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Joined 12 months ago

Wait and see you distrohopping every month for years ending up in a boring stable distro.

Have been using this LTS since its release and it has been rock solid for my use case. It basically goes out of my work, just works and issues are minor. The most stable Ubuntu that I ever used

As an addition to other responses, think that most apps (specially smaller ones) are developed using some framework or set of libraries that might or might not support those protocols.

So let's pretend that I have an app buit using Electron and that framework does not support Wayland. There's nothing I can do on the app side until Electron supports Wayland in this fake example.

So it actually takes time for the libraries to support the new protocol and then app developers to update their apps to support it aswell.

That's why you see that the Wayland migration is incremental and not all at once.

Nowadays I don't even bother with upgrades anymore. Snaps and Flatpaks auto updates automatically, and for system updates Ubuntu notifies once a week.

For me the experience nowadays is better than before, where app updates are tied to system updates, meaning that older bases (like Ubuntu LTS) got behind on some softwares.

I think the key here is to favor stability than latest features as you don't want your server stopping due to bugs.

So the systems being recommended here, like Debian and Ubuntu LTS are good.

In Brazil I pay 20 USD for 500mb. There are plans in my area that sells 1gb for 30 USD. Thay can't put data caps due to legislation, only on mobile data (which I pay 6usd for 20gb cap, 5g)

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Why don't you install flatpak on Ubuntu, make the packaging migration before doing the OS migration so you can evaluate your workflow with the new packaging system? Afer you're used and confident with flatpak, backup and restore the flatpak folder into fedora and you transition should be smoother (don't need to worry with 2 stuff at the same time)

In Brazil I only see more and more places adopting it, does not seem a failure

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Yes, and that's why I switched to Kagi

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That would be the same of hating docker because it creates networks. It's just how it's sandbox works.

An open source alternative is FRP

It's a reverse proxy server that you install in both your server and a VM in the cloud, and it tunnels your server over the VM, like Cloudfare solution.

I decided to get back into Minecraft to try to finish the End Dragon

Canonical also tried this a few years ago with their Ubuntu Touch crowdfunding and failed. Even released some convergent devices but that didn't sell much. My impression is that although the concept is cool it is simply not appealing for the general audience

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What do you use as a Google Photos replacement?

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First of all you need that your ISP actually gives you an IP that points back to your home network. It's not uncommon that your IP points to some ISP NAT that routes the internet to many houses, making it impossible to expose some device in your network to the internet.

It was my case, then I needed to call them and ask to have an IP that goes directly to my gateway.

After that you can go to your gateway and do port forwarding from the internet to your server in your home. For example, you can forward port 80 from internet to your server private IP on port 80, so when someone browsers your IP it will get whatever page is hosted on your server.

About server tech specs, it depends on what you want to host. I used to host a personal Nextcloud server in a raspberry pi, which is really power efficient and cheap to maintain. Maybe you'll want a server with higher specs that might draw more power. It's really up to what you wanna do specifically.

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If you remove the app-platform role from Nextcloud by separately hosting the individual apps, what benefit do you get from having both Nextcloud and File Browser?

Nothing really. For almost any Nextcloud feature out there, you can find a server app that does the same.

But that's the point in my opinion. I don't want to waste time managing tons of apps if I can manage one Nextcloud instance. Nextcloud basically decides for me what's the best way to get those features running, so I don't need to figure out myself.

Now if you're into self hosting one container for each feature, go for it, no reason to not do so.

Only if every btc node used this binary but because it's decentralized theres multiple people compiling the source so the affected binary would not be affected.

In centralized software something like this is way easier. VSCode for example adds proprietary telemetry on top of their open source code and because most people downloads from the website instead of compiling, they ended up using a software that diverges the source code implementation. But even in this case you could use Codium that implements the source code version.

This seems like free hate as you can use certbot without snap without any problems. Imagine stopping using Firefox because of the same reason for example

Stray. It's an awesome game to play casually, lots of fun pluzzes.

I bought one from Dell and everything worked without any tweaks. It was a great out of the box experience.

Another option is SearXNG. It's meta search engine, which means that it aggregates other search engines like Google and Bing but without tracking or logging, because your searches are proxied using a public instance, that will mix your search with the ones from other people.

And about default search engine, don't know what you're talking about, both chrome and Firefox allows this, in mobile and desktop.

Papers please. Having fun so far doing the story

It uses activity pub, a protocol that allows servers to share content. So when you post on an instance, it became available for other instances to consume your content.

About slowness, it can be that your instance it being rate limited, or it is not powerful enough to process all its users. You can try another instance.

Activity pub documentation:

I'm not defending canonical decisions, but definably when they started working on this there was no other alternative available for them to collaborate at the time

You know that snaps existed before Flatpaks right?

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To be honest, no. I run in a Truenas Jail, and its stable for me. Just a bit slow for big files sometimes.

Have anyone tried to self host the email receiving part while using some enterprise service (aws ses, sendgrid or something) to send emails without worrying about being flagged as spam? What's your thoughts about this setup?

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Of course you can use a reverse proxy to expose your apps to the internet.

Here's another similar solution that you can self host in a cheap cloud VM:

Prime, Spotify, YouTube, Netflix. Also pay for Twitch

If I send emails using AWS SES SMTP endpoint that should not happen correct? Receiving email is not affected by bad reputation I suppose

Same here, and I doubt their IT departments knows deeply about Fediverse. Also some times the department making communication is non technical and not close to IT so people making decisions just choose what they know (Instagram, Twitter, etc). At least that was the case in the University I studied

Around 11 years here, still using Reddit but slowly making the transition to Lemmy. Has been a great experience so far, I hope more people migrate so we can have more active communities.

Snaps have a similar deduplication mechanism, and snaps allows calling apps from their names like you would do with regular packages.

I think the reason for the second one is that while snaps are also meant to be used in servers/cli flatpak is built only with desktop GUI apps in mind.

Maybe ask suggestions to chatgpt?

Cheese bread

I think the point is too many users following threads users as is it more likely to find a friend there than on Fediverse for example. Which will require more compute resources and storage

2024 will be the year of ARM on desktops!

Between using wsl to run apps and using windows, I think there's little benefit when talking about privacy. Most open source apps have windows version so you can start your migration without formatting, getting used to the ecosystem and when you change, you won't miss anything.

I use Thunder

What I do nowadays is to have Timeshift daily backups in case something breaks the system and the Ubuntu backup application doing daily backups of my home to my NAS. I don't have a separate home partition although this is often recommended.

This setup saved me once, but I haven't needed it for almost 2 years now.