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Not giving a hostile power control of 20% of the world's grain supply is a good one.

Demonstration of American commitment to stopping its enemies worldwide is always handy.

Weakening of a major geopolitical enemy's military capabilities for a fraction of the cost of a conventional war.

That's just off the top of my head, though.

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Something something Steisand effect...

Wha? They talked to Apollo's dev at the end?

Or do you mean a breakdown of the numbers and such?

"If you violate the Geneva Convention, your people don't get the protections of it" seems like a pretty reasonable way to justify the bombings tbh

In any case, there are some important considerations to be made here too:

After the horrors of Okinawa, US leadership expected a million casualties to take Japan itself, to the point where the Navy wanted to simply blockade Japan into submission. Given the Japanese civilians were already eating acorns and tree bark, and the military's entire outward appearance was to never surrender, it isn't unreasonable to assume Japan wouldn't have given up.

Of course, the Japanese were refusing to surrender to the US in order to surrender through the USSR in hopes of getting a better deal (protect the emperor, no war crime trials, etc.). Of course, the Soviets invaded Manchuria and dashed all hopes of that, which, according to many people, was the real reason for Japan's surrender.

It is a bit murky, but in response to the bombings and the invasion, there was a meeting on August 9th of the highest ranks of the Japanese government where it was determined that surrender was the only option and plans were drawn up to do so. However, on the 14th, there was an attempted coup by some army officers to continue the war, which failed after several high ranking officials refused to comply, among other things.

All of this taken together is not to say "the bombings were necessary," but rather to show the situation as it developed, and how many different things could have gone wrong and dragged the war on for longer (side note: Japan still held a lot of territory and there were plans to liquidate POWs and the like in the event of surrender)

Was it right to vaporize thousands? In a vacuum, no, certainly not. But in the complex context of a war in which millions had already died and millions more still very well could have, its tough to say.

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MAGA: "Migrants are burning down cities all the time (somehow), and injecting bleach stops coronavirus!"

(So-called) BlueMAGA: "I dislike some of Biden's policies and his response to Gaza, but I want someone responsible in charge."

anticolonialist: "I literally cannot tell the difference!"

It's pretty sad that your comments were removed, as discussing the logical conclusion of these situations is important.

We can't simply plug our ears and ignore the very real dangers of the justice system failing to punish people (whether justified or not). When people determine they have no other recourse, political violence is the logical conclusion of such a situation.

It's a terrible thing that there is a real chance for political violence to become mainstream, and simply ignoring that possibility is more dangerous than addressing it openly.

Yeah, I hate that I have to compromise on things, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather have more rights and have to watch Palestinians die than have fewer rights and have to watch Palestinians die.

Its a fucked situation anyway you slice it, but there it is.

I think you're conflating "maintaining a global hegemonic order" with "fucking up a nation that has actively tried to harm the United States AND is provably committing war crimes."

Is American hegemony all sunshine and roses? Fuck no lol

At least it is built more on consensus of member states than a hegemony built up by dictatorships like Russia (which, let's be real, isn't ever gonna be a global hegemon) or China?

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Blazing Saddles would be called dated and "done before."

It was originally made as a way to laugh at Westerns, which, up to that point, had dominated the market. A lot of the tropes and plot lines the movie rips on are explicitly there because they were usually in these "safe" Westerns.

Meanwhile in my hometown one of their supporters got elected the other day

Usually, they are used to burn books :/

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...doesn't China have a "no first strike" rule for their nuclear weapons? :P

As for not bullying China...maybe they should stop trying to bully their neighbors before asking to not be bullied lol

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Its my understanding that it was more of a "holy shit, she was the same age as many of my fans" statement.

We should allow people who pull similar shit to die the same way as Crassus lol

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As a younger person in IT, I always hate this argument of "they could never use the old stuff." It's such a dumb thing to use because it can logically be taken anywhere: "these damned boomers couldn't even crank up their car properly" or "I can't believe kids these days don't listen to the town crier and read newspapers instead!" It's just absurd: nobody uses those systems because we found better* options to achieve the same tasks, making knowledge of these things largely irrelevant.

