1 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

"can be" is doing some heavy lifting here. I confidently predict the amount actually recycled is a fraction of one percent

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Don't ask online strangers for medical advice. Go to a doctor if you're worried

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Important to know that real-world testing shows that PHEVs are rarely plugged in and just burn oil much of the time

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As it's Microsoft, you can be pretty sure the option to turn off the new look and feel will be removed in 6 months

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Let's leave aside the fact that everything produced today by so-called AI is absolute dogshit. Let's pretend it produces things that it's asked to produce. Even in this version, where's the pleasure in watching a story you've just created with prompts? The point of story is to be taken on a ride by somebody else - ideally someone you trust to give you a satisfying ride and not waste your time.

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The other annoying thing they (esp. MS) do is pop up messages like "The whole process of saving files has changed while you were asleep [learn more][got it]" and here, when you need it, there's never an option for "remind me later". So you either have to stop what you're doing and go and read a massive blog entry that's not actually relevant to the task in hand or you need to dismiss the message and never be able to find it when it's actually relevant

It's incredibly selective about which topics it's good for. Want insight into advanced mathematics or new programming languages and people there have amazing insight. But they bring the same level of confidence to the discussion when talking about topics they've no idea about.

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Comparison with current excitement about AI is interesting. Look at the language people use to describe the behaviour of LLMs

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They shoot down training drones all the time, so shooting things down isn't novel. "In anger" is a normal phrase to describe doing something in a conflict situation, in contrast to training

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I'm a professional researcher and we all use Google Scholar. I've never seen Captchas on there. Are you on Scholar itself, or standard Google?

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People need to hire vehicles occasionally rather than buy more polluting vehicles against some rare edge case

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If you ask, some places can do early check-in. You might have to pay for it, because it disrupts their routine

I got some of those Chipolo trackers shown in the photo. So far I'm pretty disappointed. Based on the locations being reported, I'm pretty sure my phone is the only one in my city working on the Find my Device system, and even that is intermittent. For example, I've left my bike, which has a Chipolo tracker hidden on it, in public places such as a busy train station. After two days on the station platform - with goodness knows how many Android phones passing by - the bike is still showing as being at home in my garage. Like, it didn't even get logged on my own phone as I cycled to the station and left the bike and tracker there. The system really isn't up to speed yet

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Rotate it 90 degrees to the right

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I always hoped Wolf of Wall Street would have a sequel

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I mean, just look at the way Microsoft are trying to ram "AI" into every interaction with every app right now. As the big players make it more and more non-optional, people are going to have to work really hard not to put anything into, say, Word that they don't want sent back for analysis

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But the government regulation will never come without a LOT of voters feeling very unhappy, so perhaps don't tell people they shouldn't feel unhappy about the situation?

Nobody detected you and went to find you. That...just isn't a thing. Fare evasion here in the UK is handled by checking tickets. I don't know what you saw, but it wasn't what you thought it was

If anyone finds themselves in this position, you should ignore everything else and just look at the ERTO size, which should be on the tyre itself. This is a standard way of measuring tyres and wheels, and is much better than the old ways

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Yes - but 3db is twice the energy, which is what matters when it comes to damaging your cochlea

You can buy very convincing stickers that make your frame look rusty

No way is something that size transmitting video all the time, or even processing it on board to upload summaries. The battery would last about an hour

I think the problem is that you're not explaining which country you're thinking of, and seem to be suggesting it's the same legal situation everywhere

There's a fair bit of published work on this. 33 senses is a common number but there are others who've claimed up to 53

You need to read some Iain M Banks. His Culture novels are essentially in that future where AI runs everything. A lot of his characters are essentially looking for meaning within such a world

Speaking of which, it uses the same web interface as a lot of other news sites. Newsletter popup, autoplay video part-way down that then jumps to the top of the screen, etc. What Hifi is the same, and there are various other sites all with the same annoying engine. Two questions: (1) are all these sites owned by the same company and (2) is there a browser extension that can fix them?

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Hark at Simeon Stylites here

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Except people don't plug in their hybrids and run them on fossil fuels. Hybrids are yet another way the FF industry keeps itself going while pretending things are being fixed

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Same in the UK. Very curious how all over the world, governments created exactly the same tax loophole. I can't think which highly resourced industry might have been involved in "advising" them

I've never encountered this, which makes me realise I've been running Firefox beta for ages (with zero issues). Perhaps try that just in case it helps?

This is such a common sneer, but it's naive and misguided. In the hope a few people see this, consider a thought experiment: how many students would you have to push off a cliff to get solid evidence that pushing people off a cliff is harmful? The point being that when a phenomenon is powerful, it's quite possible to study it even with small and selective samples.

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Until recently I had both a Samsung phone and a Samsung tablet. According to my PiHole, the phone wasn't too bad, but that tablet was contacting Samsung almost constantly

I already use a (Garmin) smartwatch to unlock my phone using the Smart Lock feature (which can use any Bluetooth device to unlock your phone when in range). From the sound of it, the difference here is that the range is way shorter. I guess that's a tiny improvement over what I have now, as in theory somebody in the same room as me could unlock my phone if I wasn't looking, but it's not exactly a game-changer

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Nobody can audit the code for all their apps. Even within an ideal world where the code is all open, people don't have the skills or the time. Sensor permissions are supposed to be a system so that people can have a strong level of confidence in apps without needing those skills and time, and so not having the ability to control this sensor is a problem - but an OS problem

I've just tested this and it didn't work. I think this issue, of posts saying there is 1 comment when there are none, is some sort of Lemmy-wide issue. It drives me crazy, as it's impossible to know whether posts have a comment or not without looking at each individually.

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Have a look at - it's like a return to the old days

Another factor to add to these answers: if the water has been treated (if it's mains water), then a not inconsiderable amount of electricity (and so carbon emissions) will have been used to treat it, and probably quite a lot more electricity will have been used to pump it around the country. So using water is also burning energy

Because we have a lot of history. If we're doing an historic festival it would be more specific about the period, not just some homogeneous "past". But that said, such festivals are quite rare anyway

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Ironically this article reads like GPT output

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I felt that Google Maps has been getting ever harder to read. The palette had moved towards a grey-on-grey scheme with very little contrast. This new scheme looks less distinctive... But I think that's a good thing given how hard it was too read the old one sometimes