3 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

bottoms be like:

crying cat with caption "sadness noises"

Fuuuuuuuck I hate how real this is >.<

#1 ally onetopicatatime

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are you not afraid to misgender a fish?

I’m going to scream. Fuck this goddamn piece of shit country and the steaming piles of human garbage that run it

I gotta find me a dummy thicc top quark ong 👀

unrealistic, settle for thousands of dollars of debt like the rest of us

damn she just like me frfr

I came out almost immediately for a couple reasons:

  • my mental health was total garbage and boymoding was literally unbearable

  • I knew that most of my friends and family were pretty accepting and open minded

  • I lived in a very diverse and accepting city at the time

  • this was during the height of Covid restrictions so nobody was going out anyway

Basically the discomfort of hiding my true self overrode the fear of being openly and visibly trans lol

Fortunately everyone I came out to was really positive about it. I was prepared to cut out a few of my extended family members if it came to that, but thankfully I didn’t need to

The only thing I wish could have gone differently is that I stayed in the closet at work. I had some problematic coworkers so I didn’t feel safe being openly trans there. Unsurprisingly I didn’t last long at that job lol

wtf this is so accurate

wait those jeans are lowkey cute af tho

something something leopards eating faces…

looks like someone forgot to turn off noclip again

Do you want dead kids? Because this is how you get dead kids.

omg sweet precious baby :3


turbo based

Hang in there girl! I get the monthly cycle as well, for me the first two or three months were definitely more intense, and it’s gotten easier and more predictable since. As with all things ymmv but if you can stick it out hopefully it should get easier with time. Sending virtual hugs, be gentle and kind to yourself <3


real big brain hours



1 more...

aaaaaah this is so adorable! congratulations I’m so happy for you!!!

Aw I love this community, so many wonderful replies already <3 I don’t have much to add that hasn’t been said already, so I’ll just say that everything you’re feeling and thinking is real and valid and even though we’re total strangers I’m really proud of you for taking the time to reflect and deepen your understanding of yourself because it can definitely be really scary but it’s so worth it in the end <3

nooo shiba would never be an asshole :(


I’ve used endeavour as my daily driver for the last year, it’s been great for me. Highly recommend regular backups though, as it’s a bleeding edge rolling release distro, so more likely to break unexpectedly than ubuntu

I don’t need it…. I don’t need it….


I personally use dockge instead of portainer. portainer is great but it’s way overkill for my setup, dockge is much simpler

you know what fuck you unhards your lemonade