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Joined 1 years ago

Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

Saying they banned VPNs isn’t completely, technically correct I’d guess. If I were another country then VPN’d in to my house, I would probably be fine. A pedantically correct statement would be that they banned known VPN IP ranges, so if you’re attempting to connect while your traffic is routed through one you get blocked.

It is part of the deep web, just like Discord or any sites hosted on private companies intranets. Lemmy is not, you can just hit any instance with a web browser and view stuff.

To be completely clear, dark web/net and deep web are two different things. That wiki link you used is describing dark web stuff like tor etc.

I’m slightly less mad now that I know this has precedent. I’m still fucking furious that the only precedent I’ve heard about is corporations and Trump, since the law should be equally applied regardless of absolute amounts of money and I’m pretty sure that someone living in poverty isn’t going to get the same treatment for a $50k (or whatever is a proportional amount) judgement against them.

And if the jury really needs to know the contents of the files, I don’t see any issue with just swearing in a jury of already cleared TS SCI w/Poly Commissioned Officers, or just full send it and let Trump get prosecuted in a military court. I’d love to see a bunch of GWOT brass ream that dudes asshole.

That wasn’t what was at stake here. Trump was already found guilty, he wasn’t bonding out of pretrial detention he was having to post bond in order to appeal the ruling, which typically requires the person making the appeal to post a bind to make sure they don’t spend all their money fighting on appeal, just to lose the appeal and not have any money left to pay the original judgement.

So my expectation was that yes, he would have to follow the same court rules as everyone else and put up the bond in order to appeal. While I do think we should get rid of requiring pretrial detention bond, I don’t necessarily see an issue with requiring pre-appeal bond. I don’t know, you don’t want to create a situation where you’re means testing the right to appeal, but you don’t want people to indefinitely delay enforcement of judgement against them or to allow them to spend away their ability to pay the judgement on appeals. Maybe forcing either the entirety of the judgement to be paid into a more traditional escrow account, or a payment plan for the judgement to be accepted and that paid into escrow, before an appeal can be started?

Any way you cut it though, I can’t fault this chuckle fuck for playing the court game but I’m fucking incensed the court is enabling it.

And leaded gasoline and leaded diesel and leaded aviation fuel and lead pipes in household plumbing. Probably lead in the cigarettes everyone smoked literally everywhere.

Oh damn. Yeah fuck that place, glad I left.

Semi-related, I was searching for some hyper specific job related technical cybersecurity stuff a few weeks ago and the first result with the verbatim error message was a reddit post, so i clicked. No dice, loads a reddit branded error page. My employer has their own ARIN number/ASN. As far as i could tell every connection from an IP in one of our blocks was being blocked by reddit. My employer isn’t a faang type tech company, they don’t work in ai, they don’t scrape content for datasets or anything else. I can’t figure out why kind of business would cut off entire swaths of customers from accessing their site during the workday, a prime “take a shit and dick around on the phone” audience. I’ve just made a point to search with stack exchange site dorks since then.

Hating the British royalty specifically also makes me think British. I’m quite disappointed more people don’t hate monarchy in general though.

I guess in 2024 nobody believes in divine right, and I recognize that the monarchs in the vast majority of countries with active monarchies have only ceremonial power, but i still struggle to understand how people in the Commonwealth realms, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, etc., are cool thinking that some rich fuck is somehow better than them or important in any way just because their ancestor was the last person sitting on the throne when everybody decided they weren’t playing the game anymore.

Is it something where they appreciate the tie to history? Even so why would you want a tie to a history that said your ancestors were intrinsically lesser than just because they didn’t have as much land, as big a sword/army, or as much money to pay off the church?

Yeah, the answer here is cancel prime and pirate whatever amazon video content you want. if you absolutely have to have prime for some reason, don’t sign in to amazon video on any of your devices and pirate the stuff you want to watch so at least your not contributing to views or their prime video ad revenue.

Edit - I see in another comment you said you unsubscribed, good on you.

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The distinction is not between civilian targets and military targets, it is between “civilian objects” and “military objectives”. Targeting a civilian infrastructure such as refineries, and even civilian power stations can be considered valid military objectives if they make an effective contribution to military action or offer a definite military advantage. The refineries being hit by Ukraine definitely meet that definition.

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Ah ok, I misinterpreted your post then. I thought you were insinuating that because refineries are civilian infrastructure Ukraine shouldn’t be targeting them. We’re in agreement here, don’t target actual civilians and slam as many drones as possible into refineries and any other valid targets within Russia.

That’s been my life for the past 10 years, you won’t regret it at all.

You could GDPR the Lemmy servers that are within the EU jurisdiction, but good luck enforcing that outside of EU.

Yup. In order for something like the GDPR to be effective, it requires centralization to both implement and enforce. A decentralized platform is inherently incompatible with that. I don't think any attempt should be made to integrate any semblance of GDPR compliance into Lemmy's code base if it's just for compliance's sake.

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Yeah, Usenet servers all have a maximum retention time, usually around 3000 days or something like that. Any articles older than the retention time of your server won’t exist for you to grab, but stuff is usually reuploaded frequently. With torrents a super niche thing requires someone seeding the content all the time for it to be consistently accessible, while Usenet requires someone to reupload it once every 5-10 years (barring takedowns) which imo is more consistently stable, but as the other poster said having both ensures your bases are covered. I personally don’t really torrent anything beyond oddball bbc2+ documentaries at this point though.

If you go on to any of the pro-Ukrainian telegram channels, Ukrainians are absolutely rejoicing over this. One posted a video of the fire taken by a car driving by on the highway and captioned it “З днем свинячого шашлику” lol.

Oh damn, I’m gonna have to find that shit. I am regularly shocked at how hard CBS Saturday/Sunday Morning goes though, they will throw some savage shit on the air for the grandmas watching human interest stories about Broadway actors and whatever the fuck Mo Rocca has gotten interested in recently.

Edit - Found it on a Ukrainian dead Russian combat footage telegram. Bit rate is garbo but it looks like even ISIL is full sending the whole weeb CS gun skin thing lol. Best part is the posts of air raid sirens and distant explosions from Belgorod, with the caption “Помста за вухо таджика”.