0 Post – 291 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel like I live on the Internet and I never see this shit. Either it doesn't exist or I exist on a completely different plane of the net.

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Like I've definitely raised my voice with my kids but couldn't imagine a world where I ever would call them stupid. That is just trash parenting and amazing that anyone would do that to their offspring.

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Well the penalty is a slap on the wrist to a company of googles side.

I absolutely hate these links about videos without a clear area where the actual video is.


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Let's be 100 fair

Biden is too damn old. So is trump.

There are 365,000,000 people in the us. There is a zero sum chance these are our two best options.

I will vote against Biden in the primary and rail against him on every fucking poll I get the chance to do so in. He billed himself as a transition president. A one and done option.

However, in Nov of 2024 when I'm forced to hold my breath and vote for old white guy vs old white guy, I'll pick the democrat... But I'm not fucking happy about it... And you can bet your ass that the people ten to twenty years younger than me are less thrilled than I.

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Remember when hrc was lambasted for calling these folks deplorable?

I always thought she was right and she should doubled down.

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That like four people have as much wealth as 7 billion others.

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.

Marcus Aurelius

We don't have the data, says the company that tracks their employees and customers relentlessly.

And she would know what a sewer is because she governs Paris.


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His wife was involved in Jan 6th.

If he doesn't, democracy is dead. Even if he votes against trump. Legitimacy is gone.

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I heard that the invisible vibrations from the turbines spinning makes your dick slightly longer and girthier

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That's some weird ass logic.

Physical keyboards.

I loathe typing on my phone. My texts are unreadable a vast majority of the time

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Holy shit? Really? This is the most brain dead comment I've seen.

Last time I checked hong Kong isn't America and other countries have their own laws that you have to abide by, because you know, it's their country. Your second amendment right in another country is as useful as unicorn farts.

Fuck this guy for being a stupid muppet.

If you really want IT. Then telecom

Most people in telecom are old and are analog phone people, they don't know ip/sip and don't want to learn.

It's basically a small networking job that you never get calls on nights and weekends about and if you do it's a system you can reboot remotely. If it's not the system it's a switch and its someone else's job.

Telecom isn't sexy but it's still needed, no one's going into it as it's not 'sexy' and to be honest it's easy AF.

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I had acquaintances in red states who worked in that field and they ended up bailing from the job because of the fucking wackjobs threatening them

And that was a state that Trump won. I couldn't imagine the idiots you get in a purple/blue/swing state.

I mean, if he did anything wrong, I support this.

But it seems like every article doesn't really mention what he did wrong... or any sort of proof. Seems a bit premature to jump to impeachment without evidence but what the fuck don't know.

Right. I laughed my ass off, because it's fucking true.

We've got two old as shit dudes, both with shit memories, running for president.

Sure one is the better option, but neither are great options... And imagine them in four more years


Given how bad this company is tanking, I wouldn't be surprised if this was deliberately done to cut payroll.

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I agree with pelosi.

Who cares. It's just an office and she doesn't own it.

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As a digg refugee, it was the same thing on reddits early days... I think it's just part of the process.

So, if I'm understanding correctly... the mods from reddit, started their own instance are are trying to siphon users over to that?

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Reminds me of a pj o'rourke quote

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

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It's funny. The last two gop speakers quit because trying to manage these goof balls is like pulling hairs off your nutsack.

McCarthy thought he could do it better than actual politically savy people..

He's a buffoon.

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Jesus Christ. It's like asking if I'd rather get kicked in the nuts or punched in there.

Underoath in a court room?

He's not wrong, remote meetings do suck for getting to know your coworkers, but that's not a great reason for rtw

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I mean, that would work......

I also have a solution for gun violence. Just stop shooting people.

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Has blocked meta?

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That website is absolute cancer on a mobile device

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We are witnessing the big issue with gerrymandered districts.

The more gerrymandered the more batshit insane people you get into office since they always win their primaries and then will always win the general.

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Why don't they ever bring up the Ohio state wrestling thing?

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The crazy part is how many other people do this day in and day out and we never know because they aren't hounded by the press

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Posting again.

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

Pj o'rourke

Just take away federal highway money.

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God I lm glad I live in a blue state.

Backwardass motherfuckers.

Tbf desantis is an absolute prick who hates everyone and sucks at dealing with people.

Just for the record. Dems can do this too. Guarantee some of these trumpets have a lake home and a real home and it would be pretty easy to challenge residency.

Assuming that their challenge law is simple, which if someone challenged 100,000 voters it kinda seems to be.

Fyi. Someone tried this in Montana in the 2000s and was chided out of court.

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This doesn't matter. Even the justice system keeps moving the goal posts for this guy.

They can't even hold him in contempt or institute an effective gag order.