
1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To be fair, my "woman" is able to disagree with me because I didn't chain her up, hold her captive, and traffic her for my cam site (allegedly).

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They've made $600M. How is that fucking up a golden ticket? They've all been getting paid well for years. The people who spent money are the ones who don't have a finished game. That probably doesn't matter to the people who've paid off a large chunk of their mortgages in the meantime.

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And then you learn about Fextra's embedded twitch player that artificially inflates their twitch view count and pushes out smaller content creators who are actually trying to engage with a game's audience.

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Would you believe me if I told you that at least 3 of the current supreme court members were lawyers arguing on behalf of Bush in that case?

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"Send it back to the states so the people can decide"... Some of the most transparent bullshit to come out of the Supreme Court in recent years. As if everyone didn't know that this was exactly what was going to happen.

This is how you funnel money to people in government positions. Their spouses give "talks" across a "wide variety of timely topics" for money.

It's a fucking Hitler quote. Do we really need to analyze it for nuance?

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Marcus Flowers ran against her in 2022, and really had two things working against him in Georgia - he's black and a Democrat. He's a veteran, smart, committed to doing the right thing, ran a clean campaign on policy, and worked hard. Meanwhile, she trolled, filmed videos of herself wasting time at his campaign office while he worked, etc, etc, etc. And all of that happened while she was removed from all of her committee assignments which meant that she couldn't even do anything to support her district for 90% of her first term.

They gerrymandered her district as much as they could by reaching down to Cobb County suburbs to pull as much away from Atlanta as they could afford to, and Marcus lost by a lot. I'm not entirely sure we're not stuck with her for a very long time, unless she loses a primary, which I don't see happening with the Republicans in their current state.

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Abortion bans don't stop abortions. People with the means will travel out of state. People without the means to travel will obtain abortions by whatever means necessary. Women will die.

There were reasons why Roe was decided the way it was. Some people have forgotten history or never learned it. Women they know and women they love will die. They will remember, they will learn. It will be too late.

I'm GenX, and I wouldn't answer a poll if you paid me. I will vote, and I will never vote for a Republican for the rest of my life. If there's no Dem candidate on the ballot for a specific office, I leave it blank so they can see how many votes they're not getting when they don't run a candidate.

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Bernie Sanders was the best-positioned potential third party candidate in probably the last 50-100 years. Why, then, didn't Bernie run as a third party candidate? Because it's not a viable strategy in the FPTP way we run elections here. He knew that it would be the worst option.

There isn't a viable "other way".

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What socialist country has restaurants that give an itemized bill in English with USD for the currency?

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It's almost as if he isn't actually investigating medical billing fraud.

"Basically how the government was going to be run..." in regards to WHAT, Nikki?!?

The interest rate on my federal direct student loans is 6.8% on half of them (undergrad) and ~9% on the other half (graduate), iirc.

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If it's the one from his arraignment, it's a trump branded umbrella that says "TRUMP" in gold letters on the side you can't see. Which, if it's anything like his other branded stuff, it's most likely crap, and you can buy one if you are easily parted from your money.

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Yep. It pisses me off when I'm talking about the effective ban in my state (TN), and some dipshit says, "They have until 6 weeks, it's not a ban!1!1!1!1", as if the practical fucking effect of the policy isn't that by the time a person knows they're pregnant, it's almost certainly too late to do anything about it.

Nevermind the fact that the state doesn't really have any abortion providers left, and the closest states to go to might be NC or IL, each of which is roughly a 4-6 hour drive each way for most residents of the state.

It's asinine, and cowardly. If you want to ban it, ban it and prepare to get kicked to the curb. Stop lying to people about your policies because you're too cowardly to defend your position.

It's terrible, and he's a terrible person. But, I had concerns that this case getting decided too fast would hurt the other case trying to overturn TX's ban. One of the arguments in the state-wide ban case was that women could go to the court and get permission for abortion as needed. That's a horrible solution that doesn't scale, but if this case was too quick to resolve, the court could use it for cover and not have to rule on the overall ban in TX.

