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Joined 12 months ago

That’s… that’s not true.

Source: a male.

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Dude, it’ll be a longer time than this guy is going to be on his ISP before he’ll need to worry about ipv6.

OP - feel free to disable it, IMO.

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Maybe individually they do not have a lot of power, but together could be strong?

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You know nothing of this person nor their beliefs.

He or she is a random commenter in a random post on a random server.

Also, it’s because Trump is an asshole. There’s something in the Bible about “an eye for an eye,” so I’m not sure where your holiness is coming from.

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8bitdo makes controllers that I use and recommend. Even have some in the form factor of SNES (that’s what I have).

They work on my Pi arcade emulator really well.


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He ain’t got time to read.

You beat me to it by a minute or two!

Don’t forget office chairs if you have a desk job!

Thank God we’ve kept the Reddit tradition of not reading the article, the comment, or the post title.

I was starting to miss that.


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Yup. It’s like clockwork.

That’s why it’s interesting to hear conservatives before their spin machine goes to town. Slightly different topic, but not really.

Once you know what the conservative talking heads are saying it is easy to provide fact based evidence that counters their narrative before they start using it in normal conversations.

Did you guys stop for a while then?

Who else kept their Jolly Roger up knowing it’d come to “this” someday?

His lawyer wasn’t even supposed to be there, that day.

With E2E encryption? Sure.

Edit: Grandma’s got the good stuff. I’ll risk it.

Apple is well known for their love of open standards, of course…

Edit: I really wish they would. I have an iPhone and cannot stand how they hold back multimedia messages when non-Apple phones are included.

This information clarified so much of this morning for me.

Was troubleshooting on my phone because I thought it was my kids using all the bandwidth for YouTube (kids)) and Roblox on a slower than normal Sunday.


I don’t think this us v them you’re insinuating at is helpful.

If you want to start criticizing people, maybe look at yourself in the mirror. You’re the only one here being hostile.

I think comments are messed up, so if someone answered (or if someone gave this answer and it was wrong…) apologies!

Isn’t it “breaking the fourth wall”?

You, uh… you know you can customize the way file names are saved, right?

This one’s a “You” issue, big guy.

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How many come in a box?


Free VPN == you are the product.

Friends that use my server call Plex -Flix.

Dude, it’s war.

It’s not philosophical. It’s survival.

We’ve all had something fuck names up.

That’s mostly in and not Sonarr, though.

Edit: there was a time I fucked up the folder structure of the downloads and multiple series got mixed up. That was also a “Me” issue - not Sonarr’s fault I didn’t read the manual.

It’s still beats doing it manually. Did that shit for far too long. I’ll take a few hours of cleanup once a year (if even) over manual effort that could take a few hours per day.

Oh thank god that line is a core memory for someone else!

I say it way too frequently and I’m never sure who “gets” it!

So… what’s your opinion on the church?

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You got it half right, I’ll give you that.

They have adapters for their wireless controllers, and I think you can use old controller shells and put new “guts” in to update them… if you have old controllers, of course!

Maybe a useful tip: check to see if the plans that include their modem rental have unlimited bandwidth.

I’m 99% sure that’s what I’m coasting on, because I don’t pay the extra $$$ for going over any longer.

Edit: trust me when I say I frequently go over. If there’s a decent image host I’ll take a screenshot of last month’s usage.

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You randomly showed up again…

HitNews works well for me. Used it for years.

Yes - replying because this is by far the best compromise between usability and functionality.

If Deluge was (is?) able to do the same with themes I’d be back onboard without hesitation, though!

By far the best downloader IMO.

qbit works better when I’m using my phone, but I don’t frequently use my phone to administer my setup.

Thanks for following up with the edit.

I know I’ll appreciate it in the future when I need to do the same!

That’s the main reason I switched to qbittorrent; you can use themes and it works better than anything else on phones that I’ve used.

You got any good overviews of RealDebrid outside of “google.”

Not sure where to look for info, but I’ve been doing this for a looooooong time (25+ years?) and always like to learn more. Currently rocking a 125+ TB server hosted in my basement for all my Linux isos and figure there may be another way.

No worries if not! I’m not expecting a novel or anything from anyone personally - just hoping there’s a decent crash course and some decent suggestions.

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Yeah, pretty sure that’s what I did.

I have Ubiquiti UniFi throughout the house, so I’m not using their garbage.

You learned from those same things and make a profit.

So you’re saying a high male adoption into far right ideology correlating with high male suicide shows…

Democrats are to blame?

You may want to get your logic chip checked out. No wonder you have these beliefs.

Edit: and you trying to be toxic by insulting my manliness isn’t going to win any support for your cause.

To me it’s essentially the same as someone reading a book or watching a movie when the AI learns from those examples.

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