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Joined 3 years ago

And iirc the next fedora release will finally unify everything under /usr/bin.

On my current Fedora 40 install /bin is already a symlink to /usr/bin

It's a good thing we have you around to let us know what all Palestinians think

The main difference from the film being that the novel isn't a satire--Heinlein was being sincere.

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I've been wrong before, but I can't imagine Trump accepting a plea deal.

Mostly I'd be worried about actually being able to finding a decent jury without one nutjob who refuses to convict under any circumstance.

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You should check out IPFS which is pretty similar to what you're describing, at least for file storage (which can be used to host web content).

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If you own a home in the area any equity you have there has probably been made pretty worthless. It would make it pretty hard to move if you couldn't sell your home to afford another.

The Speaker of the House is basically in charge of proceedings in the House of Representatives (the "lower" house of the legislature). No business can get done in the House until one is elected by the representatives. This is the first time in history that a sitting Speaker has been removed from the position in the middle of the term. This is a particularly awkward time since the government will run out of funding in 45 days if Congress does not pass a budget.

This is a result of a growing split between the ultra-far-right and the slightly-less-far-right factions within the Republican party.

With the exception of some stuff used for windows desktop development, .NET ("dotnet core" is just .NET now) is released under the MIT license. I'm not following how using .NET would be contributing to the "agenda of proprietary software".

The dotnet cli tools that come with the SDK run just fine cross platforms without Visual Studio. Your Linux distribution probably packages the SDK already, just install and use it.

If you want, you can use C# without .NET by using Unity, mono, or maybe Godot now I think?

.NET core is supported on Linux. There is some stuff that won't work on Linux, like WPF, but it doesn't sound like you're using that.

If you are searching specifically for ".NET hosting" you are bound to come across a bunch of Windows results, so I wouldn't recommend that.

Any Linux virtual server provider will work just fine, provided they support a Linux distribution that runs the .NET core runtime, (which includes all the major ones). I'd avoid AWS or Azure. Those are a good way to run up a big bill pretty quick, and their service offerings are quite complicated.

A $5 vm from the likes of Linode, Digital Ocean, Vultr, etc, will get you started just fine. Typically the costs won't be able to "spiral out of control"--you'll be allocated a set amount of CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.

You will have to configure the web server & .net yourself.

I am assuming from your post that you don't have a lot of experience with Linux. You can try setting it all up from home too if you have an old PC or laptop lying around (either for practice, or to self-host long term). Download a linux distribution and give setting up a server a shot.

Absolutely. They know that Facebook is uncool and unpopular. The Instagram branding still has some capital with the yutes.

Edit: I don't mean to say that The Verge is doing this intentionally (maybe, I don't know), but Meta certainly is.

Slaves don't have private ownership of their capital (that is, their own labor)... because someone else does.

Most "free" workers, in terms of capital, own only their own labor.

Capitalists own the majority of the capital--land, equipment, intellectual property, etc.

A system where the workers own the capital (aka the means of production) is socialism.

RIP Kenny G

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I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but you'll probably have more success if you grow your potatoes in a field instead of the woods.

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I usually file that under "whataboutism"

This particular trial is for the federal charges in DC.

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This is actually the maximum amount OSHA can fine for a single instance. My understanding (not an expert or anything) is that these amounts are set in legislation, so OSHA can't increase them without Congress.

Medical denialism is not simply an "opposing viewpoint", it's a lie that will kill people.

YouTube doesn't just have the right to remove this trash from their platform, they have an obligation to.

The same way you would have an ethical obligation to issue a retraction and cease sales if you, for instance, published a book including an article from one of these wackos.

I'm sure it will come to the EU eventually. Probably sooner rather than later.

Firefish has some cool features, but every time I opened it on my laptop the fans would immediately spin up to 100%. It's not exactly lightweight on the client side.

That's actually kinda neat

It depends, and there's a lot of variation obviously, but,

A frontend developer writes the stuff that runs on the client,

A backend developer writes the stuff that runs on the server (it can be repetitive--any programming can be, but it certainly needn't be. It's not always as flashy as frontend but there are still some exciting challenges),

And finally, a full stack developer does whatever the company wants, and damn it, they had better enjoy it too.

Unfortunately a lot of the IPFS community seems to have been inundated with crypto nonsense. Which is a shame, since I think the basic idea is a good one.

Excuse my ignorance, but why would Trump running his mouth in public put his attorneys' clearance at risk?