2 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Well, as I'm coming in here, I see two "no's," a "maybe" and I came to say "absolutely fucking yes" because I've lost hours to a couple cheap shitty usb-sata cables that did all kinds of weird stupid shit that immediately disappeared after I replaced the cables. So, "maybe" but "absolutely fucking yes."

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That'll teach him

LOL, tents are also illegal

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I'm using Heliboard after giving up on Floris. You have to load the Google swipe library, it seems to work pretty well.

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That's a real breedable turkey there, Mom

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Breedable Arbuckle

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Yes, happens all the time, I am a traffic light

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Peak USA, buying houses for guns, not people

What the fuck is it? There's no information on that page or the linked pages, just problem statements and blather.

Because he invented Hideo games

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Sure, spez, tell them all about how dark and dirty my account, "pegmewithpigintestines", can be. We'll all be shocked.

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COP28- we didn't do shit the first 27 times, maybe this one will be different. Lol.

I'm not seeing enough Linux content, are there any Linux communities on Lemmy?

Simple solution: stay in bed

Tip of this dicccccccc

Deleting all the S3 buckets on my way to the exit interview

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Stoned off my ass, decided to take a shower. Got in, water's too hot, turned the knob. Water got hotter, turned the knob the other way, water got hotter. Panicked, turned the knob hard the other way, now burning. Panicked harder, turned the knob hard the other way, water now lethally hot. Finally got my shit together, turned the water off and went to bed.

Illinois codified in law when it legalized cannabis that licenses for product development (the grow houses, dispensaries, maunfacture, etc) was supposed to go to the people most affected by the war on drugs. These communities were 90% Black. There's a new dispensary opening by me, and it's ownership is 100% white male lawyers, and they sell nothing but Cresco Labs products, which is run a buncha rich white dudes.

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But I love this position!


How well does it run after you ground it up?

They do have jeans tho

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Mutual aid. Helping people directly defuses a lot.

Weightlifting. Squatting is like screaming into a pillow but with gainz.

Says the guy on bluesky

Picture this I'm a bag of dicks Put me to your lips I am sick I will punch a baby bear in his shit

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Do you rate it on the same level as showing games where people are shot, stabbed, torn apart? Cuz that's a much larger part of their content base.

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"Although MDRs are a valuable source of information, this passive surveillance system has limitations, including the potential submission of incomplete, inaccurate, untimely, unverified, or biased data."

Lift weights. It makes your bones stronger, helps you age better. The younger you start, the better, but it's never too late.

Additional question: which are you hitting first? It's a tough choice but I think I go Alito. Smug little shit, and I bet he drops easy.

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This one right here. It's basically BoTW but no combat, no weapons, no enemies, no health meter. Explore, find stuff, craft stuff. The game intro explains you're on a journey to discover your path and enjoy your youth.

I love how all the answers so far are for 13-14 inch laptops.

Look at the Surface line. The Pros are 12.5 inches and the Gos are 10.5. There's a lot of used ones out there that can be had cheap.

My Go 2 gets terrible battery life running Linux, 2-2.5 hours, I've heard is a lot better on Windows but I never tried.

I thought I would hate the kickstand and floppy keyboard, but it works better than I thought.

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It will if we all die and don't need houses

Fun fact: Chicago's original telephone area code was 312, so with +1 country code, it's 1312.


Have you rewatched it recently? It freaked me out the first time but after that it felt more campy.

This looks amazing. I'm gonna wait for pgsql support, but you had me here: "Otherwise, if you sync using Nextcloud you can use the AntennaPods app and your podcasts will sync between Antennapod and Pinepods."

Galaxy Nexus? Really? Mine lasted maybe 6 hours on battery if I did anything other than keep it in my pocket. Those early 4G days were rough.

Tbh, I wish the UI wasn't so wacky. I put it on my Kobo and it was really unpleasant to use. My kids have Kobos, too, and I'd love to give them something easy that can pull from Caliber.