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Joined 1 years ago

SwiftKey. I know, it's owned by Microsoft. But I paid for the app long before Microsoft bought the company. I tried so many other apps to replace it, but prediction wise, I can't find any comparable replacement.

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This seems to be more serious that what have been suggested by other comments.

Luckily one of the girls didn't like the smoothie and didn't take much. She didn't fall into deep sleep and was the one who suspected something fishy going on when the man kept coming to the basement. The man even tried to separate the girls. Again, the girl protected her friends by pulling them closer to her. She finally managed to contact her family friend, when the man went outside, messaging them to come and bring her home, and once she was saved, the other families followed suit.

Given a different scenario where everyone took the smoothies, I speculate with high degree of confidence someone would get sexually assaulted or worse.

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the methods used by thiefs to try and get access to your phone data.

It is not about accessing the data but to disassociate the current user from the phone so that the thief can reset the phone or/and it's components for new users.

Much the popular posts in lemmy are memes, shitpostings, or politics/technology news which we can easily obtain from other media. The way I see it, lemmy lacks experts, scientists, doctors etc that that can bring interest and credibility to the posts or threads. They can help generate quality contents, what lemmy lacks till now.

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I don't see the need to mention reddit. It's like saying my current bf is better than my ex while spying on the ex.

Have a closure. Move on.

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I (a non-US) watched Hillary in a documentary about her saying Bernie has never worked (in corporate/professional settings) all his life. If that's true, I don't think it matters to him.

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anyone can tldr?

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It makes sense, but not the way you think. They know they are going to lose. They know they are going to suffer greater retaliation. But they will have to endure it. And they know many of them will die because of it. They were ready to face the consequences.

I don't think this campaign is against the Israeli government. It's a strategic move targeted towards the illegal Israeli settlers and those who dare to encroach into the disputed Palestinian land! - to instill traumatic fear. It's a warning message to these people, even though the have the best military and the best surveillance techs, the government can't protect them. A stern message to them: If you dare to take this land from us, one day we will come to take it back from you, even your life, at the time you least expected and every efforts you put before will be in vain.

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Hey, I follow up your suggestion - come back and read the article. No doubt, a very engaging read. Thx.

to look at it objectively, if you don't use the service you're simply not part of the demographic targeted by the business employing by that service. That's mutual.

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there is another very recent clip from ITV news UK showing a guy being killed while their group of 5 holding a white flag to fetch relatives that were left behind. It was posted on Lemmy but I forgot where.

EDIT: I found the link here. It's sadder that the ITV reporter even Interviewed the victim before he was murdered. It starts at around 2:00. But it's worth to view the whole thing.

And don't forget the tragic ending suffered by the Dr (can't remember his name) that first brought out the covid issue, and his phone messages were leaked to the public if I am not mistaken. He was left dead with no proper care by the authority.

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Lee said Kwon attended Iowa State University and has a degree in aerodynamics.

He puts his knowledge to good use.

How successful the court of public opinion has been in influencing the outcome of Israel conflict before?

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I am going to get downvoted for this but yeah, this is kind of expected. We think that they will lose customers. Yeah they will lose us but they don't care. We're not part of the market that they're building on. Their markets are those who depends on them, those that can't live without them. And they don't care about about our generation that much because we are part of the experimental generations when they tested the market. The new generation are their targets because that's are what they're exposed to when they grow up.

Google is a good example as a case study. They took really long time to figure out how to make money. Instead of using ads banners like its counterparts during its time, it stayed on providing free services, Gmail, maps etc, so that we'll get hooked to them. It's only once we're hooked to them that they start changing things leaving the next gen with no much choice.

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With a population 1/7 of Ukraine, the GDP is 1/3 of Ukraine - not bad at all.

The camera are already there. They use AI as a mechanism to of auto-detecting the act.

The cameras would be able to automatically send the images to enforcers, meaning officers would no longer have to look through hours of CCTV footage, the publication added.

Surprisingly the title is not: Germany ditched coal and did went back to it.

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It's going to be more expensive to hire and train new people when the dumdums in upper management finally figure out the mistakes

Unfortunately that's not the case. Those who have been laid off are those paid high salaries to build up the foundation. Now that the foundation is already there, they future work won't be as complex as before and need less training. So why would they still pay the very high salaries? They'll just get rid of the used-to-be-important programmers and hire the can-be-hired-for-a-lot-less programmers from India. It's sad, but that's the reality.

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it's pretty capable in term of most functionalities but you can't get the formatting, e. g. word docs, exactly one-to-one with its MS office version counterpart. So it would be difficult to share to multiplatforms users.

And Microsoft intentionally introduce bugs in its files design so that certain functionalities will be extremely difficult to replicate.

