1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lot of devs already do this. That's what Steam Early Access is for. Now, whether or not the devs actually listen to feedback is a different story...

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There are more peppers like that, too:
poblano - ancho
chilaca - pasilla
anaheim - colorado
mirasol - guahillo
serrano - chile seco
bola - cascabel

Also related: green, yellow, orange, and red bell peppers are all the same pepper, just various stages of ripeness. Guess I had my own dumb moment in this thread. Not sure where I read my take, but the reply to mine is correct.

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I can tell folks here didn't read the article. These talks were in 2018, when Stadia was still a thing.

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I also like how they try to stay within a certain price range and focus on experience and efficiency, rather than push the latest hardware.

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It's not illegal, but the airline could cancel your return ticket and/or blacklist you.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm getting my hopes up.

Go with what you know, I guess. He's obviously passionate about MMOs.

I remember seeing a lot of criticism on him back in his WoW days. After he left, Blizzard had to hire two people to fill his role, one for PvE and one for PvP. It was amusing to see the general sentiment go from "good riddance!" to "omg please come back! these guys are worse!" over the span of several months.

A pair of official Joy-Cons is around $80 USD.

I understand the desire to keep kbin a solo project in order to maintain control over it, but if this is going to see any success in the long term, then there needs to be a team. I like kbin over lemmy for the interface and mocroblog integration, but the spam and lack of updates are taking its toll. At the very least, there needs to be another admin or two to look after things whenever Ernest isn't around.

Yeah, seems you're correct. Not sure where I got my take from, probably something I read a while ago. Thanks for correcting me.

You're only a customer if you pay them. If you don't, then you're the product, and they can't sell your eyeballs to advertisers if you block their ads.

I'm currently playing through a FO4 mod run, so sounds like I better finish before this update drops and breaks all the mods.

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The Epic v Google lawsuit is bringing to light a lot of interesting tidbits of info, so I think it's just that. It's an interesting tidbit, but not really relevant to much outside the trial. That said, I do like seeing this kind of info shared, as it gives us a peek behind the curtain of these megacorps' operations.

Ultimately, if you want a free game and have no issues with Epic, then hurray, you get a free game. Some of us don't like Epic and prefer to give them nothing (including our data), even if it means passing up on free games. I have no shortage of games to play, so I won't be missing a free copy of FO3 or whatever else they decide to offer up.

Last year's TGA was somewhat exciting because they gave away a bunch of Steam Decks. I normally just see the winners posted the next morning, along with any new game trailers.

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Take this with a grain of salt, but a few years ago, I remember a discussion in /r/overwatch where someone said they practice sniping by playing osu.

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If you're a bad actor, you could block anyone who downvotes your bad takes or whatever garbage you're posting, and over time, you could block most active users (or at least the ones who disagree with you) until your posts aren't downvoted into oblivion. I suppose by then, your total rep would be pretty pretty low and it would probably be easier to just make a new account.

I'm not sure how viable this would be, just a thought.

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Agree on both points. It's nice to have options. I think the real fun will begin when Valve opens SteamOS up for other platforms, so it can be put on these higher-end handhelds, and even desktops.

But it does. You're still giving them your data, which they can use for all manner of things. If that's something you don't care about, then more power to you - enjoy your free game.

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I got Fallout 1 and 2 in a 2-pack for $10. This was back in the early '00s before the others were released. I loved those games so much.

Early access isn't necessarily different from a beta version, it's just the name of the program used by devs to generate some revenue and get feedback during development. The game can be in alpha or beta or whatever.

Personally, I avoid games in early access on principle (with a couple exceptions) as I would rather play them once they are completed.

Hey that was me, too! Definitely worth $4 for that game, and a free box of cereal, lol.

To add to this, bring back content I paid for. I bought Forsaken and took a break before finishing it, and now it's gone.

The article is referring to subscription services like Game Pass, rather than games built using a live service model.

They collect and use quite a bit more than that, it's in their privacy policy:

Sure, their primary focus is most likely generating interest and usage of their platform, but they'll also use analytical and statistical information to influence their business decisions.

If that's something you don't care about, then more power to you - enjoy your free game.

On a personal note, I made the decision as a consumer to not interact with them as much as possible. Even when I did have an account to collect free games years ago, the only thing I actually played was a Satisfactory alpha/beta event. I have more than enough games to play, so I am not concerned with collecting their free games.

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The sunsetting of some of the content pissed me the hell off. I bought Forsaken, and took a break before finishing it, so I paid for content that I won't be able to play. On top of that, the FOMO and pressure to buy the battle passes to play the new content just put me off.

I'll call it a night in a few minutes. I need more iron...

Basically, Fortnite is rolling out a new system with user-generated "islands" that can have their own independent rating from the main game. If an island is rated E for everyone or E10+(as opposed to the base game's rating of T for teen), some of the game's cosmetics aren't able to be equipped in those areas. People are upset because 1. they paid for those, and 2. apparently there are inconsistencies between what is allowed and what isn't.

The Division 3 wasn't technically announced, it was just mentioned during an investor press release. I wouldn't expect it to release for at least another 5 years. The Division Heartland is a spin-off PvPvE survival shooter, akin to the Survival mode from The Division 1.

Personally, I'm glad they're continuing support for Division 2 as the game's right up my alley as far the kinds of games I like. If they're putting this kind of TLC into it, then they likely have more content planned than whatever is slated for 2025.

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Yeah, screw that. As soon as one of my core soldiers goes down, it's "god dammit" and time to load.

I think it's less about being "tricked" into believing you aren't actually playing a game, and more along the lines of having the mindset that you are actually playing as your character. It's more like the difference between performing tasks, going from A to B, and checking boxes on a list, versus actually feeling like you're going on an adventure.

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I'm right there with you. I'm bummed to hear this news, but would much rather wait a year than have it release this year and be hot garbage.

I'd say find a youtuber or streamer who has similar tastes to you and follow them. Personally, I follow SkillUp and ACG.

You can also check out OpenCritic for a review aggregator.

Unfortunately, many games nowadays are digital only, especially on PC. The last "physical" game I bought (Mass Effect Andromeda... yeah, I know) was just a box with a key to redeem on Origin. While DRM-free games are a thing, it's not always an option.

Perhaps, or they'll at least remain visible to the casual users and lurkers. They would have the most influence over people who wouldn't actively downvote them, anyways. FWIW, I think there should be some measure taken to mitigate downvote stalking, but there's always one shithead who takes things too seriously and has to ruin things for everyone else.

What is or isn't immersive is subjective, for sure. As far as a UI goes, some people may think that having a UI with too many elements or taking up too much space can detract from actually experiencing the game and its environments.

My personal opinion is stay away until they show positive change. I stepped away from WoW in 2018 when it became increasingly apparent that they are designing to keep players grinding, rather than actually having fun, then the infamous Blizzcon that year (Blitzchung debacle and "Do you guys not have phones?") cemented my stance on not playing anything Blizzard. They have shown that they only see their players as wallets to extract money from and their employees as cheap labor to exploit and discard.

So has there been positive change? Not that I've seen. It's still too early to tell if the MS acquisition will do anything on that front. From what I've heard of Diablo 4, it's pretty boring once you get pas the initial "ooh, ahh" factor, and Overwatch 2 has been more or less a dumpster fire since it released.

According to the interview in this article, they want to bring the changes to everyone, even if you don't buy the xpac.

What is 'boat' in this context?

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There are still people actively playing the game, and the endgame is in a pretty good spot overall imo. I would definitely keep an eye out this holiday season and nab it when it goes on sale. Go get 'em, agent!
Edit: I just checked Steam and it's currently 70% off.