I'd take Norman Schwarzkopf over Napoleon Bonaparte to command any modern military force today as their skills are for entirely different realities.

Same lol

Between that and the random shit it has listed as what I get ads isn't a whole lot. I spend most of time looking up highly specific things on Wikipedia or out of immediate utility, so I suppose I'm just not that interesting...also ublock origin ftw

God I hope so

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Just a damned good show all around that showed younger me a lot of what makes compelling stories work.

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I think the deal is more "My family is safe and healthy and that is important to me" over "wow I don't care at all about dead foreign kids."

In a 2-party system, sometimes that's the best you can get... and frankly, I give more of a shit about myself and my friends/family who would be much worse off under Republicans than Democrats, enough that if I have to id vote Democrat every time until the immediate threat of Republicans is dealt with.

And again, because you just don't seem to get it, Republicans have an even worse track record on the middle east lol. (Not intended as a whataboutism - more as an explanation that the two-party system sucks, and how not voting for one effectively means the other wins)

Star Wars: Empire at War

Imagine what that game with stable multi-player and updated graphics could do with mods, especially after seeing stuff like Thrawn's Revenge

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Never forget the way the human brain works, with the more common interpretation being: "it takes 7 instances of positive things to outweigh 1 negative."

For my part I haven't really noticed any difference, but I only infrequently comment!

Let's not forget that the Republicans are actively stripping voting rights away. Do leftists really think letting them win is gonna be a good strategy for any hope to change the system?

I say this as a leftist that it is ludicrous to think letting the Republicans win (as that is all voting 3rd party federally will accomplish). Let's not delude ourselves into thinking either A) the Republicans would actually let any left-leaning power bloc or parry exist or B) people stuck under Republicans will violently overthrow them and institute left-leaning policies/government.

It arguably gets better than that - the 61 billion was already spent on making the things; Ukraine isn't just getting $61 billion handed over to it lol

You thinking of Vanced? Revanced is updated pretty regularly

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How do you think shift destruction to russian villages will help end the war sooner?

Gee, I dunno, let's ask Germany how the Soviet advance into Germany helped end the war faster lmfao

Hitting someone until they stop hitting you is a good way to end an altercation, especially since the aggressor clearly won't use words to end it.

Is your friend a Cold-War era Romanian dictator?

They are still a metric they can peddle to their advertisers to show "how many people see this ad in a month."

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I like how they don't like genocide so in protest, they vote for the other party that "likes genocide" (and is actively hostile to minorities, but whatever).

In this case the tradeoff they have to accept for a party that does the same thing but even more overt.

I'm not belittling anyone, I'm simply stating that facts of the situation - regardless of which party they vote for - they will be effectively choosing to accept genocide, whether their vote is a protest vote or not, because that's how the 2-party system works.

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See, the problem here is that the Muslims can do whatever they want in this scenario, but the bottom line is that they have to accept the same shit as everyone else.

If I'm being honest, this whole stunt just looks like trying to force the democratic party into doing what they want at the expense of other, more numerous voters.

For example, I have to accept that Biden isn't going to do everything I want like go hard after the wealthy or force through student loan forgiveness. However, him being in power means my LGBT friends and family, as well as any female relatives and friends have protection for their rights and bodily autonomy.

It's not a great choice to have to make because our system sucks, but I have to make that call because Republicans will absolutely make things worse. In the cold, calculating world of politics, if I had to choose between my friends and family having rights or Palestinians not being killed...I'd pick my friends and family 10/10 times. Of course I'd rather have both, but that's the reality of the situation.

Then of course there's the whole question of why those Muslim people are in America (yes, I'm aware of how dangerously close this line of thinking gets to dipshit conservatives bitching about immigrants). Is making their current home demonstrably worse for them really a good idea?

