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Kickapoo school district sees 440% higher cost over private school voucher funding, tax increases

Wait, you think that is a more clear headline than this:

Kickapoo school district taxpayers see 440% tax hike over private school funding

Your headline makes it sound like the school district's costs are 440% higher. Absolute trainwreck.

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Honestly, if you talk to most presidential historians they will tell you that you need about 20 years to pass before you can accurately assess a president. There's too many unknowns that will come to light only years or decades after a term ends, Eisenhower is a great example of this. So these rankings are likely to change over the years.

Although, having seen Trump's predilection for fraud, decit, and self-serving, I'd be shocked if he rebounds as more information comes out.

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Imagine complaining to a social media platform because you're not allowed to be shitty to someone else.

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Is she trying to fast track disbarment? Lying to the court is an excellent way to, at a minimum, receive a suspension.

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Think of a dish made by a world class chef, that food is probably exquisitely crafted using unique and fresh ingredients. There probably aren't that many people out there who truly appreciate it, and probably a lot who just think it's weird.

Now think of pizza. It's relatively cheap and broadly appealing. It wouldn't be put in the same class as the food prepared by the chef, but a lot more of it gets consumed.

Taylor Swift is talented, pretty, affable, has a superior work ethic, and makes music that's catchy and easily digestible. Like pizza, her music appeals to the broadest group of people.

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But Republicans don't see losses like this, realize they're unpopular, and adjust their ideas to better represent their constituents. Invariably, in the days and weeks following these losses they make pushes to change voting maps to further gerrymander districts, or alter polling places and times, or just screw with the process. Because no matter the rebuke, the problem must be with the voters, it cannot possibly be their policies.

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Literally, the point of Chevron was that we cannot expect legislators to be as knowledgeable as the experts working at specific agencies. So allow the agencies leeway to act within the scope of the grant authorized by Congress. If Congress sees an overstep, then they can rein in that authority. I would love to hear a well-reasoned argument on why this should be disturbed.

Although, I know it will be overturned and well-reasoned won't be part of the decision.

TRT is state owned Turkish media. You may want to seek this story out from a more trusted source before deciding on the veracity of the claims. I'm skeptical until something more comes along.

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Easy enough, let's make political gerrymandering unconstitutional, as it always should have been. Politicians should not be choosing their voters, that's 180° backwards.

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I have no opinion on the Mexican president, but I live in the States and there's about 70m people I could ask if Trump is an authoritarian or fascist and they'd say no. So simply living somewhere may not be the best barometer.

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I just wish Dems would stop trying to ban any guns, and not because I'm against gun control, but because it's a losing issue. It's never passing through this Congress, and if it ever did, the Supreme Court would strike it down. Given that that's fairly undeniable, why lose the people who organize and vote on this issue alone?

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Wait...wait...wait, you look at the two parties and think the Democrats are the party of social nonsense and no substantive agenda? The Republican party has essentially distilled their entire platform down to "Woke"!

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Listen, you got nervous and things didn't work right. It's actually a fairly common issue. The problem is the next time not only are you nervous about the same stuff, but you get nervous it won't work again.

Be an adult and talk to her. You don't need to apologize, just explain that you like her and got nervous and things didn't happen. She's probably worried it was her. Take things slow and be patient and relaxed. Everything will work out fine.

If you don't know what you're doing, search for porn for women. It tends to be more "realistic" and more focused on what women enjoy. But at the end of the day just take it slow and communicate.

Do you know how loud a gunshot is..? And he thought the sound of an acorn hitting the car was a shot fired by the suspect inside the car he's standing next to? Either he's lying or he's remarkably stupid, either way he should not have a gun.

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The entire Republican party is a widely debunked conspiracy theory.

That's completely unfair, you couldn't name one two seven...let's go with seven other examples of that!


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Neither of these is reasonable.

  1. There certainly are situations where this could be reasonable; however, when your parameters return 30,000 people it's not nearly tailored enough.

