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Joined 9 months ago

Also: Move stuff, don't delete it. It's faster to restore from a renamed folder than from backup.

As a European from elsewhere in Europe, I'm never going back to Milan. Maybe it's fine if you're into fashion, but if you're not there's not much to look at except a cathedral which resembles every other cathedral, and it's impossible to get a photo of it without also having a friendship bracelet scammer in the frame, actively harassing you.

All tourist locations in Italy and France have people trying to scam you (and some non-scammers just trying to sell you cheap toys), but Milan is the only place I've been to where they're straight up harassing you non-stop. Go to Pisa instead, it's super relaxing there and you can marvel at their past mistakes in structural engineering. A far better deal.

18 more...

Different goals. The goal of Apollo was to make a good app. The goal of the official reddit app is to show you ads and siphon money off you.

I guarantee you a good chunk of that R&D money is for making ads more profitable and other monetization.

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The secret ingredient to get on the front page of Forbes is fraud.

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Pretty sure it's always been upfront with that it still tracks you? I always thought of it as a "don't store history and cookies locally" thing and nothing more. Maybe I read that disclaimer with more cynicism than most?

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A lot of services these days support multiple forms of authentication. Did you sign up with a separate password? Did you use Google or Facebook auth? Is this a corporate account where auth is via their SSO? They don't even know whether they should ask for your password until they know who you are.

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Both. It will prevent other sites from seeing some of your data, while giving Google more of your data. Of course Google wants to do this, it gives them a competitive edge. Smells like brewing lawsuits, though.

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The stocks thing isn't new. He, AOC and others actually co-sponsored a bill banning members of Congress from owning individual stocks.


I don't see why not. Our bottle opener is a penis. Fun for the whole family!

Penis shaped bottle opener from the Icelandic Phallological Museum

Looks like the company is https://www.winterwinds.io/, but they do not appear to have any open job listings at the moment. I assume this is an older screenshot.

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I think it's mostly that very few of them identify as Republican.

But also, the less stigma around gender expression, the more kids will be open to explore theirs.

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Hey now, they came veery close to repealing it, McCain just decided to postpone dying for a few days to be the deciding vote against the repeal.

They had no replacement, of course, because undoing whatever Obama did was the goal, not helping people.

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Some things got better. The magic variables, the killer feature which popularized PHP and also introduced the most vulnerabilities, has been gone for more than a decade. It's not nearly as easy to accidentally make a vulnerability now. WordPress is still horrific, though.

But the reason PHP is still around is simple: There's not much competition. mod_php is still by far the most convenient way to run shared hosting. You just install the module, and people can put .php files on their website and it just works. No need to set up FastCGI, some servlet engine, reverse proxy or any of that jazz you need when using python, ruby or node.js.

Sure, if you're running your own VM somewhere, you can set all that up, but a lot of people are still on cheap, shared hosting, where all they can do is upload files via FTP. The only real scripting language which doesn't need any server software configured is PHP, so that's what those hosting providers support.

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Not necessarily even voters. A bunch of the Jan 6th loonies didn't even vote before throwing a hissy fit over the results. Some of the loudest ones are too busy screaming to make it to the polls.

Plenty of others do vote, though, so you should too.

All of Silicon Valley is just like the show. Some friends of mine couldn't even watch it because it hit too close to home.

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Not the most recent, because this happened years ago, but I once managed to run over my own hand with an office chair -- while I was sitting on it.

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YubiKeys have almost every imaginable form factor these days. Here's the USB-C version without NFC:

YubiKey 5C

Probably stopped being funny when the third person looking for IT showed up.

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Legally speaking you'd have a hard time prosecuting that as murder. You'd have to prove that she was intending for the old lady to die when she shoved her. I'm guessing she was charged with some combination of second degree assault and manslaughter, maybe more. She was facing up to 25 years and took a plea deal for 8, which I assume included part of the charges being dropped.

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They're suggesting that they copied the HTML file, but that the archived one had modified references pointing to archive.org, which they did not notice and therefore didn't change. So now the file fetches resources from the wrong place.

Why not skip the middle man and ask ChatGPT directly?

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New Hondas with front cameras (used for adaptive cruise control and lane departure warnings) will read speed limit signs to display them in the dashboard.

It only parses the number, so if a US car is in Canada it will say the speed limit is 110 mph on the highway. If these GM cars do the same they'd probably think any Canadian car going for a weekend trip to the US did so at prison-worthy speeds.

Why would you be fascinated by that? She's probably been more famous than all of the NFL combined for more than a decade. Why wouldn't she get more attention than them?

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I noticed I had dropped a piece of paper, and one of the wheels was on top of it. I tried to do a little hop to quickly pull the paper out, and somehow I landed on the hand pulling the paper.

So technically I more hopped onto more than ran over the hand, but I took some narrative liberties for comedic effect.

While potty training, my daughter held her poop for over a week. We had to cave and let her use a diaper, because she was at risk of permanent injuries. Then suddenly one day she decided diapers were for babies and started pooping in the toilet.

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It's also a volume thing. By the time I reach a reddit comment thread what I wanted to say has already been said, and if I say it again my comment will drown in a sea of heavily upvoted comments. On lemmy you can be several days late to the party and still get both upvotes and responses.

I got banned from some sub for calling out people on their shit in some post on the front page. I didn't even realize what sub I was commenting in. Didn't matter of course, and my appeal got ghosted.

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Using a file system is much less bad than dynamically allocating memory, at least as long as you keep a predefined set of files.

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If you want really good answers, you will need to be more specific about your requirements.

The absolute cheapest as the question is stated is to go dumpster diving for a free hard drive and host it at a friend's house, but this is likely not what you had in mind.

  • Do you need backups?
  • Does it need to be encrypted at rest?
  • What bandwidth do you need up and down?
  • Is it okay with a monthly bandwidth cap?
  • what latency is okay? Is cold storage where it takes a day or more to fetch the data okay?
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Not very surprising. The Taliban bans opium farming every time they're in power. Opium farming exploded again after the US invaded Afghanistan, and now that the Taliban is back there's another crackdown.

Well yeah, otherwise it will end up like Atari. No sales for the first one because everyone is waiting for the next one.

The tracking disclaimer is the standard message you get when an app uses Google ads. Pay for it and there are no ads, and by extension no tracking.

Can confirm, I never heard of them before this post.

I don't know, but my guess would be people gaming the algorithms. Search results have also gone to shit after everyone SEO-ed them to death, and this is probably the same.

My favorite optimization is this restaurant in NYC called Thai Food Near Me:

Restaurant called Thai Food Near Me

vim. Just basic vim, I don't jazz it up to be all IDE-like. I want my vim to behave exactly like it would if I'm on some random other computer.

If I need autocomplete, ability to jump to the definition of stuff and so forth I use whatever the other people on the project use, which is often vscode these days.

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This isn't even about preference, though. Most people would recognize Taylor Swift before they'd recognize any NFL players, even if they hate her music.

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If you have ssh/SCP you can use sshfs to mount the remote host as a fuse filesystem. That would let you edit files on your workstation, but more or less all other commands would still need to happen on the remote system.

If they're a good enough fit, the company might hire them despite not having any open positions. It happened to me once.

Eh, tech companies also push out shitty stuff, and sometimes the shitty stuff is hardware.

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... why is there a Hot Tub section on a gaming site, and what else would it be for?