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Joined 1 years ago

I'm guessing he's wearing the Steven Crowder shirt, actually. It's got that same picture of Che on it, with the same font. If that's the case, the shirt's full message says "Socialism is for f*gs". The "is for f*gs" part is underneath Che's face, and so is obscured in this image.

I would normally link to that shirt, but fuck Steven Crowder. Not gonna be responsible for driving traffic to that shithead's website.

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I'm not sure how anybody could have respect for someone, like Ellis, who was so completely illiterate to not be able to read the incredibly obvious writing on the wall. Trump didn't morph into a malignant narcissist. That's always been who he was. Hell - it's been his brand for as long as he's been in the public eye. To think that a malignant narcissist would choose to be grateful to you or treat you like a person and not a means to an end is the very height of hubris. Stupid, blind hubris.

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Well this is definitely the stupidest bullshit I've read all day. It's exactly akin to people who say that Nostradamus predicted 9/11 or whatever. It's vague nonsense that can be mapped onto whatever current event you want.

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I love this guy's channel. Two of my other favorite things he's done are: Uppest Case / Lowest Case, and that time he Reverse Emulated a NES.

Gender is a lie made up by Big Bathroom to sell more bathrooms.

Translation: Bjørn Gulden is putting out feelers to see if Kanye is still universally hated for his antisemitic comments so he can decide whether it would be a good business decision to reinstate the Yeezy line.

Especially since Ukraine will pay out a bonus. This helicopter should net the crew about $500,000.

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smh Man should've watched Key & Peele.


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Irina is 68 and Republican

Fucking shocker.

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I saw a loaf of Rosemary Focaccia on sale the other day, and it occurred to me that "Rosemary Focaccia" is a great drag name.

It might be helpful to extrapolate this out into a higher number of doors. Say there are 10 doors instead of 3, with still just the one prize. So instead of a 33% chance of getting the right answer off the bat, you have a 10% chance.

Now, after making your choice, Monty, being the good guy that he is, opens 8 of the doors that contain no prize, leaving only the door you picked, and one other closed door. Originally, your chance of getting the right door was 10%. However, that's just because you didn't know what was behind the other doors. Now, you know what was behind the other doors. Now, the number of doors that could contain the prize has shrunk from 10 to 2.

The prize is definitely behind one of the 10 doors. It could be behind the one you picked at random at the start. But that only occurs 10% of the time. 90% of the time, it's behind one of the other doors, and Monty has just shown you which of those doors it is by eliminating the other 8 possibilities. So 10% of the time, if you stick with your original choice, you're going to get a prize. But 90% of the time, you won't. So it's way better to switch when given the opportunity.

Does that make it any clearer?

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Is it fair to say that Mel Brooks movies are uncommon now? Have they gotten old enough that people today are generally ignorant of them? If so, "Blazing Saddles", "History of the World: Part 1", "Young Frankenstein", and "Spaceballs" are incredibly worthy of a watch.

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It's a fool's errand to try to make sense of the US justice system. One of the main problems is that there are so many laws, each with their own individual sentencing guidelines or suggested financial penalties for breaking them. The police are in charge of enforcing the laws (and ruining random people's lives as a little treat), the courts are occasionally in charge of making sure that the laws comport with the constitution, and the legislators in a given area make laws for their area. But nobody is in charge of sorting everything and making sure that all of the laws on the books make sense with each other. Or that the sentencing guidelines are sane and reflect a certain set of values. It's a fucking mess.

So, when you have a case like serial rapist Danny Masterson, you can't really compare it with a case for anti-masturbation, brown white supremacist Enrique Tarrio. Different sets of people with different goals and beliefs wrote the laws against rape and sedition, and nobody has ever taken the time to make sure they are in the right places on the punishment scale.

Steven Crowder. And yes: he is a far-right dipshit waste of perfectly good organs.

