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Joined 9 months ago

Allman is the way.

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He took a series of very shallow breaths, and then said as quickly and as quietly as he could, 'Door, if you can hear me, say so very, very quietly.'

Very, very quietly, the door murmured, 'I can hear you.'

'Good. Now, in a moment, I'm going to ask you to open. When you open do not want you to say that you enjoyed it, OK?'


'And I don't want you to say to me that I have made a simple door very happy, or that it is your pleasure to open for me and your satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done, OK?'


'And do not want you to ask me to have a nice day, understand?"

'I understand.'

'OK,' said Zaphod, tensing himself, 'open now.'

The door slid open quietly. Zaphod slipped quietly through. The door closed quietly behind him.

'Is that the way you like it, Mr Beeblebrox?' said the door out loud.

Life, the Universe, and Everything

But voting third party doesn't actually accomplish anything. Take it from someone who did it for decades. It doesn't shake up or change the system, it just perpetuates the minority rule set up by Project Redmap.

The right way to do it is to vote your conscience locally, until there is enough support at higher levels. Skipping right to voting for third party presidential candidates is simply naive, I'm afraid.

Edit: Steve Hofstetter lays it out well (I wish I could find this one elsewhere)

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He's active on Mastodon, too!

Zero is freezing

10 is not

20 is pleasing

30 is hot

40 frying

50 dying

This company has been caught multiple times going back and changing the location of recorded shots in their system after the fact. I don't know why they're still in business.

Dismissing entire groups based on stupid labels is ugly.

I did not attend the funeral, but I approved of it.

It's actually meditation, isn't it?

I'm pretty sure they only care about their performative solipsism.

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No, I'm sorry, that's dangerously naïve, and a self-serving, solipsistic moral panic. How old are you?

If we used RCV or anything better that winner-take-all, that would be different, or if we had a parliamentary system. But we don't.

That's not what you said. Your original "only" indicates that you think that votes + splitting your opponents votes isn't a strategy.

If splitting votes didn't matter, there wouldn't be so much effort put into gerrymandering.

Voting is a practical, strategic act, not an ideological one.

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True, but two copies is one, and one is none. Multiple backups are critical, especially as has been targeted by the last few book publishers, who want it gone. As politicians and news sites quietly modify their content and hope nobody notices, this should really be a service of the Library of Congress, too.

Windows 10 keeps turning that stupid news feed back on on my taskbar, too.

Weird that we're still doing "heiress", after abandoning "aviatrix", "actress", &c.

It's true, but Idaho, especially the northern Idaho panhandle, is particularly bad. There's a history of white supremacy, with the Aryan Nations compound that was located there, apparently funded in part by Sea Monkeys. Allie Brosh mentions living near them in one of her books.

Historically, I've seen more "proper" password managers with breaches than browser storage.

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Somebody is really pushing an anti-EV narrative.

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The Leaf is a reasonable size, the Ioniq 6 as well I think.

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And you continue to employ the fallacy fallacy.

I think asking what you personally risk from a Trump vs Biden presidency speaks to whether your insufferable self-righteousness is gambling with other people's lives at no cost to you.

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Right out of Carmageddon

Academic code is specifically created to be easily understood, so I'd agree.

Feels like a pretense to discourage protests.

I'm putting your own words in your mouth. I'm sorry you refuse to accept that splitting opponents votes works. Good luck.

The FDA is a joke. I repeatedly got food poisoning from a bag of hard boiled eggs before I figured it out. I reported it to the FDA/USDA to try and get the batch tested to keep anyone else from getting sick, and they just had me call someone that ended up being a lawyer for the store that sold the eggs, whose sole interest was to tell me I couldn't prove anything so I shouldn't sue.

Explain and distinguish both, then. I genuinely don't see it.

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It's obviously all performative nonsense at this point.

If moral acts were determined by intent rather than by impact, the road to hell wouldn't be so thoroughly paved.

As I said earlier, good luck, I wish you well.

Touché. Hit a nerve, I guess.

Adtech has been controlling the Overton Window too long. That's what fueled the rise of (actual) fake news, as originally observed coming from Estonia, radicalizing dumb Americans.

That would be foolish, as I've never bet wrong.

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It's a good site to collect the money of delusional right-wing crazies. I collected $500 in 2020.

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Be sure and post the screenshot.

Annie Linux, but sadly it doesn't exist yet.


How much are you betting on that?

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I guess I feel somewhat safer as relatively anonymous target of spearphishing as I have been for 20 years without incident, instead of as part of a much more valuable collective target, even though that data is probably better protected.

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While true, the growth of the economy has been wildly outpaced by the rate of hoarding at the top. After all that extra work, how much better off was your dad after everyone above him benefitted?

That all sounds good to me. Good clarification.

I hear you, too many are SUVs or "crossovers" (still "light trucks" for the purposes of scamming gov't regulations) as well.

But I'm pretty happy with my Leaf. 🤷