Paxton acting like such an entitled prick about this ruling might actually help both cases survive. This case will get a stronger opinion by the judge, and the other case won't be able to just point to this case as a "see you don't need us" scapegoat way out of actually ruling on the larger ban question state-wide.

Yes. That's how no-fault divorce works. The point is, they don't want that at all, for anyone, regardless of assets or children. They want wives to be the property of men, unable to get a divorce.

There's a constitutional reason the justice department falls under the president. It is a function of the executive branch, from Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution: "...shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed...". The DoJ is the enforcement arm of the executive branch.

A decent approach, as a social platform, would be to use the Reddit model. The content is stripped and replaced with [deleted] if deleted by the user, and [removed] if removed by moderation (with the appropriate log in the modlog). This should maintain the overall comment chain.

I think the issue may be federating the update to other instances. I'm not sure how it works now, but if it's treated as an edit, that should work like they currently do.

That was bait. They say something borderline reasonable now, and you listen. Eventually, they say something weird and you let it slide. These people weasel themselves into reasonable people's lives and ruin them, day after day.

Every Unity developer is under the same agreement. The changes were not announced to be "moving forward". It's a change to existing licenses to use Unity. For everyone. Everywhere.

I don't know that licensing changes have been retroactive in the past. How do lawyers prevent companies from retroactively changing licensing? My guess would be to sue after the fact, which is probably why these developers are hinting that they're going to suffer economic harm if Unity follows through with this. This statement may be their lawyers doing the work they'd normally do in this kind of circumstance.

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Freedoms were not limited. Any user can still go apply for a beehaw account if they want one. Any beehaw user can open an account on any other instance they want. People can still talk, people can still be heard.

No one is entitled to force others to listen to what they say. Beehaw's owner pays for their server. It's their own private instance. They can determine the rules that accounts that use or federate with their instance have to follow, and everyone has the freedom to associate with beehaw if they want.

Finally, beehaw isn't a government, taking an action to limit the freedoms of their citizens. In most modern, western societies, that is between governments and their people. In nearly every similar structure, those people do not have the same "rights" in regards to private businesses or private organizations.

Don't believe me? Go into a grocery store and start screaming obscenities at fellow customers and see how long it takes you to be forcibly removed and banned from the premises. And that won't be your freedoms being limited, either. It will be that private business deciding that you're not allowed to associate with them any longer.

This is no different. The people who run beehaw can choose how to run their space. It's their money they pay for the service with. We don't get to tell them how to spend it. Their users and donors have a say in it, and if their users and donors don't like how the operators respond to their expectations, then they won't have users and donors. That's for them to decide.

People act like they're entitled to an audience with beehaw users, and they simply aren't. It's that easy. You can't just go into your neighbor's house and demand they listen to what you have to say. They can, and will, boot your ass to the curb, or worse, as soon as they're tired of listening. I'm not sure why this is so hard for some people to understand.

This is such a short-sighted take. My wife was prom queen... 3 years before I met her. I forgot about it completely until I read your post and thought, "what a childish thing to say, no one cares about that." Why? Because I have 20 years of history with my wife. 2 children, a good job, a good life, and a happy family. Exactly 0% of that has anything to do with a prom that happened years before we met.

I want to live a long and happy life, and have as many days as possible with my wife, my children, and maybe their children (if they decide to have any). The things that worry me aren't whether or not I'm having sex with a former prom queen, but how can I stay healthy so I can have a chance to make as many memories with the people I love as possible. It's about whether or not they feel loved, accepted, and fulfilled. High school popularity has no value whatsoever to healthy, adjusted adults.

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It was the main part of my comment I made earlier. That's my favorite part of her letter: the "keep fucking with me and get embarrassed" part.


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She ran unopposed in the last election after claiming she was going to retire. However, because the local Democratic party can't get its shit together to run a candidate, she just filed her papers and extended her career of taking those free tax dollars and putting them in her pocket.

