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Joined 1 years ago

fun fact: this is called "Reductio ad absurdum" and it's a valid strategy in debate/rethoric.

It works great when countering stupid shit that sounds logical but really isn't.

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oh nice. If this trend continues, they will be by 4 million tommorrow and 20 million next week and by summer every human on earth will have an account.

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the general strategie is called "embrace, extend, extinguish". This strat is the reason, why everyone uses MS Office today,_extend,_and_extinguish

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multiple processes?!

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if they would stop calling it vandalism, it would take away all the fun

Allman if the condition is very long

    && isSomethingElse
    && nFoo < 10)


    && isSomethingElse
    && nFoo < 10) {
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Laws are changing in your region, so we're introducinga new choice about how we use your info for ads.

Which law?

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are you sure you don't want to share an indirect kiss with all her past tinder dates?

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here is a tool, that helps with making secure passwords, that respect all the current and former best practices

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I recommend to use relevativ paths in the compose files. e.g.

  - '/home/${USER}/server/configs/heimdall:/config'


  - './configs/heimdall:/config'

you may want to add ":ro" to configs while you are at it.

also I like to put my service in /srv/ instead of home.

also I don't see anything about https/ssl. I recommend adding a section for letsencrypt.

when services rely on each other, it's a good idea to put them into the same compose file. (on 2nd thought: I am not sure if you already do that? To me it is not clear, if you use 1 big compose file for everything or many small ones. I would prefer to have 1 big one)

you can use "depends_on" to link services together.

you should be consistent with conventions between configurations. And you should remove config-properties that serve no purpose.:

  • you don't need to specifiy "container_name", when it would be same name as the service
  • PUID=1000 and PGID=1000 shouldn't be needed, I think.
  • sometimes you add explicit ":latest" to the version, and sometimes you don't

while you are at it, you may want to consider using an .env file where you could move everything that would differ between different deployment. e.g.

  • PUID
  • TZ
  • exposed ports, maybe

consider using podman instead of docker. The configuration is pretty much identical to docker-syntax. The main difference is, that it doesn't require a deamon with root privileges.

you may want to consider to pin version for the containers.

pro version pinning:

  • no unexpected changes, when you restart the container (e.g. because you accidentally pulled)

con version pinning:

  • when you DO want to make an update, you have to spent 2 minutes to go to docker hub to find out which version you want.
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You vote with your wallets. Each time you buy a phone without SD cart, you are submitting a ballot.

Seriously. phones are 99% identical anyways. It's not so hard to filter for the 2-3 criteria you actually care about.

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Does anyone know what this is?

a joke

Anyway, well worth reading his complete works. Good shit. Grab a copy off me.

There is a torrent for the audiobooks, narrated by Wayne June (the narrator from Darkest Dungeon).

Wayne Junes reading Lovecraft is a match made in heaven. I strongly recommend giving it a try

what kind of projects or whatever can i do to have fun again without feeling stressed.

  • Write programs that scratch your own itch.
  • write bots for communities you care about.
  • write userscripts/browserextentions
  • do programming/hacking challenges

(for stuff that is always online, like a bot, or a webservice, I recommend getting a dedicated computer, like a raspberry pi or a small vps)

also some general recommendation

  • keep you goals small and tangible. If a thing takes more than one sitting to complete, it will add to your stress when you add the remainder to your todo list.

  • do the simplest thing, that could possibly work.

  • when doing new stuff, use chatgpt to come up with a plan/boilerplate/demo/2nd opinion.

from personal experience: before I went to college, I had lots of fun doing programming challenges. During college I lost all interest in programming. At my first real job, I regained my love for programming, when I started programming things, that actual people need to improve their daily work. Since then I enjoy programming for work, as well as in my free time.

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what you are doing is called "Individualization of Responsibility" and it is a successfull tactic used by fossil-fuel-lobbies to shift blame away from themselves.

edit: don't get me wrong. I don't think you are doing this intentionally. But I do think, that by accident you are being useful to fossil-fuel companies

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Also the entire "terrorists in the middle east" thing is on him.

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but if for whatever reason your OS got borked and it took you more than a certain amount of hours to recover, you’d switch to Windows.

do you also count the time spent on arcane windows issues?

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we only call them Arabic numerals, with a lowercase n,

[x] doubt

[something] is sometimes a relaxing process

Yeah, no.

meh, I prefer RFC 3339

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no, you'll also have to learns each libraries special quirks on your OS

tiny bit of a germaphobe

iirc salt is a has antimicrobial properties. So if anything, then licking that salt, will reduce the germs in your mouth. So a true germaphobe would be all over that lamp

I like krita. It's awesome for drawing, and surprisingly intuitive for editing

do banking apps work on it again?

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just reapply the thumbs when she starts to behave. Nobody said anything about making it permanenty. smh...

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there is an ad in the terminal!

you mean the "longer security updates with ubuntu pro" thing?

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what's with the square at the end? isn't that usually for proofs?

what is the bare minimum of security measures you can do?

I guess just the normal things with p2p stuff: make sure no ports are exposed except for the essentials, update software, use SSL wherever possible.

When you don't use VPN, people will see your actual IP adress and will launch the same kind of attacks, they also launch on servers [1] to try to hijack your system and add them to their bot net.

[1] port scans, login-attemps, applying known exploits. If this doesn't sound scary, you should try operating a server that is exposed on the internet and then look at the number of login attemps.

As opposed to Threads stealing all brands companies and users anyway?

The extend-phase is when people migrate to threads, who would have stayed otherwise.

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this is the way.

As someone who has watched more than enough anime: It is an aquired taste and most of it is trash, especialy most of the popular stuff.

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is religious fanatics fighting religious fanatics. Fuck all of 'em

I am with you.

Though it would be nice if refugees from palestia would get asylum in Europe (which they don't), then the non-fanatics could get out of there, while the crazies do their thing.

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I think many of them simply got converted to sub ways and such.

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such as?

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someone make a lemmy community for palworld already

I use UK-Layout, with some remappings for my precious umlauts

q+altgr ->ü
a+altgr -> ä
s+altgr -> ß
z+algr -> ö

bonus: in contrast to the peasentry I have an uppercase ẞ (altgr+shift+s)

how they fool the AI while keeping it invisible to the human eye

My guess is that AI companies will try to scrape as much as possible without a human ever looking at the data.

When poisoned data start to become enough of a problem, that humans have to look over very sample, then this would increase training cost to to a point where it's no longer worth to bother with it in the first place.

tldr: there are some legitimate use cases. But not in the first world. And they are unrelated to what crypt-bros are trying to sell.

disclaimer 1: the javascript for the comments is really bad and may freeze your browser

disclaimer 2: while the ideas in the article are interesting, they are flawed (or at least debatable). See comment-section for details.

maybe his interest has peaked and it's only going downhill from here

making the rounds in the anime industry now

were are over the hill already. 4 years ago we got like 15 new isekai per season, and now we are down to about 5.