazon if I can avoid it.

Free ebooks at my town: borrow an ebook at the local library and convert it with https://www.acsmconverter.com/ from the .acsm format to epub. Although it doesn't work all the time..

If anyone knows a more reliable way to convert from acsm, please let me know.

It is possible without beeing a social outcast. Element, Signal, Telegram and Threema cover most of my contacts. If there really is someone with only Whatsapp, I write a SMS.

In my experience everyone has at least one alternative to Whatsapp.

I opened a google account and wrote two genuine reviews. Both were rejected automatically. I pressed a button to let them check again, they were again rejected.

I deleted my account again and remembered why I deleted my first account a few years ago. Google sucks, they can't controll their own algorythms, they are a faceless mega corp that harvests data like crazy. Everyones life would be better, if google vanished from the face of earth right now.

That's what Meta says.

I am also using NordVPN. They seem to have always a 'deal' with 60 to 70% off, otherwise it would be too expensive.

But I am using it out of lazyness to look for alternatives as it kind of just works with openVPN on Linux. Maybe there are better VPNs out there.

That sounds very interesting! Where do I start if I want to build my own RSS feed? Can you recommend any software (foss would be nice)? How do I add a subscription into the Feed?

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Thank you! With this information I found 'Nextcloud News', which seems to be a RSS reader I can use on my nextcloud server.

The amount of RSS reader on F-Droid is overwhelming and some look better than Nextcloud News. But having everything accessible on every device beats design.

Thank you, that was exactly it. Using AOSP Keyboard with text correction. And thanks for the github link!

Same with me. Makes writing really hard because you really don't wont to add something later or chaos ensures.

I love youuuuu

Can you compare power consumption to the Pi 4? Just an estimate, double, tripple,..

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Thanks, if my nextcloud solution isn't working well I will check out Feedbin.

Everything in one place, controled by me, no algorithm, that sounds perfect!

If you want to continue to use Strawberry, you could stream your music with a subsonic server, Strawberry supports that.

For me it was the other way round: I was using Nextcloud music and searched for a music player on Linux that could stream my .flac-collection via subsonic. That is how I found Strawberry.

I asked the developer Tobias Zwick the exact same question. His reply (in german, can anyone summarize it in english?):

gemeint ist damit vor Allem jawg.io, das ist der komerzielle Anbieter/Clouddienst über den die Basiskarte ausgespielt wird. Diese Karte basiert zwar zu 100% auf OpenStreetMap-Daten, aber der Service selbst ist nicht frei. Die OpenStreetMap Foundation bietet selbst keinen Vektor-Kachel-Dienst an, auch nicht für OpenStreetMap Editoren etc.

Zusätzlich dazu würde die App zurzeit auch ohne jawg.io das NonFreeNet-Flag bekommen, aber das liegt vor Allem daran, dass F-Droid zurzeit die Benutzung jeglichen in der App hardkodierten Netzwerkdienst, ob Open Source oder nicht, als NonFreeNet flaggt. Also zum Beispiel auch für die Nutzung von api.openstreetmap.org 🤔

Die F-Droid Leute diskutieren aber (seit langem) darüber, für nicht in der App änderbare Netzwerkdienste ein neues Anti-Feature Flag einführen, soetwas wie SiloedNet oder so, um die Definition von NonFreeNet nicht derart zu verwässern.Denn, ja... zurzeit ist finde ich NonFreeNet ziemlich nichtssagend. Ein Wikipedia-Reader zum Beispiel bekommt den Flag auch.

I thought it was awesome he took the time to answer in such detail and startet support him on liberapay: Tobias Zwick