
1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I picked up Duck Detective and Nova lands. Been in need of some new Steam Deck games and these seem perfect!

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I come back to watch this every few years. It's so good!

Lol. They have absolutely 0 confidence in the game otherwise they'd be sending these codes out no problem.

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Man. Bloody corporates. You can bet your ass it won't be any of the higher ups being let go.

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Stardew Valley by a long shot.

Hollow Knight is up there too.

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Man, how about you rather try to not make the game an insufferable grind fest. I love the gameplay so much, but each time I decide to log back in and give it another go it doesn't take long before that fun layer is peeled back and I see the grind lurking underneath.

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Python seems to be a staple for as long as I can remember and it looks like it's still gonna be going strong for a good while yet!

I'm thinking of taking the dive and finally learning it myself soon.

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Sigh. All these publishers are doing by rushing games out the door is training future buyers to not want to buy games on release.

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No duh?


Oh course he does... It's kind of his schtick isn't it?

Iirc the one time he hyped up something it ended up being this weird mobile game.

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Wow, there's a throwback!

I don't think I'll ever get over how shortsighted buying that domain name was.

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Something I find helpful is to PR review my own code before I create the actual PR. It's surprising how giving it a once over in a different setting to the comfort zone of your code editor can save you a bit of unnecessary back and forth.

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With as many bugs most likely. Hard pass.

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Shut up. 6 years!? 👴

Wow, thought I'd be in the majority with this but Baldur's Gate 3.

Followed closely by HiFi Rush and Sea of Stars.

This store has already died a thousand deaths it seems. Could've sworn they were all closing down ages ago but you still find them everywhere.

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Bloody Paimon. (Genshin Impact)

And this is coming from someone who still logs on frequently. All I want is to mute her.

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The older I get, the more "it depends".

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Ya but what about the AAAA games?

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Smarter Every Day

Mark Rober

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When I can't stop thinking about it when I'm not playing it.

You should try copilot if you haven't yet.

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This is a great game! I'm glad many more people get to enjoy it.

Every time

It seems like Sony have finally found their Mario and I'm stoked about it!

Danny's really a treasure to this industry.

Man I chose a terrible time to be broke 😭

Screw you Dell

Just like with the Pokémon company, nothing will change as long as people keep throwing money at them.

Man I hope they do it justice. This game was so great back in the day and I'd love to play a revamped version of it. The following games as well though, so I'm even more hopeful this succeeds!

Same old...

Wow this looks great! Loved the vibe from the previous trailer a while back. Definitely keeping an eye on it.

South Africa would like to have a word... This is exactly what happened with Jacob Zuma. Thankfully not in a country that's a world superpower though... 😳

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Man that thumbnail is confusing. Having no context for this game at all I have no idea what's going on there.

Ok, I'll bite... Why don't you want to install Steam? Just curious.

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I hate other souls like games but managed my way through Elden Ring because of this and what /u/ampersandrew said about going away and coming back after exploring and leveling a bit more.

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I can play it for free through both GamePass and PS+ and yet I still bought it on Steam.

Suffice it to say the Steam Deck has changed how I consume certain games.

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Kind of unrelated but I really wish they'd stick to Dr. Robotnik for everything instead of the stupid "Eggman" moniker.

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