1 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 2 weeks ago

Human refugee from kbin, fediverse enthusiast.

Interests: computing, space, art, photography, music, media...

The internet was a huge mistake, but at least we have this.

not so bad

Looking at Local > New on the front page, posts are from:

  • now (this one)
  • 2 hours ago
  • 3 hours ago
  • 7 hours ago...

quite a gap in post frequency.

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Hi Butterbee. Thanks for the reply and the suggestions. Sounds like maybe the "Pending Subscriptions" thing is a bug. I'll have to see about submitting issues.

I realized my plea for "friends and fun" was entirely subjective, but I'm not picky as long as people are nice. I have a lot of interests so I'm sure I can find something to talk about with just about anybody.

And that brings me to another thing I'm noticing about Beehaw: Not a lot of special interest groups hosted locally. Searching for "Photography" lists a bunch of communities on external sites, but nothing local. I find that pretty surprising as Photography's a somewhat popular hobby.

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great suggestions and perspective. Nice to meet you ! thanks for the reply.

so nice, thanks for the helpful suggestions.

Honestly, when I wrote my post this morning I didn’t really expect to get any answers and these have all been great.

Thank you and all who’ve replied. This feels like a great space.

I didn't realize there were restrictions on creating communities. That does feel... restrictive.

Thanks for the reply and nice to meet you!

I had some replies showing as French language, they might not be showing up for you. Sorry, I’m new!

how was I not in there? Thank you!

sure. Nothing’s permanent. That’s actually a feature in today’s archive-everything, scrape it for AI training monetization cycle.

but I guess you mean moving away from “lemmy” the software which is an ambitious goal, but a worthy one. Best of luck!

my replies are all showing up as “Français”. Except I’m writing in English. What?

my options in “Select language” are Undetermined and Français as options. Anyway to set a Default?

sorry, I’m testing. I had “Undetermined” and “Français” as language selections. Added “English” and checking my language.

yeah, this. I hope they can recover, but it’ll be an uphill battle convincing instances to refederate with it.