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Joined 6 months ago

Target has their own crime lab. No joke.

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How weird since they sold it to him. Where do you think they want him to drink it?

He just put an injunction in place which is common. It just means the case has to be decided first.

If he’s accusing them of venue shopping. I suspect he’s going to rule against them.

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This is easy to solve. Count the loans as ordinary income. Problem solved.

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@lwadmin For full disclosure I agree with rooki on this topic.

I may have missed it in the write up but I think the vegan mods needlessly escalated the situation by trying to ban and remove comments from an admin.

I am not saying I always agree with rooki but I respect his job as an admin.

The mods of vegan treated him disrespectfully in his capacity as an admin by deleting and banning him.

You should cover this in your terms of service.

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It’s her story. So who knows if it’s true? I’ve had to put animals down. Most of us have. It’s not something you turn into a story to tell people. It’s a painful experience for most people.

The way she’s telling it. It makes me think less of her.

I work in medium tech. Since they have to compete for talent. We get the high pay and work life flexibility. It’s much better than large tech. I would never go work for a Microsoft , Amazon or Google. Not worth it.

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I’m generally against acquisitions for this reason. So many companies just want to be acquired instead of running a company.

I can’t think of one large acquisition that benefited consumers

Shit. It may have been but you don’t talk about it. Much less brag about it. That’s a weird story to tell to get people to like you.

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Latino doesn’t mean Spanish speaking. That’s Hispanic.

While Spanish is the largest language. It’s not the only language.

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Considering they don’t fly. Pretty hard.

Sounds like they didn't get any complaints either.

Canada isn’t under the jurisdiction of American law.

Thank you. I was pondering why put foil on door knobs.

Only if that job was remote because of the disability.

Otherwise, no.

It’s his passion project. It’s not “working” when it’s something you love.

His mentor says hillbilly elegy was written to propel him into politics. So I find it hard to believe he wasn’t interested when that was the reason for the book

Wealth taxes are unconstitutional in the United States. It would require an amendment to change that.

Capital gains should just be taxed an ordinary income. That would solve a lot of issues such as Medicare, social security, etc.

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My family is southern; everyone has a different name than their birth name. It is either picked or assigned by others.

That Is what I tell people about trans people. Just call them what they want to be called, just as you want to be called what you want to be called. It's not that hard.

Capital gains is much lower and doesn’t pay into SS, Medicare, etc.

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Exclude students loans and anything tied to an asset. These are unique loans only offered to the super wealthy or since there are equity based loans, just tax equity based loans

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They are trying to grab any business. I work with many companies and I’ve yet to see any actively using gcp. I know a few planning to move data there but Google is throwing a ton of resources at them.

Azure and Aws are where most are located.

Judges have immunity. So the lawsuit won’t go anywhere.

It’s amazing how immunity people in power have

I can’t support that. I myself once had 20 million in stock options but couldn’t sell it. By the time I could sell it, it was worth zero. Yet you in your system I would have paid taxes on it. Stock fluctuates in value to much. We just need way to force them sell the stock and then tax the stock as ordinary income.

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I’ve never heard deductions being allowed. Maybe a few but for the most part it’s about an equal rate across everyone or at least a few small brackets.

Different plans define income differently. If we are trying to fix the astern income should be everything. Selling an investment home, dividends, selling stocks, w2. Etc.

Fallout four seemed to flat. I loved all the other games. Just not that one.


That rich get loans that basically last their lifetime. They are income replacement. They are not tied to home, a car, etc.

They are just avoiding taxes.

I don’t blame them. It’s smart.

It’s why politicians need to eliminate it.

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No it’s not. They are not buying an asset with. It’s sometimes back with with an asset as collateral but it’s not tied to an asset. The loan isn’t taken out to buy a home. It’s taken out as living expenses.

It’s why a consumption tax would fuck the rich.

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I didn’t exclude that from my comment.

One of the differences is with a heloc you have to make payments. The loans Elon gets for example don’t have payments.

They can live this way for years.

I’m not opposed to rich people. I’m opposed to gaming the system.

Taxes are not supposed to be painful. They are supposed to be fair and fund the government. Painful taxes just causes avoidance.

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Well if I had to pay unrealized gains I’d have zero but have to pay taxes on 20 million.

It’s why we don’t do it. It would be overly complicated.

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That’s my point. They were worth 20 million. Due to legal restrictions I couldn’t sell. As such I would have to pay taxes on 20 million. When I could sell they were worth zero.

So I would have ended up negative.

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Tax avoidance isn’t a crime.

Do you use deductions on your 1040? That’s tax avoidance.

It was part of my compensation. It didn’t cost me anything.

It’s naive to think we will ever tax unearned income. Not only is it against the law, it would destroy everyone.

What he is saying your home is an unrealized gain which is true.

While we pay property taxes they are a small percentage and based on the tax value and not the fair market.

While not a fan of property tax they at least directly impact you by providing value to your local area. Why I don’t bitch much about property taxes. I’d rather pay those than federal taxes.

The masculine term Latino (/ləˈtiːnoʊ, læ-, lɑː-/),[1][2] along with its feminine form Latina, is a noun and adjective, often used in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, that most commonly refers to United States inhabitants who have cultural ties to Latin America.

If Kennedy was a decent man, he’d pull out.

This is a close race and I think he’s pulling from Biden. I’ve heard he pulls from Trump but I don’t want to believe that.

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Not sure who those people are but they don’t seem well versed on the topic.

If you haven’t read the most recent SCOTUS ruling. It foreshadows their views on the topic. SCOTUS determines want is constitutional.

There hs enough case law from scotus to point to wealth taxes as being unconstitutional

I think you may be on to something. That may be a better way to describe it.

The mods deleted the admins comment and tried to ban him from the community. That’s a no no in my book.

If the mods felt rooki was wrong, they shouldn’t have tried to display a power trip with their actions. They should have escalated to other admins.

Rooki deescalated by removing them as mods. That stopped their childish behavior.