0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The email requirement was annoying but this instance is fast.

Some villainous instances should be defederated tho.

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Your admin is someone who controls your instance. This community is for the Jerboa app, and the app is informing you with the message

No but I've visited Dachau. I think that's enough for mass event locations for me

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Good enough, John

Nah, no "gaps" need to be explained at all. What even is a gap? It takes easily from weeks to months and even years sometimes to find employment and that's not something for the worker to grovel for.

5-year break from working? That can even be a life goal and not a gap.

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Beehaw, the one you're on, has a big list of blocked instances but even a couple of the biggest could be deferedated on other instances as well to clean a lot of bad actors.

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Default listing and sort setting not saving

"Tankies" are not communists, they are fascists with red masks on

Dachau was memorialized after the reign was toppled. Maybe the same needs to happen in Tiananmen as well first.

Thanks for the clarification!

It doesn't seem to work correctly — yet(?). Beehaw users can't downvote anywhere. Other users can downvote on beehaw.

Intention is probably that downvotes are not available only on beehaw for anyone.

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Yeah fascist Putin planted and supported fascists around Europe. Then used that as an excuse to attack Ukraine and now one of his fascist merc groups is attacking one of his fascist armies.

Infighting as usual. Fascists all the way down

.ml is large yes and has some general purpose communities.

Although, quite clearly and easily confirmable by anyone, it hosts the problematic issues and the related user base described in this thread.

The whole ethos as described in the blog history of lemmy suggests to let those kinds of instances be on their own. Not wreck the wreckers.

It uses your default browser's custom tabs version. Some browsers might need to activate that in their own settings

The honest way to separate the dev problem from the software would just defederate those instances. A fork would just spread dev resources thin

China following Russia with the "war is peace" newspeak

I thought it was generally somewhat studied that we're already at a point where correcting bad actors isn't enough anymore, as they can spread much faster than humanity has resources to be on top of it with right information. Deplatorming seems to be the currently suggested praxis.

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Let's hope someone remembers more!

There's probably something beneficial to them behind the curtain to setup spammy accelerationist echo chambers with average normies as the audience. Tinfoil hats on.

Cleanest way to solve the issue according to the dev blog post principles is that those instances (not db0) defederate with others.

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Allo was the best messenger. So many useful features

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Post item thumbnail opens comments instead of pic/link

Edit: not consistent. Sometimes works normally

Yeah both China and USA bad. What of it?

Towards tyrannies? Towards capitalism?

Isn't it the other way round? They are showing an attitude of patronizing superiority towards the people. They condescend you and I

As they mentioned their decision is effective immediately and it looks like their users can't interact with the defederated ones but the instances that federate with them can interact there. Isn't this just a win-win for everybody?

Yeah I think that's true as well. I don't want to make broad statements because situations vary; is it better to try to fake the fit into those jobs OR are people better off skipping and moving to the next lead.

Didn't know some see it as a gimmick. It's very good

Simpsons did it

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Not infuriating. Doing the right thing

Nothing wrong with communism but we joined Lemmy because we love China's brand of far-right

The users, communities and posts of those instances are enabled and pushed to innocent users as well and not just contained on their own "island".

In their own blogs they actually offer the solution to be defederation of harmful instances but nothing is currently happening with the situation.

Unexpected? I thought everyone was already expecting

Beehaw defederates well and other bigger instances could learn a fraction of that

Despite the problems of capitalism you described, Europe might be the sanest collection of societies currently.

Hope places like South America & Canada, Africa could get their shit together and join Europe in a global union in some decades and topple the influence of the tyrannies causing harm to people

Of course the US, Russia, China et al pushed their polarization agendas in Europe as well and we share the same issues despite the progress of the union.

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It impacts as long as those problematic instances are federated

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The whole thing reeks of a fake operation now that Lukashenko was the solution AND Biden making a statement that US isn't involved. Neither states are trustworthy narrators. Who knows