11 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Mostly on Mastodon, but trying out Lemmy and enjoying it a lot.

Oh America, come on:

  • end (and stop exporting) that vicious tipping culture of yours. Just pay decent wages to people in customer service.

  • change the design of yours bills, make them easily recognizable, with different colors and sizes like normal curencies.

  • take religion out of the money.

  • and since I'm at it, end gun culture and disarm your people. Also SUVs, end that too. And introduce controlled prices in health services, regulate, regulate, regulate, till it becomes a functional system affordable by everyone.

Thanks. I would love you so much more.

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Swedes pilling up Qurans for the winter to save on wood in 1, 2..

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I upvoted because this message still didn't reach everyone, but I guess it's just that people are in denial.. like, isn't this obvious? And weren't there already dozens of studies proving it?

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A quick history review could help you understand why far-right is scary and it should be to everyone, even proud national patriots.. far-right tends to leave a nasty trail behind and often a smaller country to be proud of, it tends to degenerate into a suicidal death cult. Again, history helps to understand.

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Aviation is responsible for around 2% of emissions, but it's also the global connector. While we should refrain from flying when possible just counting on individuals to take the best behavior won't work.

What should be done:

  • ban private jets
  • end all the tax perks for aviation, which allow for insanely cheap tickets that promote senseless flying
  • ban short over-land flights
  • simplify ticketing and reduce prices on international trains in Europe, it's almost always too expensive to cross borders by train in Europe, it makes no sense.

We need aviation, but we also need it to be sensible in a warming planet.

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So they have zero confidence in their own god to punish Sweden or coran burners.

I call it "fragile religiosity" or "weak faith".

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Why should Ukraine be Jesus? Always being hit and strictly hitting back only within their borders. Makes no sense. Russia destroyed airports, dams, energy plants, schools and hospitals for more than a year. A drone attack in an airport in Moscow is more than justified at this point.

Wake up Russians, don't want war then stop it now while you can.

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You'll just be feeding them and Twitter. And feeding a nazi website helping fo keep it relevant is indeed unethical.

Russia is a fascist, terrorist oligarchy on the verge of collapse.

China is a dictatorship with free hand to do genocides at home (Uygurs, Tibet etc) because they have nukes.

South Africa is almost a failed state, where due to corruption people only have electricity a few hours a day and where a separatist movement in the only functional province is growing everyday.

India is sliding fast into a nationalistic hindu dictactorship as well. Although praised for being the biggest democracy in the world, its flaws are growing constantly under Modi.

And what does Brazil want to do with this bunch? Didn't Bolsonaro damage its image enough?

Iran and Ethiopia want to join? Wow, it can always get creepier.

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Value the freedom to burn corans in Sweden and Denmark. Thousands of people suffer horrible punishments and even death for so much less across the Muslim world. The least we can do in the privileged west is to show them that blasphemy is possible and "God" doesn't punish anyone. Its zealots know it, they also don't trust god to punish the infidels, they take the business in their own hands.

Lettuces in landfills take up to 25 years to decompose.

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Then you're not good, you're just law compliant.

A Iraqi refugee burns the quran in Sweden and Iraq expells the Swedish ambassador?! Failed state. I would like to see more solidarity from the other EU countries.

I guess the op added it to the title, but on the article the conversion is from 48°C to 118F

It's not a perfect fit, so if you want to use both Lemmy and Mastodon I strongly advice you to have an account in each.

That said, you can follow Lemmy users or communities on Mastodon, likes made on Mastodon to Lemmy posts equate to upvotes here. If you reply to a comment sent from Mastodon, the Mastodon user will see it. But to fully enjoy both, you need 2 accounts.

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This is not a good news but it's also not so difficult to understand the viewpoint of some Ukrainians that can't stand any longer the language of the invader, that bombs them everynight, that destroyed entire cities, raped women and children, kidnapped them, created an ecocide at the former dam, and the list goes on and on and on.. Russian was widely spoken in Kyiv before the war, this is a direct consequence of all these horrors.