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Gotta give a shout out to Oculus Imperia for warhammer content! Not exactly for watching so much as listening, but his narration is impeccable and all of his stuff I've seen has been of top quality

Right. Tell them to be grateful for genocide and scream that they want trump

No, by reminding them that "hey we are the party that stops you from actively being deported and barred from entering the country."

That's a damn convincing argument if there ever was one, and honestly if they aren't convinced it won't be a problem anymore since they won't be around next election cycle anyway after another round of republican rule...

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I worked on mostly Chromebook repairs for 6 months last year, and I found it to be pretty straightforward as well from a hardware standpoint...especially when there was no point in doing most repairs because it would cost more than just getting a new one.

For any OS issues, we'd simply take a flash drive and reinstall it from scratch. It's definitely gotten easier, but holy crap could it be slow as hell lol

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Oh yeah, now it's all pretty standardized with like the same screws for everything.

Its no longer quite as silly with the specific steps to follow, but god, is it boring as all hell to work with too lol

I mean, sure it's horrible, but again, understanding the context behind decisions is important to getting a full idea of why something was done.

Take something like strategic bombing, which killed more people by a country mile than the atomic bombings. Does anyone bitch on the same level about how many people were killed by regular bombing? Hell, Operation Meetinghouse (the firebombing of Toyko in March 1945) killed something like 150k people in a single raid, and nobody says a goddamned word about it outside of historical circles.

At the end of the day, the idea behind strategic bombing (in the case of the Allies) was that it was a good way to damage the enemy's war effort. The killing of civilians wasn't the objective (unlike the Germans, who explicitly employed terror bombing of civilians as a tactic). Its the cold calculus of fighting a modern war - the enemy's capacity to fight is the ability for them to make more things to fight with, so eliminating that capacity by demolishing factories and houses is a good strategy. The killing of civilians wasn't the objective necessarily - breaking the apparatus they participated in was.

In some ways it's actually better to simply leave millions homeless instead of killing them, as the enemy must house and feed these people instead of using those resources for fighting...

Either way, would you have rather the US blockaded Japan to death to force a surrender? Killing untold numbers of civilians from starvation and disease than a relatively small number of civilians in 2 places? Maybe we wouldn't have needed to if the Russian invasion was enough to scare them into surrender, but we'll never know that for sure...

What would you have done against an enemy that gave every indication they were planning to fight to the death?

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There's a tamper-proof seal on the bottle

Ah gotcha

Again, the point is that those accounts are still users that can be pointed out as such for all to see. Remember: a youtube account is just a Google account.

One could argue that youtube is a highly effective loss leader - people get into the Google ecosystem because of making an account to subscribe to their favorite content creators. Now Google has data they can sell, and metrics for advertisers to go "I see 18-30 year old white guys who watch things about X are likely to respond positively to things about Y." The algorithm, even without advertisements, is constantly building a profile of every user.

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Lol ok whatever you say. Enjoy the consequences of letting the uneducated run things

Between that and how poor the search function is. "IT Support" shouldn't be bringing up car mechanic jobs...

And, pray tell, what library or school has pornography in it that is easily accessible to minors?

Furthermore, having lived my entire life around educators and now working for an educational institution: parents are fucking stupid lol

The sheer numbers of videos of parents bitching and crying at school meetings or libraries about "X book is pornographic" or "this book has witchcraft and should be burned" is absurd. Those mouth breathers don't even know how to critically examine a fucking facebook post for bullshit, let alone comprehend the difficulty in teaching children.

Don't like your kid learning about how Trans people exist? Go fuck yourself and homeschool your kid so they can be permanently stunted in terms of preparation for the real world. Let the vast majority of regular people make sure their kids grow up socially aware and at least passingly prepared for the future.

Also, "this will be the law?" Have you seen the flailing Republican party? Guess what fucker - the average American thinks project 2025 is batshit and the republican party got hijacked by a manchild and ruined their stupid plans. It's only downhill from here now that they went mask off - most people think they're nuts.

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