Bramble Dog

1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Its complicated, because he did stop it. He also immediately took notes and immediately told others about the conversations, actions which clearly paint him as somebody fully versed in the processes of establishing cooperation with law enforcement on an informer basis.

It is also arguable that the entire insurrection that day was a cover to specifically murder Mike Pence on the Capitol steps. There was day of chatter that the gallow was brought into the city in one of the vehicles in Alex Jones' caravan. We know that with the charging of Donald Trump, Alex Jones is now essentially the only conspirator of Jan. 6 who remains charge free.

Whatever we think of Mike Pence, our country still existing might have solely rested in his hands and it appears he did the right thing in the way he knew how. He saved his life. He saved his family's life. He saved his country.

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"I read an essay by a christian a while ago that pointed out that the separation of church and state wasn’t about protecting the state from religion - it was about protecting religion from the state."

Without knowing the author or their reasons for saying that, I would say that they have it wrong entirely. The majority of governments before the US almost always had some level of theocracy attached to it. We took our independence from a man who quite literally was pretending to be God's representative on earth.

Within that context, its very hard to see the constitution as intending anything other than a full divorce between politics and religion.

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From the government's perspective? There is often value in releasing the person. They almost never realize their phone lines are tapped and the first thing they do is run to their friends and start incriminating them further.

There is often the issue that these right wing cells are without their knowledge governmental "stay behind" cells who are operating somewhat under the jurisdiction of factions of the US government who are legally barred from operating clandestine missions on US borders.

In terms of the Proud Boys, their leader is a journalist who was officially on the Canadian pay roll before they became a fascist paramilitary leader. Seeing that immigrants who are members of political extremist groups are barred from having permanent residence in the US, while registered spies are not. These are things we have to speculate on, unfortunately.

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I dont think that is the ass, I think its a cancer mass.

Either way, great day to not eat animals.

Just a reminder: on the day tweets were claiming the gallow was brought into DC by one of the vehicles in Alex Jones' motorcade.

We need to be clear here: Mike Pence was going to be assassinated on January 6th.

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McCarthy wasn't wrong?

Did your pawpaw force you to read John Birch pamphlets as a child or did you come to this strange belief in adulthoold, without being groomed into it?

I really don't know about that. It's a $20,000 camera probably, but there is a good chance the rig itself is likely 10 years old, so the lens is likely the only thing they could make a few hundred off of, but that isn't enough for a 3 man job.

I suspect robbing a journalist and taking their camera is to make their name known. They probably ditched the camera pretty close to immediately.

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I agree with the other user who said this a terrible take.

Biden is who the Democratic party selected overwhelmingly (to my chagrin) and there is nobody who can beat him in a primary (the person who theoretically could already lost before, and immediately endorsed Biden this time around).

It also makes no sense to take out the guy we know will beat Trump.

You aren't shocking anybody by pointing out an 80 year old is a tad bit racist.

But you are actively being a liar if your point is that Biden's level of racism is anywhere near the Republican party.

You doing okay?

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His supporters are already making up baseless conspiracies about their enemies and committing random acts of violence.

Apple is the company who gave all the elementary schools free computers in exchange for putting their advertising posters up in.the hallways.

It was fully intentional.

Neither of us have security clearances we really dont know if he has ever refused to collaborate. Confidential informants have to keep their cover.

And seeing that they attempted to murder him, I am not sure I can say he was able to keep his cover for very long.

Peter theil wants Ramaswamy, he seems to be the front runner for the pick.

Historic rates of vaping?

Yeah, the product isn't even 20 years old yet. I am in the process of quitting right now.

You can't feel guilty. You did everything you could and therapy is definitely a good idea.

Check out the podcast Conspirituality, and their book from AK press.

The spirituality and wellness community has always been viewed as being of the left merely because counter cultures are always assumed to be leftist, and there certainly are leftists in the space, but these are communities largely built off anti-modernism and orientalism, with an unquestioned trust in unregulated capitalism.

It also doesn't hurt that Nazis are able to infiltrate these communities incredibly easily, because the Aryan creation myth developed by the Nazis was stolen from Helena Blavotsky, who pretty much developed Indo-European esoteria. Most forms of yoga practiced by white people are also descended from Bikram yoga, which was a Hindu nationalist cult.

The spirituality community is not itself fascist, but its overt apoliticalness is definitely a vector point for far right ideologies to be laundered for upper middle class white women.

The issue is these people are tied to Trump, not neccesarily the Republican party.