A country is entitled to demolish bridges in their own territory. How can that be terrorism? Grow up Russia, or better, diminuish please, you're better smaller.

Well, if everyone thinks like that nobody does anything ever.. even the richest of the rich can say "it's not because of me", because it really isn't. This is a man made disaster, but not by any single man. Some contribute more, others less, but the idea that only the rich polute is complete bonkers.

Padeira de Aljubarrota killed 7 Castillians by cooking them in her bakery's oven in 1385.

Brites de Almeida das born in 1350 with 6 fingers in each hand, a though lady, could easily kill a man with her hands (and did it a few times), was kidnapped and enslaved in Northern Africa, managed to escape with her bare hands, helped out 2 other Portuguese guys to escape, stole a boat, sailed back with the guys, had a prob with one of them, killed him. Tried to establish herself in a honest way, but crime and murder were always coming her way somehow, ended up moving towns and disguise herself as a man. Met and older lady friend, a baker, that wanted to maker her an honest person. They lived happily as a couple. Older lady dies, she inherits the bakery. Castille tries to occupy Portugal, big battle, Portugal is outnumbered but manages to have a spectacular win. Some castillans are running around and looting. She lures 7 into her bakery, cooks them alive in her oven. Forever a national hero and legend.

Nothing of this is proven, including the Castillans she killed (which is the factoid that made her a hero) but there're even songs about her and whenever Portugal plays against Spain in football you'll see some people dressed as a baker on the stadium.

A lesbian serial-killer who escapsed enslavement to kill Castillans in one of the most important battles of our history? To me nothing can be truer than this, independently of what you can prove or not.

How can you hold a country suffering a brutal invasion on such standards. The "persecuted left" were Kremlin puppets. Zelensky's party is a center-party. This is just spreading the Kremlin talking points.

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The problem is that that only happens because aviation gets tax perks that trains or buses don't.

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This was a misstep by the EU. No country should legitimize the stupid Argentinian expansionism, especially countries like Portugal, Spain or France, who also have islands that are closer to third countries.

The Falkland were never Argentinian, it makes as much sense to declare them Argentinian as to declare the Canaries Moroccan or Saint Pierre et Miquelon Canadian.

If being close is reason to annex it, than let the wars begin! Because every territory is close to some other territory.

I think you meant 3706 years old.

Did I say that? Did I say they're the only ones? I didn't. I said that that extra pollution serves no good purpose. It's for a status symbol and it's not just in the US. Of course it's not the only thing killing the planet but it's the easiest thing to cut, and not even that is being cut.

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I'll never put invader and invaded on the same plate, ever. I find dangerous to even suggest it. A war is not fair and it's not pretty by definition, Russia started it and can stop it at any moment. Enough said.

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Attraction for the abyss? Isn't Miami also having a population boom despite of all the signs of floods incoming?

It already is. The doubt is when will it "sell voluntarily" Siberia to China.

Assuming the person lives in a normal town or village, you always have plenty of options. Groceries by post is totally absurd.

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This can easily be worse, saddly.

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This car is a status symbol. It's completely over dimensioned. It pollutes much more, without any added value in transport, harming air quality (people's health) and climate, it diminishes other's views on the road, it diminishes driver's own view of a child crossing the road, it kills much more easily any unfortunate pedestrian. it's a very strong statement of "fuck everyone else but me", damaging this car count as self-defense.

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And rabbit, a mammal, is white meat.

Either rich or Only Fans models.


If they're more intelligent than us but with the same morals we're doomed, so we might have not time to adapt our religions.

Ahah I mean it's an obvious idea, it might be hot now but.. winter is coming.

You can buy very decent wine for less than 3€/bottle in any Portuguese supermarket 😅

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I don't have much hopes for the average African leader... many of them will by this. Europe should definitely focus help and investments on the few African nations with reasonable leaders that don't treat Europe as the threat and Russia as the friend. Investing one cent in the countries with leaders educated in the former USSR is a waste of ressources, they're brainwashed since youth. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Websites could simply have no cookies and not bother us with them or the note.

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