Sorry to say, I would take this with grain of salt. Not making profits is part of business model of these pioneering companies. Google, Amazon and Uber (etc) were in the negatives for so many years and they absorbed the losses in order to be the dominant brands where at the end users become dependent on them. At that point they'll start to charge exorbitantly and forcefully add unneeded features that will exert more control upon their users but there's nothing that they can do but pay, for the simple fact that they can't do without them.

[...] used to be perceived as a place of beauty and spirituality [...]

Nah. You're on You won't find many of them here.

They still support Ukraine. But to bring Ukraine's grain into the country is a no go for them. Domestically Poland have to deal with the farmers, constitutes a large demographic chuck of their voters, who can't compete with the cheaper Ukraine's grain and ended up suffer financially.

edit: a news article on this matter

how do you even do your assignments without a pc/notebook?

I need more context.

this is better posted at Facebook.

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What's your intention, really? Please correct me if I am wrong as I am not a native speaker - what I get from your writing - you find it more appropriate to attack/trivialise the UN court ad hominem rather than to consider the real issues of fulfilling the urging humanitarian concerns and the pressing needs of civilians?

So what is the goal? Is this just an expression of pent up anger? Because it seems a poor strategy to me.

I am trying to think of the answer objectively. Here is what I can think of the possibility would be:

I think their main goal is to abduct as many Israeli as possible and bring them to Gaza. Why?

  1. So they can negotiate on prisoner exchange. You can already come across news of negotiate being held in Qatar as of now.
  2. To use those captured Israelis as human shields. The Israeli is very protective of their citizens and will go to great length to make sure that they'stay safe and alive. You can refer to many instances in the past where the Israeli government have conducted many rescues of Israeli hostages. This is why, in the long run, an alive Israeli is worth lots more than them being dead. To add to this, if Hamas use their own women or children as human shields, it won't work as the Israeli won't care and will blow them anyway. So having Israeli civilians with them will mitigate the act of Israeli bombing Gaza indisminately. They are already statement by Netanyahu that the war will be long because of hostage situation.
  3. To use them as safety collateral in other ways that I can't think of. Hamas simply has no say. They have nothing of any value to nego with the Israeli gov whatsoever. So the only thing that can help them is by bringing the subject of hostages into the negotiation. That's why they need as many hostage as possible. after some time they won't get the chance once the Israeli military deployments are underway.

[EDIT: A statement has been circulating (on telegram for my case) that Hamas will kill each civilians one by one and made the video/audio public if the Israeli gov don't stop bombing civilian homes. This is part of the 'collateral' that I mean.]

When they attack the military camps, it seems that would just kill as many military personnel as they can, even those unarmed. Those not killed are bonus prizes for them - as good as having civilian hostages - but having civilians is much easier.

So, specifically for the situation at the music festival: why did many civillians got killed if Hamas wanted them alive? I speculate it was due to crowd control gone wrong. There are security personnel with fire arms at the music festival, so there were some shooting going on between them. Or it could be that through the chaos they just decided to kill until they can manage the crowd. Or they were just evil and decide to exert revenge. There could be many other possibilities. Hamas have claimed that those civilian that were killed were actually military personnel, but that's very unlikely.

Anyway, I could be totally wrong. This is what I can thing of to get some senses of what going on.

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because I think you have bad intentions. Like you will post this to show that Israel are ready for ceasefire but Hamas is the the one that doesn't want to compromise. I might be wrong. Anyway, that's why I asked you.

Instead of just doing W analysis, why don't you learn SWOT analysis instead. It will water down your bias.

that's just damage control. There's some strategic mobilisation amongst US-Arabs communities not to vote him during the next election, e.g. in Michigan where their votes are important to the election outcome. Yes, they know Trump would be worst in his support for the Israeli. But it's part of their stands for being neglected by the current administration and sending a strong message.

What is your motive when posting this?

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For android users, we can easily set notifications if battery level reach certain range by using apps like Tasker. Before this I set it for full charge. Change it to above 80% just now.

EDIT: tasker proj file in case anyone is interested. Link.

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Hamas took power in 2007 and hasn't left ever since.

Not accurate. Hamas was denied power when they won 2006 election, voted by the people off course. Fatah still wanted to cling to power even though they lost. And The West wanted Fatah to remain even though they lost democratically because Fatah can be brought into nego and Hamas is a designated as a terrorist org by them, off course. At the end, Hamas was only able to administer Gaza as that's where Fatah wasn't able to exert their control.

Mind will be 6 years at the end this month and still going strong (considering its age). I make sure not to leave it charged at 100% for a long time. I've read through some article in lemmy not ago that not charging it more than 80% will improve its charging life cycle - doing this now.

because he did it again? Have you read the article, yes?

This year’s gaffe was Wang’s third offence. He released similar videos around the time of the anniversary of Mao Anying’s death in 2018 and 2020, both times prompting an outcry on social media.

You seem to know what you are talking about. Can you ELI5 the difference between communism and sosialism, in the shortest possible words?

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