When Trump dies will the yoga community continue voting Republican? Doubtful.

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Of course the motives were self serving. He likely saw himself going down in history as the man who singlehandedly saved the US and thought it would help him become president.

Yeah, I think the moment he was first aproacged with this idea, he likely assumed they weren't asking and began formulating a plan.

Under no circumstance would the dems be running RFK if Biden wasn't in the picture. RFK has never been anybody within the party and Democratic voters don't like him that much, to say nothing of his discredited beliefs that are pulling more conservative voters to his campaign than liberal ones.

But we should look at why conservative voters are responding so well to him.

Because he didn't traffic children.

If you look at the charges of Greenberg and that essentially nobody once ever referred to Gaetz as a suspect but rather "subject of" or "involved in" it becomes pretty clear what happened.

Greenberg was running a blackmail ring, or at least managing it, Matt Gaetz was the target of it. He started getting suspicious and went to the FBI.

Professional cult deprigranners was never a real career. They tended to be church councilers.

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I was a huge fan of his. My understanding is that he was an out of the closet man essentially married and living with another man but it was just agreed by all parties that to sell books it wouldn't be discussed in the press.

Interesting. I will keep an eye out.

I didn't say that there weren't legitimate people in the field, i said many of the original era of them were not legitimate people. They were either pastors or others affiliated with a church who largely were kidnapping women and holding them hostage at the behest of the parents, who were almost always members of the congregation.

Most of the deprogramming going on nowadays is done by volunteers in the digital spaces, and the time and resources invested is going mostly to fighting post-Qanon and white supremicist cells, because that is where the majority of group violence is coming from.

Believe me, i wish our problems could be solved by taking kids hostage until they renounce religious/political extremism but that is not the case.

I have been told that there is a photo of her at a rally with one of the murderers of Mulegeta Seraw although I have not been able to find it.

What percentage of people with student loans actually can afford it though? If your argument is that all of us are too rich to get hand outs, what are you casing that off of?

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It's odd to me, when a landlord takes out a loan to buy another property, hypothetical future income is not barring him from having those loans written off, and nothing in your history here that I can find suggests you believe landlords should be put into the same situation as student loan repayers.

If people with student loans were as rich as your claim, the fiscal policy would already be set up to benefit them, but the fact that your argument hinges on denying them the very benefits you allow rich people to have in our system I think pretty effectively shows you don't actually believe this, are merely just a reactionary.

Your argument is that they are both too rich to deserve forgiveness, but also only have themselves to blame for being too poor to pay back their loan.

I guess I would say that only a reactionary would argue the complete truth of both at once. Ironically, if the people in debt were the truly rich as you 50% claim to believe, they would have gotten their way, and you likely would have supported it.

The issue is that there just often aren't non political churches to go to in many areas anymore.

In the seattle area, I think the only new church that has gotten built in the last 30 years has been prosperity gospel while the ones that serve the poor have been in the area for a hundred years or operate on weekends out of a high school gymnasium.

The story of Christianity on the west coast is one of land deeds.

I doubt 5.

These people will charge at the sea to stop the rising tides. I don't expect many to survive.

The anal fissure is what causes that pain. The lifts are merely just an inconvenience.

It appears 1833 is when Massachusetts formally adopted their state constitution, so that is likely the reason in.that case, hut I will look more into it.

Jesus, thats quite the interpretation and sort of proving his point.

Criticizing for profit media is seen by liberal voters as an attack on liberal democracy.

You're part of the issue here, and I gotta ask, why?

You guys are the protection from cops? Brother, they dress up like you to throw bricks through windows as excuse to go after the rest of us.

Now you want us dress like you so that the media can then take the cops side when the fighting starts?

You are not our protection and we are not your cover.

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I don't know if a king starting his own religion to avoid following the rules of a different religion is that progressive.

The more of us willing to drop the anonymous organizing, the safer it becomes for those of us who aren't anonymous.

Yeah, this was the outcome that was predicted when they allowed real estate brokers to also be property managers.

People wonder why starter homes havent existed on the market for 25 years and the answer is because nobody builds them, and when they do go up for sale, real estate agents are sending them the way of clients they already represent as property managers.

Why sell a house for 3% commission just once when you can sell it to somebody you are already partnered with and then make a 5% comission every month for the rest of your professional career while maybe only putting 15 hours per year worth of work into the unit?

Pretty much every issue in America comes down to the partnership of banks, real estate agents and landlords.

The cameras are generally branded to the station though, aren't they?