Brad Boimler

2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Not affilated with CBS or Paramount just being the best Brad Boimler i can be 🖖

So the reason we don't is unless your delivery note says to knock or ring a door bell we are not allowed to because customers complain and we get written up for it called customer escalation so put it in the notes I always follow the notes no notes means it gets left a door.

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I understand the reason but any news site asking for my email is a automatic dns block on my dns server for me.

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I would not say all some of us run Graphene OS with Google Play Services stripped from Android.

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That is very true indeed but my battery lasts for 2 days though because of it so I'll call that a win.

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Bro you destroyed them dying 🤣 🤣 😆 😆

So I bought a 7a have had it for a week I got it for Graphene OS I tried stock Google android for 2 days I had to toggle airplane mode for a working data connection over a dozen times each day battery was crap and phone got super hot unable to hold it. I have now spent a week with Graphene OS and wow No data issues at all signal is great. Also phone doesn't get hot just a lil warm when doing something like gaming battery is miles better. Also on stock android the launcher would freeze and you had to lock and unlock the phone until it unfroze and it did this dozens of times 3rd party launchers had the same issue. So my conclusion is it's a great device if you run something other than stock Google android.

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Its already been known Qualcomm x1 arm64 laptop chip will be able to run other operating systems its not a phone.

No, this one works just fine. Thank you though.

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Notice how the won’t engage with you at all because the are clearly in the wrong someone hurt their feelings so the broke every rule on the instance throwing a tantrum and are surprised when the get repercussions for it.

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Just waiting for Asahi Linux to get microphone working and I can finally use Fedora on my M2 Air all my other computers run Linux. Dropped Windows over 15 years ago it was bad then and it just keeps getting worse every update.

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I agree watched that movie one time i would defiantly never buy that movie.

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Wow, you really need to learn what the definition of sensitive is you’re the one getting butt hurt over that comment therefore you’re the sensitive one.

One question what front end is that?

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100% agree been using Linux for 15 years and will never stop plus once you learn everything there is to know about how Linux works if something breaks odds are you can fix it yourself or report it with logs faster if you contribute your self as well.

Oh wow really no one cares 😂 also I see you ran from all of them as well from hurt feelings 😂

Also because of this comment registration is temporary disabled while I disable rooms and spaces, and community’s so it will be messenger/group messages only. More limits may be imposed not sure yet still reading all the options in the docs. Also looking into other methods like disabling encryption on group chats if even possible to deter this.

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I think it has more to do with Matrix is kinda becoming the standard for secure open source messaging server but I do agree with you I would just use what works for you personally.

That is because if we do and dogs bark baby wakes up and a customer calls Amazon support over it we get a customer escalation hurts are scorecard terribly and al drivers lose their bonus for the 2 week pay period also if you don't rate a Amazon delivery with a thumbs up it hurts us as well please rate your delivery. Amazon goes out of their way to punish drivers.

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You are correct where I am we have about 200 stops a day over 400 packages 1 minute per stop 45-60 stops a hour is what the expect.

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Honestly, I’m just here for the funny comments that is all good luck.

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That is very dumb with Verizon in the US you just type in the esim imei online and submit it and it auto downloads and activates the esim on your phone very easy.

We can't leave it at any other house or address vans have camera it's termination if we do that would be why only the address listed can be delivered too.

If you call that shit posting then I see why you don’t fit in anywhere.

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Yeah looking into all of this now I might move towards a invite only and keep groups community’s etc unencrypted and moderate them all. Or make community’s etc only allowed with admin approval. UPDATE: we are now invite only working on generating some invite codes if anyone is interested comment below.

Yup we don't even get brakes well we do but if you take them you fall behind and get punished for it.

Damn man I am like 3 1/2 hours from there.

It was windows 7 but my install got screwed up Some how not sure how a freind gave me a Ubuntu USB and I didn't want you try it I wanted to reinstall windows but didn't have another windows computer at the time or acces to one. And I installed Ubuntu 8.Something and back then making a Windows USB wasnt easy like it is now on Linux and never got it working so I just embraced Linux glad I did prepared me for my Dev ops career.

Yes you are correct if it's a computer the ship them in OEM box so we knock for those but if it's a normal Amazon box it gets left it is what it is I wish things where different but that is Amazon for you.

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I agree I got rid of mine until smart watches can last 2 days minimum on battery I won’t use one the die so quickly.

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Yes it was up to date latest version February security patch and all also my hotspot didn't work got verification failed Google Support and my carrier could not fix it and then the Google support rep said if Graphene OS worked better then the would just go back to if it was them like what you recommend I go to graphene OS I thought it was funny.

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This makes much more sense thanks for the clarification. 🖖

Full speed ahead boys 🤣

If you get a pixel watch you can pair it and use that for Google Pay FYI and have Graphene OS on your phone.

It is a spark for Walmart.

So a former home office employee of Walmart it is what's left after the name brand run it is what isn't up to snuff for the name brand that is why off brand vegetables have more stems and stuff etc in them.

Cool I don’t really care enough to keep this conversation going I rarely get into politics and even then who cares it’s always a bad choice either way.

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I just self host Invidious and put it behind Authelia for SSO.

It runs great just no steam for games because no arm64 support but runs really good.

My bad I mean microphone 🎤

Zero signups so far so no one really interested and kinda knew that mainly for personal use.