
1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am sure they will find a lot of "users" who will vote... and then they can claim it was a fair game, haha. I am really enjoying this from afar. Not a day passes until another hilarious "press statement" from that spez. I really loved Reddit for what it was with all the smaller niche communities. These are the ones I miss here, but I hope growth continues and good people come over to populate the fediverse and bring over their unique ideas and discussions.

That is also holding me back. I am hosting tons of stuff myself, all dockerized, but I was not able to get kbin up and running yet. I wish someone would manage the images, so we can just pull, edit a .env and run / upgrade it.

For me the whole process always hangs at a step that seems to have something to do with the php setup. I tried on different servers, even created a fresh Ubuntu 22 LTS and still had the same problem. I am sure I am doing something wrong (probably editing something incorrectly in the settings), but the process it not as easy yet as it is for the other services I am hosting at the moment.

Rock and Stone brother!

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Awesome! I am looking forward to it, and I love that it's made for both major platforms :-)

I have the feeling that there exists a song about this...

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It could have been a cheap entry into the Z* topic, that is why I asked specifically for those 2. I have no real need currently for Z* devices at the moment, but I am curious and might start with a USB dongle in the future... but that one then can go directly into my Homelab anyway. Thanks for the suggestion :-)

That's a good Idea too. If I find nothing else, before it sits here any longer, I will ask around my friends and colleagues and ultimately it will go to a thriftstore. I do not like to throw away stuff that still works, so this is a really good idea. Thank you :-)

That is what I did until recently with my other Box that has an AMD T40E... but then it had to run Nextcloud that I wanted to move from an external hoster to my Home and it was just too slow to be usable. So my Homelab (just a MiniPC) has to run anyway 24/7 for the family and it has all the other Containers as well. To save a bit of power on that one, the Minecraft Server (that even in idle consumes quite some CPU cycles) can be turned on / off by the family via a button in Home Assistant :-)

I was more thinking about Berlin - "Take my bread away", but this works too :-)

I always have the feeling I should know k8s more, although I am sure I do not need it. Can you mix Architectures in k8s Clusters? Like my Homelab (x64) has the Pi-Hole and the Z69 Box (ARM) takes over with a standby Pi-Hole if the homelab goes down? Or do k8s Clusters need to be uniform regarding CPU architecture?

SSH Reverse Tunneling is super useful to get remote systems connected which only have very limited internet access through mobile carriers. They usually do NAT and you have no chance to connect to these sites with a dial-in VPN or other technologies that require YOU to connect to the remote system. So we just create a reverse ssh tunnel with autossh that is kept alive by the remote system itself and we connect back to the system to the ssh tunnel. Since ssh is installed anyway, that is one of the simplest and most versatile options to connect to these systems for us.

Haha :-) I was seriously considering hosting my own KBin or Lemmy Instance on my Homelab for a bit, but then I figured it would be just for fun (which is not a bad thing) and will just consume electricity and space for something I use once or twice a day and I use almost exclusively alone. So it won't even contribute to the community. I am not even sure if it would be fast enough, but that sounds like a nice Sunday afternoon project to just prove that it works (or doesn't) for fun :-)

OK, dumb question probably but a quick web search did not help me (also my fault probably). But how do you crosspost? Do you need to @ place the other community names in the Subject or in the Tags or in the Text of your post?

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I really want to self-host Kbin, since I like the interface and approach of it a bit more than Lemmy. But since building the docker images failed on my Homelab, I spun up a fresh Ubuntu LTS 22 Server at my hoster and ran through the Admin Docs again... sitting here still after 15 Minutes it trying to build the PHP image and it does not seem to make any progress. I wish we could pull the images and run it without building them ourselves. But kbin is in its early stages, maybe someone will push built images to a registry in the future.

If this runs for another hour without any progress I guess I will call it a day and try Lemmy next.

Brilliant, thank you very much. That makes finding and subscribing to new communities so easy :-)

Hmm... Smart Mirror like Magic Mirror? It's the first time I hear this... looks really interesting! I will look into this. I always wondered where to put a panel you easily see, but is not intrusive to show some information you should know for the upcoming day... Smart Mirrors sounds like they tick all the boxes!

I see. Thank you for your reply, also to @grus. I will go the manual route for now too until we can do it right from our posts :-)