🐝bownage [they/he]

@🐝bownage [they/he]@beehaw.org
8 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

✨ 👋 Dutch queer person (they/he) | I like taking to people online

Death's end moment


I wish they'd just remove the gender field for amateur events altogether or at the very least change it to agab (although not everyone will appreciate that I'm sure).

Feels hella dysphoric to have to put down my agab for a random 10k I decided to run. Why does it matter? I'm there to run like everyone else, what role is gender supposed to play? I get that there are male/female categories to make fairer competitions, but we all know most participants aren't going to be a challenger for the win anyway, so what's the point?

Localthunk my beloved


Actually one of the conclusions from both the Science and Nature articles were that they mostly fuel far right radicalisation, not so much polarisation (which implies both ends of the political spectrum). Which I guess means leftists are generally either more capable of spotting misinformation or less inclined to act on it.

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No bussy? :(

Me at my wedding yesterday :3

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Thanks Beehaw admins for continuing to have a vision for a better internet and for reminding me once again that there really are online communities that try to be and do good.

I don't post or comment a lot on Beehaw specifically, because I often feel like I won't have the energy or head space to write something that really contributes to the community. It's a strange sort of impostor syndrome related idea where I feel like the quality of content on Beehaw should be so high that I might not reach it without really trying. After all, I want the community to be the best it can be(e).

That being said, I do read a lot of what's going on here and I especially appreciate the frequent posters on the communities I subscribe to. Taking into account the issues with lemmy as illuminated by the Beehaw admins here, I feel some sense of urgency - I want to protect Beehaw, its content and its community of kind people from disappearing, or having its continuation be threatened, simply because it exists on lemmy.

I guess in the end I just want to say that I really appreciate that the admin team is taking steps to preserve the wonderful community they have built and cultivated. While I haven't been that excited about Beehaw potentially moving to a different platform, you make a very good case for it and I'd honestly be happy to follow Beehaw wherever it goes :)

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Just buy a house lol /s

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Left wing queer safe shitposting

Getting married in 2 days!!


I'm excited and stressed at the same time. It's been such a ride and the day hasn't even happened yet. Idk if I'll be happier during or when it's finally done. Either way, definitely looking forward to both the wedding day and to decompressing afterwards

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I keep telling my cis male friends to wear feminine clothes but they never listen :(


And there's the problem right there: the US isn't ruled by what most voters want. Really disheartening to see this, knowing that republicans will just get their way regardless of majority sentiments. I'm glad 32% of republican voters support human rights though, could be worse.

Talking to queer people about queer stuff irl: fun, forgiving, interesting, great learning experience for everyone

Talking to queer people about queer stuff online: lexical minefield, expect essays on how you have wrong assumptions, rarely get away unscathed

I'm so ready to be a little temple femboy in the sun god era 🥺

We love importing everything from the US, especially disinformation based fearmongering 🙏🙏

Makes me real sad because the bill passing would have meant it might not be a horrible journey for me to get my legal gender changed to nonbinary/X. Now I'm not expecting it to ever happen tbh.

I was happily using Lite as well and them just announcing it's discontinuing in a month feels really unfair. I don't want the added functionality of youtube premium. I don't want to pay €15 a month for the same thing I had before for half the money. Now I have to find an alternative, and I think for me it will also be ad blockers and piracy. I'll miss casting youtube to my TV ad free though...

I honestly have never understood why people take the effort to write he/she instead of singular they? Like it's 2 words instead of 1, why bother? Even in academic articles which typically have word count limits lol

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Not to mention obviously this is only really seen in the firs to place by people who didn't leave reddit, ergo they will vote for the community to reopen because they are still on reddit.

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Grant my beloved

Holy shit dubstep4dads was my fav twitter account before the website got ruined

Let's get this onto a tray

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Alt text really coming through on this one

Can you explain how it's 100% super obvious? I thought a popular platform with many users entering the fediverse might be good for exposure but it seems like the consensus here is that it's actually bad. Help me understand how it's bad?

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Based. COC does great and important work 💜

RIP to the two workers in that submarine

Yayyy we love fem clothes what did you get :D

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It's interesting how somehow it seems that the choice(?) to pursue video games as a preteen now affects nearly all media I consume. I'm like 90% on boy internet and I don't really want to be here at all? I'm on boy youtube, boy twitch, definitely would have been on boy twitter/instagram/tiktok if I had those...

It takes such a conscious effort to even encounter media outside that realm and I never opted for it to be like that. I want to have a broader media palette or at least have the option to watch something different sometimes but the algorithms just won't let you??? Plus it's such a big investment to really get into something completely different that it just seems like such a hurdle.
I've been trying my best though, so hopefully youtube will catch up to my actual interests at some point.

Me scrolling through 150 stackoverflow pages and 'helpful' third party websites that don't answer my question

Mine has been a little clogged lately can you recommend anything to get it flowing properly?

It's fucking embarrassing is what it is. Really looking forward to having to apologise for my openly racist and islamophobic prime minister for the coming 4 years just because people in my country love to sabotage the country.

Wtf this is really precious???

I agree that people taking international travel as a vacation for granted is stupid, but also this seems just really salty? I'm sorry you didn't get to have nice vacations as a child but dang.

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Tzaziki is one of my favourite uses for cucumber, plus you can really put a lot in there. Another option might be raita!

In Dutch it leans closer to beast than animal

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Ah yes this is a classic phrase to teach foreigners, bit out of fashion nowadays though

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