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Member that time when Microsoft got dragged in federal court for ten years before they eventually decided Microsoft was a monopoly for forcing their browser on everyone and then sweet fuck all happened to them for it?

Well the judiciary sure has changed - now they're way more computer savvy and they . . . checks earpice . . . I'm sorry, that should be: they're just as fucking clueless as they were thirty years ago if not even more so. We're screwed, goodnight.

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Senator Tuberville, currently stiffarming the army's leadership to create a queue for fascist drones to serve dictator trump in the Army on the premise that he's agains the Army's allowing abortions, is the senator from this state.

Doing great work there coach. No wonder you were elected.

But on Thursday, Associate Justice David Friedman of the state’s intermediate appeals court agreed to temporarily lift the gag order, “considering the constitutional and statutory rights at issue”.

Now, Mr Trump is able to speak freely about court staff while the longer appeals process plays out.

Justice Friedman, you done fucked up. Are you an idiot? Jesus.

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NOW can we fucking can this guy? SpaceX? Tesla? He's already flushed the cancer-formerly-known-as-twitter so we'll leave him that one.

The significance that it's IBM calling it first should not be lost on anyone.

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[Dionne] Warwick was the first to respond on X, denying she was going and calling the PAC's announcement "absolutely ridiculous."

Soon afterward, Martin Sheen, who played the president on the TV series "The West Wing," took to Instagram.

"I do not endorse RFK Jr. nor will I be attending his party," Sheen said. He added that he's "whole heartedly supporting Joe Biden and the Democratic ticket in 2024."

Cripes so they just said a bunch of people who definitely weren't coming were coming and now that they're not we're taking our ball and going home? Classy.

1 more...\_Friedman\_(judge)

Apparently he's about 73, so maybe the whole stochastic terrorism thing trump does via social media is really foreign to him. Still - perhaps some of the legal aids in his office could, y'know, asplain.

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"Silence woman! Your god commands it!"

I mean - it's so perfect and horrible, it seems to be the only proper response.

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No app better defines the changing nature of social media than Instagram. The app started as a digital scrapbook — a place to keep up with real-world connections, close friends, and family. While other networks had more users (Facebook) or generated more news (Twitter), Instagram seemed to define the ideal form of this era of social media. Instagram became a verb, an aesthetic, and a generational signifier.

huUURP! BLAAaahhriifgghhh. . .

Garbage marketing platform dies horribly. Thousands of clueless "journalists" bereft.

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You mean how can some people barely survive while others have millions or even, wtf, billions? NBCnews? That's your question?

Boy that's a question right there NBCnews. Yessir a real head-scratcher. Hmm! Boy howdy, the mind reels at what could be the cause of such a huge imbalance in our society. I suppose we'll just never FUCKING KNOW.

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X CEO Linda Yaccarino has said that most of the platform’s biggest advertisers have returned after dropping the site due to its moderation changes, but Media Matters previously showed that they’re spending far less than they used to. Yaccarino responded later on Thursday, writing that X has been “extremely clear about our efforts to combat antisemitism and discrimination.”

"There is no bombing at the airport"

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Wait, you mean russia would use social media and the batshit morons who follow them to disrupt a country's political landscape???

Elon Musk has taken over the @x Twitter account without paying its owner as part of the social network’s ongoing rebrand.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but a "rebrand" should not be "ongoing" for any reason. That's like saying your surgery is ongoing. That's bad, mmmkay.

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yawn Oh . . uh, shocked! Yes, shocked we are that the government will shut down due to republiQan malcompetence YET AGAIN. The party that hates government was elected to government and is now shutting down government.

I mean, on one hand, the system works! On the other hand, the only way we're in this scenario for the 50th time is that corporate news has utterly failed at every level. Uh, also shocking.

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Cardinal Scum: Lord Google! Our Premium service is only making 8.5 Billion net profit per year, a miserable increase of 25% from last year!

Lord Google: These peasant eyeballs have disappointed me. Force the plebians to ingest propaganda as in the olden times! And as for the so-called-Premium subs . . . we will crush their purchasing power!

Cardinal Scum: Yes Lord Google! Brilliant!

Lord Google: Muwahhahahahahah!!!

Cardinal Scum: (hesitantly) Heh heh . . hee heee heeh hehehehh yesssss . . yes

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YES! The one main hurdle I've found (and the constant "share your contacts??" prompting). Good luck to them!

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Serious people - the kind who read, and understand things, and work well with others - do not behave this way. And the worst part is this is not only "not new", it's nowhere near going in the right direction.

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Propaganda works. Period.

If you're on Xitter, I don't know what to tell you. Except, get off.

Has no one made the standard "how to move to Mastodon and take all your twitter followers with you" yet? If they have I havent' seen it, but that's the missing link here.

Becoming the sole family admin is an inevitability. Unless your family are all people who read manuals, and they're not, you are the sole family admin already and probably don't know it.

Agree with the point that Fox News tapped that audience, disagree that removing them wouldn't help.