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See - shit like this is why I don't really get my hopes up for the UAP hearings. Trump randomly throws out nuclear secrets just to impress people, because he's a dumb piece of shit. Does anybody really think that idiot could keep his trap shut about proof of alien life?

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It's funny to consider "love of country" to mean "the food, certain people, and beautiful landmarks", while simultaneously condemning the actions of its government, and like half of the citizens who live there.

Not that I'm criticizing, mind. I struggled with this myself for a long time before finally coming to the realization that this country is like a problematic family. You're told that you should love it even if you don't like lots of aspects of it very much. Like an abusive parent.

I'm in my 40s now, and I've finally realized that that's bullshit. I don't love this country. I used to, but I've realized that I only ever loved the idea of this country while the reality has been a profound disappointment.

The barbecue is good, though. So that's nice.

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Gotta go with what works for you. But as a fellow cishet middle-aged white engineer, you could not pay me enough money for me to want to move to Texas. Or Florida. Or most of the middle of the country. If I were in your shoes, I'd be out as soon as I had the means to leave.

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Every time I deleted my comments, some of them came back. It was always different comments that came back. My best guess is that they have a distributed database, and it has federation problems, so records deleted on one instance still appear on another.

I think the reason you're puzzled is because you're coming at it from the perspective that these people are undesirable as American citizens. And while I agree with that assessment, Republican congressmen and senators definitely do not. Guarantee you that there has been a lot of money donated to "the cause" by this family, through fundraiser dinners and the like.

Also, just in a general sense, it's super difficult to emigrate to the US if you're not rich, but super easy if you are. Money is the universal lubricator for the gears of government.

MLA format would be something like this:

Maneuver, The Picard. The Delusion. Picard, 2023.

Then, in your paper, to reference it, just write "(Maneuver 2023)".

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I think that, in the moment, online arguments can feel extremely real and heated. But, then you go out and do other things, and it becomes less and less important over time.

Of course, then you come back and find a notification from one of those morons you've been arguing with, and then you're right back in it. So I guess just practice? Like, just keep reminding yourself that it doesn't actually matter, even if it feels like it does.

Also, shrooms help. I remember I got into a heated snit with some idiot online an hour or so before eating a bunch of caps. Then, when I was trying to explain what the argument was about to one of my friends, I couldn't finish because hearing myself explain it became apparent just how ridiculous the entire thing was. I think psychedelics just give you perspective that you're lacking in your normal day-to-day life.

I was being metaphorical with the "illiterate" comment. As in, she's not able to read the writing on the wall.

It's the chemicals, actually. They turned the frickin' frogs gay.

I mean, it's totally possible to die and get better. A cousin of mine had a nasty car crash a few years ago. Died twice. He's fine now. Granted, I don't think he's killed anybody so the point is moot for him, but people absolutely can have defined K/D ratios.

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If your "conservative / right wing opinion" is that austerity measures are a good thing, then the most generous interpretation of that is that you're just a moron. As it turns out, though, today's "conservative / right wing opinions" are way worse than that. Things like "trans people aren't people". Or "we should do a treason". Or "bribing supreme court justices is totally fine". If you hold any of those opinions, the most generous interpretation of that is that you're evil. And probably also stupid. That is the MOST generous interpretation, mind.

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Hey - I read through some of your post history to get the back story. I know we're strangers, but I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you, and I'm happy that you're seeing positive progress on your journey, even if it's just a "simple win". It's rough not being able to count on your parents to have your back. I hope you have someone else in your life to at least partially fill that hole, but if not... just keep posting, and keep going. Strangers on the internet being proud of you and happy for you is a poor substitute for parental affection, but hopefully it's at least something. You got this. <3

First time on the internet?

I can’t say one single fucking word about how the trials related to trump are a complete out of control purely political witchhunt

I mean, you can say that all you'd like. Just don't be surprised when people judge you to be not very intelligent because of it. It is a profoundly dumb take, after all.