  2. To get a warrant you need probable cause that a person committed a crime, I don't see how a live stream could meet that burden unless it starts prior to the arrival of the police.

These are both abuses by law enforcement, or more clearly, a path that allows their job to be easier by infringing on people's rights.

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Any reason this wouldn't be blatantly unconstitutional as a prior restraint of protected speech?

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Some House progressives voted against the package, saying it wouldn’t do enough to slash child poverty.

Never let perfect be the enemy of good. In a Republican-majority House did they honestly expect anything better was possible?

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The real question is why does someone who claims to be worth around $6B need a loan at all? It just doesn't make sense. /s

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You're just saying libertarian in more words.

Their very own messiah was built off of helping the poor

Whoa! I don't think you're knowledgeable enough about Supply Side Jesus to make such scurrilous accusations. /s

If she stays in, it's only banking on Trump getting convicted. She's never winning a primary in this Republican party.

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If guns are good, and more guns mean more safety, why are they shooting at someone just because they have a gun?

They make a quarter of a million...

You haven't seen CEO compensation lately. She makes between $6-12m depending on bonuses and stock options.

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The question is whether they are in legal custody.

Are they unequivocally, without limitation or restriction, free to leave and go elsewhere? If not, they are in custody.

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Oftentimes the editor writes the headline and not the author of the article. I heard several journalists irate in the past over sensationalized, misleading headlines added to articles they wrote.

You just don't understand. Tax cuts allowed job creators to create more jobs. Tax cuts are like printing money for everyone in the whole country. Do you know what we need to solve the debt crisis? More tax cuts! Maybe we eliminate the IRS altogether.


Are you honestly suggesting that the bus companies might be unaware of what they're doing? That seems preposterous to me. Greg Abbott isn't walking up to the ticket window purchasing two tickets to NYC, these busses are specifically chartered for this purpose.

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That's because the political system is untenable. The system is fundamentally designed to be undemocratic. The Senate and electoral college will continue to put politicians in power who do not represent the majority. By 2040 70% of the Senate will be elected by just 1/3 of Americans. It's time for a complete re-write.

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Except that the money flowing to the top 1% are the result of politics. The tax cuts which funnel money out of the public coffers and into billionaires' pockets also require cuts to services, like education. Polarization is what's required to motivate voters to continue to vote against their own interests. They're very much connected.

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It's bad because if he cannot pay at all, then he cannot appeal.

This is patently false. He does NOT need to post a bond in order to appeal. He can absolutely appeal without posting a bond. The only purpose of the bond is to stay enforcement on the judgment.

Neighbor: Why does this dog eat so much corn!?!

This was filed as a class action, with the class being all Floridians that purchased these. If you're at all familiar with class action lawsuits, they hugely benefit the lawyers, minimally benefit the named plaintiff, and barely provide anything to the class at large.

So an attorney may take it, assuming the believe they can get the class certified. I don't do that type of work, so I don't know too much about it.

Also, contingency cases are possible against large companies based on nuisance value, essentially it's cheaper to pay you $15k to go away then to litigate for a large company.

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People need to stop with ridiculous conspiracy theories. You've become what you hate

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come up with a solution

But not just a bandaid solution... probably something more final.

Terrible argument. I think the Medicare for All estimates were like $32 trillion over 10 years. So $4 billion is barely a drop in the bucket.

Better argument is that we currently pay more money to insure fewer people through our current system. Don't get into their games of we have to give up X to get Y, because we definitely don't. And Ukraine funding is imperative.

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Just a quick question, how would one go about embarrassing Louisiana? Seems like a tall order...

The person you replied to is discussing the pragmatic reality that immigrants are necessary for our economy. It's not dehumanizing to point out that from an economic standpoint they're necessary. It seems like you're just looking for offense.

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I don't think it's a patsy when the person who was criminally negligent is held accountable.

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