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Alright. That is too specific. This guy fucks his dog. There’s no other explanation. This GOP is a dog fucker.

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I think boys and men have serious issues in our society that are not getting the attention they need. This along with changing social structures leaves some men behind. And they turn to the dark corners of the internet where other men just like them seem to care about them, and seem to have the same problems as them.

Boys and men are falling behind in schools and universities. Many colleges that have affirmative action are now having to use it to boost enrollment for men. Many of these rules were originally meant to increase numbers for women.

Women and girls have issues that society needs to help them with, and often times these issues get a lot more attention and are met with sympathy and understanding.

Whereas sometimes for men’s issues, the base reaction of society is to say stop crying and be a man. Men asking for help in and of itself is generally seen as not a manly thing to do.

This is an oversimplification of the issues, but just making fun of incels without trying to understand where they are coming from is probably not the best strategy to get them the help they need.

This in turn, leads them to start listening to men like Andrew Tate and other asshats.

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Learning how to say no. Having personal boundaries.

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They raise the rent either way. If minimum wage was indexed to inflation since 1960’s it would be over 25 dollars.

20$ is still way too low. Workers produce more now than ever but get paid less than they did in the 60’s.

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Abortion to me isn’t a matter of conscious or morality to me at all. It’s about looking at the facts and making a logical decision based on the current available information.

People who are against abortion rights are in my opinion imbeciles who don’t know how to interpret factual information and believe they have the imperative to make life or death medical decisions for other people.

I don’t give a fuck what your religion says about the morality of other people. People who try to make decisions for other people based on their religion can go sodomize themselves with their religious texts.

The only person’s actions your religious belief gets to dictate is your own.

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No. It’s not normal at all. But you do you. No one is normal.

But I would be more worried about having OCD if you are worried that (not) using separate towels for your hands and face makes you less clean.

The only thing offensive to public order and morals is prudish bullshit religious ideology.

Nothing about the naked human form is immoral.

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She is kind of similar to a fog machine in a lot of ways

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Weird…. But who cares.

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nelson from the simpsons pointing and saying ha ha!

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No hashtags, no anonymity…. Threads has no purpose and is likely to fail unless this changes

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Wheelchairs aren’t covered sorry

He’s a corrupt POS who sucks Wall Street off behind the dumpster at McDonald’s. He doesn’t want anyone to know about his corruption.

Religion is a mental illness.

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Almost as if upper management and middle management aren’t actually good leaders. Almost as if everything they do is not only complete bullshit but also actively harms the company by causing inefficiencies directly.

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You are correct. Most cops say this out loud when they are drinking with their coworkers off duty.

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While I do see your point, police have been using and abusing their authority to suppress American’s civil rights and liberties for so long, it’s just about a cliche.

This particular murderer thought he was above the law and the family of George Floyd are getting his justice. I feel like making fun of him for losing his appeal is appropriate here.

It’s beyond mere “relief” to see an officer face accountability. At the very least it is cathartic and makes me question society as a whole because it happens so infrequently.

I don’t feel bad about posting this meme. Sorry if you disagree.

I don’t have to feel somber about a murderer facing justice. I can be happy and celebratory.

My feelings are important too

I don’t think she was making any decisions actually. Not even regarding which direction to wipe.

Why are all of trump’s friends a bunch of losers?

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Isn’t he on trial for using speech to incite an insurrection?

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So does Mike’s Johnson

Probably not the most disturbing thing but still kind of funny.

When the internet first came out we were in middle school or high school and my friends dad had great internet connection because he worked for the Navy. Anyways we were amazed that you could find anything about anything just by typing it into the web crawler (I think that’s what the search engine was called back then.

One night we were just chilling and looking up random stuff and we were like damn, you can literally find anything.

“I bet they even have horses fucking chickens!”

And well. Yes. Yes they do.

We’d have to have more information. If a drug is “in your system” that’s not quite the same as being high on the drug.

Cocaine stays in your system like three days I believe. He could have done cocaine three days before no longer been high.

Marijuana stays in your system up to 90 days. He could have smoked a joint 3 months before the incident and still had marijuana “in his system”.

This is a tragic incident, I’m just pointing this out. I don’t know what state of mind the pilot was in but there is a big difference between having a drug in your system and being high on said drug.

We need to stop the war on drugs. Drugs are not bad.

Lol I just realized why I’m seeing so many 9/11 memes

The Israeli government is a disgrace. Shameful corrupt regime needs to be jailed for crimes against humanity.

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Maybe you should consider renegotiating your contract

Are you suggesting that because you are being exploited other people should be too… lol

Netanyahu is on television saying he is proud to have killed more than 3 times as many civilians as Hamas.

If you support the israeli government you are a piece of shit. Period.

It’s not sinning if you ain’t religious

This cat definitely qualifies as a chonker

The idea of meritocracy is being exposed as the complete bullshit that it is. For the most part, the folks at the top of the company were born there. And the folks at the bottom of the ladder were also born there.

The owner class is not some group of genius businessmen. It’s just that if you have a lot of money, you can make a lot more money with it even if you are really stupid.

Capitalist problems. I bet he won’t give any money away though

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I don’t think people are capable of engaging in genuine discourse about human sexuality.

The people who are always crying about pedos and such every time anything related to the internet and sexuality is brought up in the news creep me out.

But both reddit and lemmy also have some fucked up shit posted in them as well.

It’s not black and white…. You could almost say it is 50 shardes of gray……..

The companies are making record profits off of those same writers and artists.

If you’re unsympathetic maybe stop watching and consuming media? Good luck to you

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Jesus told me to love my brother 👀

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I was on Apollo as well and then found this after looking at a few other thingees…

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That ass is 130 pounds

Why does he look like he is straining to get a log of shit out of his ass?

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Trump supporters are idiots. If they get upset. Fuckem. Give zero fucks for there feelings.

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That’s like, your opinion man

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