Bruno Finger

1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Feel free to suggest names here :)

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I'm curious what exactly you mean with "better modding tools". I am working on a iOS/Android app and I'm wondering if those are tools I could integrate into it.

What exactly are your needs?

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You've got a point. I was bothered with no downvotes until your post and it's true, we are free to actually have open conversations here instead of be received with being downvoted. Cool!

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I can definitely look into it

right but that's not the kind of constructive answer we want to be replying to people now is it? Lemmy is still growing and the inflow of users, whether from Reddit or not, is a great opportunity to get free feedback and try to do something about it. Maybe there's UI improvements that could be used to make it feel less confusing or something.

I take this kind of comment as legit feedback from a user that is struggling with a base concept of the "product", we could engage with them and see where the root cause is.

It's sad though I truly enjoyed Reddit like obviously many here, but also to be fair I've also felt like the quality of posts and comments overall degraded and the whole thing turned into a big meme factory where only funny images with text and tiktok reposts really were uploaded.

The whole thing started going downhills as soon as the first tiktok reposts started flooding in to be fairly honest. Let's please not let this happen much here, unless of course in dedicated communities for that because everything has a place.

Also, this is my first ever post on Lemmy, hi 👋

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I see no reason why not

After many years of using custom stock ROMs on my phone's, that were always better and more up to date than the branded android ROM the phone came with, I've decided a few months ago to finally get a Google Pixel 6.

It's a great experience, basically feels like all the custom ROMs I've been using all these years but the camera is great and Google Wallet works, also some pixel exclusive niceties like the PO Pixel app from teenage engineering, etc, and as always the most up to date Android version available.

honestly as of now I see no reason why not open sourcing it, I still didn't upload the code anywhere yet but probably will chose gitlab

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if I am subscribed to communities from those instances, does that mean I am not goin to see new posts from them anymore or comment in their posts?

Also, if someone from those instances are subscribed to communities from beehaw, does that mean they cannot see new posts from beehaw neither post or comment?

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It could have a different name on the app store than the actuall app, ie. on Play Store Infinity is named "Infinity for Reddit", but when instaled the app is named only "Infinity", I was considering a similar aproach, what do you thinkl?

Go into the water, live there, die there.

Took Dethklok too literally I guess?

I am working on a new mobile app for iOS and Android heavily inspired by Infinity for reddit.

Here's a slightly outdated screenshot:

As of now infinite scrolling already works besides only 10 as I mentioned in my post, also some performance updates (already) :)

I am hoping maybe in 1 to 3 weeks to announce a stable version, maybe a beta before it, let's see :)

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I m glad you mentioned it! after I posted this on Tuesday night, I came up with the same idea! To Infinity, and Beyond!

Another update, with basic post and comments view ready, we should be soon approaching an alpha release date so you all have a look by yourselves :)

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I lived in Finland for a semester as an exchange student in Ylivieska, I remember the tap water was very fresh

React Native. The screenshot you see is from it running on WSA from Windows 11, it feels much better than the emulator from the Android SDK.

hello and welcome :)

lol this is hilarious, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing :)

Oh the music alone is worth it :) I sometimes find myself listening to it at work, and if you leave the suggestions on after it's done what follows is also incredible, found a lot of cool indie games based on that, GRIS is a good example.

Thank you all for all your comments and suggestions. I'll go through them and try to answer as much as I can, I am generally quite busy on Tuesdays so I'll probably be able to do it later at night today. In any case I am happy with the amount of support!

thanks for posting about it :)

you're welcome :)

It's probably gonna be Beyond :)

Amarok 1.4. Loved that thing. Everything that came afterwards in both terms of version and other similar apps even the mainstream ones do not get close to how good Amarok used to be.

That's the whole problem with any social app right. Would be so happy to ditch Whatsapp for better alternatives but what's the point if no one I know is there.

Glad you guys are here though :p

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Me too I think at least I am commenting more often.

Me too I use Rider and I really like how they put the emphasis on the "integrated" part of "IDE".

Having that said, Fleet looks pretty good and I'm excitedly waiting for it a stable release.

This is it. Imagine you setup your RSS reader to fetch your tech news from multiple sites. You can get from LTT Forums, Ars Technica, Kit Guru, The Verge, and so on... You will start seeing news from multiple "servers" in your reader, and that's pretty similar to what you're getting here on Lemmy too. If you want to think in Reddit terms, you are just cutting the middle man (Reddit in that case). I know the analogy doesn't fully translate, but honestly if you think about it, having everything from one single source is the weird case.

It's not that I'm actively educating my daughters about LGBTQ+ yet but they are at the age of learning about relationships and any time we or they talk about "when I'll have a boyfriend..." we will comment "...or girlfriend whatever you'll like..." I mean I at least try to keep them open minded while not forcing it, at least if and when the time comes they'll feel comfortable to tell us.

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We can do something about that too lol :p

Embrace, extend and extinguish, Microsoft's old ways 😈


That's honestly a good point but:

  • Infinity is written in Java code specifically targeted to Android only, I am targeting both iOS and Android with the same code using React Native (maybe even web in the future but it's a little more complicated due to CORS);
  • I have worked with React for at least the past 4 years, so using React Native now for me feels like almost no learning curve at all, while if I'd be given a Java-based Android codebase now, I'd probably need to spend the first week figuring out the basics :)

Thank you all for your suggestions, as some have suggested above, I think I will probably go with Beyond, as Buzz Lightyear says, "To Infinity and Beyond!", seems like a good way to honor Infinity but also look at the future beyond.

thanks! I am planning to release a pre-alpha version probably this week, I will make sure to ping you when it's done. The plan is to have a MVP to release with at least the ability to login, properly show posts in a good looking card, upvote/downvote, see the post's comments and add basic text comments. Most of that is done already besides commenting which is what I will focus on this week.

Later I wanna add dark mode support, followed by custom theming support, swipe upvote/downvote actions, rich text comments with image upload, a proper video and GIF player, multiple accounts support, that will be the beta or maybe a version 1.0. After that I will probably create a community and taking users feedback :)


Sometimes I'll add a slice of cheese to my bread slice with Nutella.

Having that said, a more normal one that some people find it odd is ham with jelly on my bread.

Announcing the official community here: ! and also announcing the first open testing for the alpha version is available for Android here:

Jetbrains Fleet is about to roll out their own AI assistant and it looks very promising.

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Honestly I loved the card view because of the gallery, put focus on the post image.

Having that said, card won't be the only layout available but it is the first I am working on.