Wonder if Klaus feels like an idiot for flat out denying that a drone hit Romania despite the available evidence. Maybe he thought that if he just pretended hard enough, he wouldn't have to deal with it.

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It's super easy to end the war. All Russia has to do is withdraw their troops, cede all of the territory they stole from Ukraine, return the hundreds of thousands of children they kidnapped, pay reparations for all of the carnage they caused, and promise to never invade again. That's it. The war will be over.

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Yeah. I was thoroughly disillusioned by what the DNC did to Bernie. Really pissed me off. Still voted for Hillary, though, because her opponent is a literal monster. I hate having to make that kind of choice every 4 years: "vote for the shitty candidate who will do very little, or vote for an actual piece of shit who will do everything in their power to strip all of the progress we've made in the 20th century". It's awful.

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My bad! Another classic. Mel Brooks just does not miss.

You love to see it.

Ok, but why does this slap so fucking hard? Holy shit.

But I’m still curious if anyone can rationally explain why saying “I don’t like gay people” is worthy of a ban?

Because that is an absurd reduction, and not based in reality. In reality, nobody got banned for saying: "I don't like gay people". What people were saying was so much worse. Hell, even describing the issue as homophobia is absurdly reductive. While I'm in no way saying homophobia isn't a thing anymore, it's much less of a hot-button issue among deplorables than it was 10 years ago. These days, they mostly focus on whether or not trans people exist, and how bad they're allowed to make trans people's lives before it constitutes "hate speech".

Make no mistake, this change in site terms will absolutely mean a rise in bigoted shit being posted there. That's the MO of bigots: they say and do awful things, then try to gaslight you into thinking that really, what they said and / or did was not that bad, and besides, it's free speech, innit? Managing an internet community is a never-ending fight against hordes of awful people who constantly try to turn that space into the next version of 8chan. You give Nazis an inch, next thing you know, they're taking Poland.

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Not even anywhere near that long. There have been humans for probably more than 200,000 years. Probably more. It gets confusing when you go back that far. But our written history only accounts for maybe 10,000 of those years. So 5% of total human history, if we take the minimum estimate of what it takes for us to be human. We have no evidence to support the fact that human advancement even lasts as long as written history. I mean, shit... the Romans had central heating and cement, and then they died out and we forgot how to do those things for 1,000 years. Our knowledge, and the acquisition of same is not exactly linear. Lots of fits and starts over the course of the various human civilizations that have occurred.

I don't think it's in Ukraine's best interest to open a front on Russian soil. Sure, it would have the benefit of dividing the attention of Russia's troops, but there are other considerations. Namely, all of their western partners have been very vocal about not invading Russia, or using their gifted armaments on targets on Russian soil.

Don't get me wrong - Ukraine has been impressive as hell, but a significant amount of their punching power comes from their western allies. The last thing they want to do is piss them off.

In a world where those conditions didn't exist, I would agree with you 100% that taking territory in Russia would be a smart play. But in this world, with these circumstances, I think that would be a big mistake. They were happy enough to host Russian separatist groups who would then make those attacks because that gave them plausible deniability, but doing it with Ukrainian troops would be a bridge too far.

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'Cause I'm drunk on a Thursday (Friday very early in the morning), and I've lost control of my life.

To be fair, if enough snowflakes have a meltdown, you get a snowlake.

I concede that you've got a point that austerity isn't an all or nothing proposition. But your examples are laughable. No country that has implemented "austerity measures" has ever interpreted that as "ending corporate subsidies", or "taxing the wealthy", or in any way fucking with the wealthy or military's purse. It just doesn't happen. I agree, that would be an amazing thing. But it just doesn't exist in human history. What ends up happening instead is that they cut the educational budget. Or they cut social programs, like housing subsidies or food subsidies. Because governments aren't run by the lowest common denominator, who actually benefits from those programs. They're run by the wealthy. So no government is going to fuck over its supporters by cutting their benefits.