1 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel this whole case is everything wrong with the justice system (aside from him actually facing consequences). A corrupt cop with a history of violence gets attacked in an overpopulated and understaffed prison where folks are punished instead of rehabilitated.

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It's from one of them Laconian magnetar-class battleships

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We're pointing out the bad things not the cool things

It's more of a "fuck car dependent infrastructure" thing. In America it's basically impossible to live without a car in most places. We don't need to live this way and we should have the option to walk, bike, bus, train, etc as well as drive.

Try walking to the grocery store in a suburb and you'll quickly get sick of walking through big empty parking lots and along roads without sidewalks as cars whip past. I wouldn't even try biking since drivers will run you off the road. If there even is a bus it'll run every 2 hours and be 15 minutes late. And there is no train because we tore up the rail system that built this country to make auto company owners even richer

An 8-10 inch mid level chef knife. One with a single bevel made of quality steel that can hold an edge will make a world of difference. You haven't lived until you've cut paper thin potato slices like butter

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Russia should stop invading Ukraine so the war would end but they keep shooting missiles at civilians instead

It's weird how the babies are just scaled down adults and don't have baby features like big eyes

Quit posting quality content like this so I can stop

What about when a few rich folks buy up all the land and you can't afford any for yourself so you have to work for them or starve? Like what's happening now

And the owners will use it as an excuse to not hire more workers or increase wages for the more productive current workers

The high speed rail is pretty rad

Not OP here, what do I do if this is my mother?

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Meanwhile I'm hauling big chunks of wood I found on the side of the road in the trunk of my Corolla

This is my friend Fred. JP likes playing basketball and gardening. I met Morgan 5 years ago and JP has been my best friend ever since.

America has been a meat grinder the whole time and never really represented any of the things we claim it did. All men were created equal but slavery and genocide were fine? If anything we're closer to that ideal now than we ever have been

Nice, though if I lose my job and insurance due to the paralyzing anxiety I have regarding losing my job and insurance, this doesn't really make a difference

MasterCard is the worst. They required like 150 manual tests for an EMV certification and used their own shitty test report format and now this?!

Kinda like how they force you to learn about other religions and cultures in history class. It's confusing for the children

Punctuation is the difference between helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

I was in Auckland, NZ when there was an active shooter in late July and the whole city was on alert. I was expecting an American style mass shooting based on the number of sirens I heard outside. When I found out it was a disgruntled employee who shot 2 coworkers I thought "Oh, that's just a Tuesday in America"

Armor and clothing in movies and shows with historical settings. I really appreciate when they get the details right and it can be really jarring when it's bad. The Northman is a good example of what vikings probably dressed like, which is basically the same as how all medieval people dressed. Simple wool and linen tunics and big cloaks fastened with broaches. No fur capes or leather armbands or cornrows, looking at you Vikings on the "history" channel.

That's the subreddit I miss the most. Some of the best history content on the web

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Wouldn't the energy used for manufacturing, shipping, gathering, and recycling twice as many solar panels outweigh the benefits? That's a lot of extra logistics to deal with

From my Michigander perspective all I see coming of Minnesota these days is news about the good policies coming from the state government

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Damn, he's got a lot of equipment though. I was hoping I could just setup a jig with 2x4s and melt sand with a blowtorch

And how did we get Finnish from Suomi?

Edit: I missed the other comment with the answer. Once again it was Romans

Same for me. I've already found communities for most of the subreddits I liked. Though I'm having trouble subscribing to the dwarf fortress one since it won't show up in my search results for some reason.

I missed sad Keanu. The one where they photoshoped the pigeon in hand gets me every time

Ford Flex drivers seem unaware that other people use the road

Dutch Sheets has to be the worst god damn name I've ever heard

I'm pretty sure I live in a city between you and Dearborn but I don't want to say the names and dox us. I just thought it was fun to piece together with the few clues and my familiarity with the area

"I spent the last few days almost literally under a rock and..."


Is that a Flooko painting for the background?

Not German enough, needs more unnecessary capital letters

It's weird that high rate of fire and large magazine capacities aren't mentioned because that is by far the deadliest aspect of modern firearms. Hand guns have both of those and are responsible for much more violent crime. Muzzle velocity, range, and accuracy describe most hunting rifles. I'd rather someone shoot 1 round of 50 cal per second from a 5 round magazine than 10 rounds of 9mm per second from a 30 round magazine.

I thought the F 35 was kind of a flop. Not doubting you. I don't keep up with modern military stuff (more of sword nerd) and I just remember hearing it was a money pit

So long, dental plan!

He's do it without hands or feet too and in an environment his species doesn't inhabit

It's usually called feudalism at that point

I agree but what does this have to do with this beautiful, efficient railyard?