Media literacy must be included as part of primary education. How do we know things? How do we find out things? What does it mean to "create a podcast"? etc.

This is a forty year old tactic at least, too. It's not like we don't know they do this.

How is it a forty year old tactic that still gets implemented? Because the corporate news media literally cannot say that. Maybe in an "opinion" column by a well known lefty or some weak ass shit like that. But report? A front page news? On GOP screwing up the college vote again? Noooooooooo.

Especially not the Trump-enabling WaPo. No, these are "new" voter laws, not an old-as-dirt cheating tactic the GOP has been using since at least Reagan. Fuck you, WaPo. Democracy dies when you do what you do.

Right? I mean, i'll take the win, absolutely, but c'mon. Anybody still on Xitter - stop. Just stop.

An incompetent traitor judge stays on the bench.

Film at 11.

There are a lot of people in jail for over a year because they don't have $1,000 to get out. They haven't been charged with a crime yet. (Spoiler alert: They're not white)

Some of them die due to neglect. So. There's that.

Got him confused with the NY AG from a few years ago. Not him.

After working at a corporate law firm, Vance moved to San Francisco to work in the tech industry. He served as a principal at Peter Thiel's venture capital firm, Mithril Capital.[21]

In 2016, Harper published Vance's book, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis. It was on The New York Times Best Seller list in 2016 and 2017. It was a finalist for the 2017 Dayton Literary Peace Prize[22] and winner of the 2017 Audie Award for Nonfiction. The New York Times called it "one of the six best books to help understand Trump's win".[3] The Washington Post called him the "voice of the Rust Belt",[2] while The New Republic criticized him as "liberal media's favorite white trash–splainer" and the "false prophet of blue America."[23] Economist William Easterly, a West Virginia native, criticized the book, writing, "Sloppy analysis of collections of people—coastal elites, flyover America, Muslims, immigrants, people without college degrees, you name it—has become routine. And it's killing our politics."[24]


So bad home life, goes to Yale Law, works with noted shitbag Peter Thiel and is now doing evil out loud and proud. Great.

Remember when Lee Harvey Oswald defected to russia? And then changed his mind? I forget what happened after that.

Yep. Mmm hmmm.

Jenna Ellis who just scored $200k from her MAGAt dipshit followers for 'legal fees' is going to plead out, vacation at Paradise Island for three months, and then sashay into a lucrative Fox News gig? Aw man I feel bad for her. I mean it's not her fault that's What Jesus Would Do.

Fascism has arrived waving a flag and a bible. As the legends foretold.

Why does it feel like everybody at OpenAI has lost their mind?

Indeed. Indeed.

Look can we just bust him for tax fraud now and save everyone a lot of unecessary grief?

They found out he raped his 4 year old sister and kept doing it well into her teens?

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Outright fascist.

Imagine being forced to give what consumers want due to European legislation.

But Jesus’ light skin and blues eyes suggest that he is not Middle Eastern but European-born. And the faux-Hebrew script embroidered on Mary’s cuffs and hemline belie a complicated relationship to the Judaism of the Holy Family.

In Mantegna’s Italy, anti-Semitic myths were already prevalent among the majority Christian population, with Jewish people often segregated to their own quarters of major cities.

Oh yeah

45 Billion bought a lot of eyeballs to watch him flame out over the canyon.

The iron law of Trump Supporters is that Everyone Gets Shit On. No Exceptions.

It's such a bizarre cult. They don't even know what they're doing.

Ehrlichman: “Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. And the reason that he can … the reason he can do it … I had Edgar Kaiser come in … talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because …”

President Nixon: [Unclear.]

Ehrlichman: “… the less care they give them, the more money they make.”

President Nixon: “Fine.” [Unclear.]\_of\_taped\_conversation\_between\_President\_Richard\_Nixon\_and\_John\_D.\_Ehrlichman\_%281971%29\_that\_led\_to\_the\_HMO\_act\_of\_1973:

Reddit did some things right, somehow. Through good decisions made by people who were probably let go later, or whatever they hashed out a workable structure for a theoretically infinite number of topics to be held and, to some extent, managed. That's good.

The bad of course is the corporate nature of it which we're seeing in all it's glory as they do all they can to goose the monetization ahead of the IPO so the executives, etc. etc.

I think Lemmy/kbin's real test is yet to come when people who don't normally post their actual thoughts (as opposed to hot takes, recycled memes, or other "easy" content like simple reactions) step out to do that - hopefully. The "test" is that they should be comfortable and happy to do it, and the userbase's test is to let them without reacting in a kind of 'default reddit' mode.

Anybody who was on a BBS or a message board or usenet or used/uses RSS or has a "home base" of a small community knows what that's like. We see it in little pockets here and there - sometimes as a new, non-reddit type of post, sometimes as a reaction against a typical reddit-type of post (who's spamming random? whatever.) But it's fun to anticipate and whenever it happens that users feel lemmy/kbin have hit their stride it will certainly be different from whatever reddit is now. How, we don't know yet. But it's set up such that it has a really good chance to be good.

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