That was me in 1996. My parents worked in factories when I was in elementary school, getting paid a piece rate for work. By the time I graduated from high school, their factory jobs had been sent overseas or to Mexico, and they were working as a handyman & selling shoes at Walmart. Combined, they made somewhere in the low to mid $30k per year range, and had 3 boys to raise. I had to take loans to go to college. I worked as much as I could to try and cover my bills while in college. I had the GI Bill from the national guard providing a couple hundred dollars per month.

I ended up dropping out of college after a few years because I couldn't keep up. I went back after my daughter was born, and used the max federal Stafford loans (~10k/yr) to help pay living expenses because I was working 2-3 part time jobs to work around my schedule and helping to pay rent, utilities, and food for myself, my wife, and a baby while my wife went to school as well. I worked so much that I barely remember my kid before she was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I don't think I could have worked more.

But now, conservatives say that I shouldn't have taken loans. I shouldn't have gone to school because I couldn't afford it. What is the alternative? A life of raising a family making minimum wage delivering pizzas? Relying on public assistance and tax credits? Or working my ass off for a few years, taking some loans, paying them back slowly with maybe some forgiveness at some point, and now paying 13-15k per year in taxes?

Kind of weird to be told to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", do that, and then be told that you should have just stayed poor because your parents couldn't afford to pay for college for you.

The Republicans on the Supreme Court would have struck it down anyway like they have with most of the VRA, EPA, Clean Air/Water acts, etc. Codifying doesn't mean shit to these clowns on the Court.

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Three, actually, if you count the indicted guy, the current governor, and the Miami mayor.

It happened. Her boyfriend was playing with her boobs, and she was giving him an over the pants rub in the theater. There are night vision shots of it that were published at the time. I'm not googling it for you, but try "Boebert Beetlejuice fondling" and that should find it.

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Wait until people and brands start getting spammed with @s full of porn or CSAM and they can't block the person tweeting it at them.

I believe you could use block to prevent other people's shit from showing up in your feeds that other people see. My account is there, pointing at my mastadon account, but I deleted the app from my phone last December, so it doesn't really matter to me what happens on that site. But, it seems wild that a person can spam your feed with goatse and you can't do anything about it.

"B-b-but he wasn't convicted!"

Ayo, if you want to run for office, try not to even be fucking insurrection-adjacent. Then it's not even a question. This clown pushed the boundaries of the law until they broke, and now wants to say he should just be given a free pass. No. He could have coasted and told his supporters to go home, and blamed Biden for making lemonade poison. They would have made him even more of a golden idol. Instead, he fucked around, and now has court cases out the ass to find out with.

What an absolute loser.

The 10 Commandments, iirc.

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Yo... You think people never thought about selling sex before this was posted on Lemmy?

This is like giving people the idea of the wheel. I'd be willing to bet that human beings bartered for sex before they bartered for food or water.

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...and my mind is stronger than a child's...

It's not though. It really, really isn't.

Ok, but what do you mean by "pretentious"? Who gets to decide how important an issue is to someone else? Pretentious means that a person is acting like an issue is more important to them than it actually is. Who decides how important it is to a person that they're living in a country where police can kill an innocent person and not face a jury over it? Who decides how important it is to a person that the women in their lives can get raped and will be forced by the state to give birth to a child that is the result of the rape?

Your definition of "woke" is built upon a third party determining that someone else's concern with an issue is not as important as they "pretend" it is. Who gets to decide that, and under what authority?

It's easy to do if it's a grift for paying kickbacks by paying well over market rate for services that you can pad the numbers on easily.

This is correct. This article is reddit-approved propaganda. People were not shown nsfw content without their consent until reddit admins removed the subs' nsfw status and set them back to sfw. This article also doesn't account for the fact that subs' own users voted to change the content of the subs, and then reddit claimed that subs must remain open and available to the users who have formed communities on them. The communities decided they wanted a different type of community, and reddit said no.

I wish people would stop working for free for this multi-billion dollar corporation so they'd actually have to pay for moderation and not get to profit off of the free labor of its users.