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Joined 11 months ago

I haven't seen the video but my first impression (and likely other's) is it's similar to a tik-tok trend where people steal soap dispensers, break sinks, etc.

Having said that, it could just be a little click-baity and maybe he collects old or "retired" fire alarms, which would obviously be fine.

twitter walks back misgendering policy...

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The world needs more good people like this! Trans kids are just kids... Let them live their lives.

The HIDEOUS people passing these laws are hateful souls.

Let people live their lives and be happy! Nobody is forcing people into a group they don't want to be a part of. Some people they DO join these groups need the support .. don't take this from them.

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Yeah, but.... Oftentimes criticizing Biden helps trump. I'd rather not even risk it at this point.

Can we spend more energy celebrating that trump is NOT the president and how bad it would be if he comes back?

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Sometimes all it takes is one or two people to have a good heart and do the right thing. It's a positive shock for sure

This is good news! Trans students will just be using the bathroom, cisgender students are the ones that may be abusing this with negative intentions.

Stay kind, everyone!

Annnnd the hospital in Akron, OH just sold out to a for-profit firm. Fml

Worth it. It's a win/win really

This is a win. Here's hoping this is our standard going forward and this doesn't get brought back up under future administrations.

OMG they're really trying to squeeze every penny out of us. Crazy. What company would do this? Like, specifically what's their website where they take orders??

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Some of that isn't i-message specific though, right? I have a Pixel and it has high quality pictures, typing indicators, reads receipts, sends over wifi... the other stuff I don't think Android has but that's a bit gimicky anyway. Not trying to be an android fan girl but I really don't understand what makes i-message better.

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Where do I buy this patch NOW??!

Newbie question here... What's the difference between federated and de-federated?

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Just bought my first EV... Reading crap like this makes me happy I'm pissing on the oil execs

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Free electricity? Check. Living in a city where I'm a 15 minute walk to grocery, food, coffee, and more? Check.

Having to drive to work 25 miles away is where most of my driving happens.

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Agreed. Maybe it was a low turnout? Too many people maybe thinking it was an easy recall win and didn't show up

Wow, just from reading this article this sounds like a victory. She had no right to try to take the law into her own hands and now this man paid with his life.

Our founding fathers did not want random people walking around with guns ready to shoot each other for traffic accidents! Meanwhile, in Ohio last year this happened: "Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law Monday removing training, background check and permitting requirements to carry a concealed weapon in Ohio". What a fuckwad Dewine is and now more guns are on the streets than before. More people like this woman will end up becoming murderers over stupid situations like this.

I used to worry about that too! Thankfully Leslie Nielson always was the true star so the movies hold up

Of course coming right after the victory on HB68 getting shot down (thankfully!).

Because surgeries are very rare for anyone under 18, I think the bigger impact to DeWine's order is the requirement of youth or ADULTS needing to have psychiatric care AND endocrinologist involved as pre-reqs before starting any kind of medical care. This is a bigger deal because some people will be blocked by the religious therapists out there, and in smaller communities finding and endo can be hard and more expensive. This definitely hurts the trans community.

Trans people getting to be just normal people is a win! Progress.

They've even started getting worse with their apps. I got a notification recently that one of the apps (target) will have fluctuating prices. My understanding is it's demand based increases. While walking around the store one time I looked at items in the app and most of them were higher than on the shelves.

They've spent years pushing people to get comfortable with app shopping and easy pickup... Now they're going to squeeze every penny out of that crowd that they can.

Really happy to see all the YES votes happening so far in Ohio! Gosh dannnng let's legalize marijuana already so people stop going to Michigan. I've never once used it but people deserve the right to if they choose so. Also, abortion is healthcare so GTFO you people trying to control pregnant people!

Ok ok... So me using is a specific instance of Lemmy, so it's almost like its own server? And other instances (maybe lemmy.unitiedstates?) is its own federated instance likely related to just U.S. posts and it can communicate with other instances? Do de-federated instances have no other communication with instances?

Apologies if these are silly, I feel like a dum dum because everyone else seems to grasp this except me.

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As many others have said... Just really good, uplifting news here that DeWine did his research thoroughly and made the right decision. Some people go off of "what they've heard" and believe the lies, without talking to families and doctors (like DeWine did) to find out the reality of the situation.

Ohio is one of those terribly gerrymandered states to the old fucktwats ruining the state. The map was deemed unlawful and after other bad maps and lots of delays, they were allowed to use this map in the last election. No fix in sight yet and it's almost 2024.

I just keep buying more banned books when I see articles like this!

Gotta support those authors. Sometimes these books are perfect for the little free libraries around town too

Considering t-rump's support would be non-existent or borderline condemning the LGBTQ+ community, I'll take anything Biden says in support as a win.

As someone else mentioned, the pills can be harder on your body. I switched to shots and have no regrets. Anecdotal but my body was just not absorbing the pills well and I always battled to get my hormones right. It's been much easier to do with shots.

"I'm a trans person, and I support this ad" -me

I completely respect your points and opinions here. Trying to be a realist myself... I don't see Trump doing shite to help the average American though economically. He'll help big oil, wall street execs, and he'll keep fueling the divide over social issues.

Let's be real, trump doesn't care about us and it's worth reminding voters of that.

Voted early to get my NO vote in. Trying to get every neighbor, friend, and family member to do the same so this BS doesn't slip through on a special election.

It's time for a 'Stop Bigots Act' to keep idiots like Desantis from taking our country backwards

You love to see it

I don't know why but of all his movies (I'm 30s) I think of the Italian Job. Great actor though in everything he's done.

Anyone here that still uses twitter - why do it when there are alternatives? If they continue losing users, all your favorite sources of entertainment and such will just move to different platforms too! It's a win win.

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She handled that reporter trying to derail like a pro. Good on her!

I've never felt so represented

Got it! Tysm for the help I'm learninnnnng
